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Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board.

03-28-2014 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by mindraider
Apparently there is evidence on MH370 that can't be made public. My heart goes out to the family members.

Also the news that the search area has changed again is incredible. And it's based on the radar data from Malaysia? That doesn't make any sense. I thought the satellite analysis had determined where it likely crashed...

There is every reason to believe the Malaysians either have no idea what they are doing or are trying to cover something up, which is going to be hard when the world is watching.

Last edited by FeralCreature; 03-28-2014 at 02:08 AM.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 02:06 AM
Malaysia is coordinating the search effort because it is their plane ,they request help from various countries and companies and then pass on the details to whoever they need assistance from.This is totally standard.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 02:24 AM
have you guys ever heard of schrodinger's cat?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by andyhop
Malaysia is coordinating the search effort because it is their plane ,they request help from various countries and companies and then pass on the details to whoever they need assistance from.This is totally standard.
Was there anyone questioning this?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
Was there anyone questioning this?
Given that you stated that the Radar information came from Malaysia despite the article you quoted saying the information originated in the UK I believed you were.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature

Also the news that the search area has changed again is incredible. And it's based on the radar data from Malaysia? That doesn't make any sense. I thought the satellite analysis had determined where it likely crashed...

There is every reason to believe the Malaysians either have no idea what they are doing or are trying to cover something up, which is going to be hard when the world is watching.
They had a general area based on the last ping combined with an assumed speed. The radar data is showing they were going faster than the assumed speed which is why the search location is being adjusted. There's more than one factor involved in the calculations.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 04:21 AM
It's basically confirmed aliens now that they are unwilling to reveal what happened.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by forchar
It's basically confirmed aliens now that they are unwilling to reveal what happened.

More object sightings reported on twitter:

AMSA News ‏@AMSA_News 17m

RNZAF Orion spotted objects in #MH370 search area, identity to be established. Soon to land @ RAAF Pearce. AMSA awaiting imagery.

AMSA News ‏@AMSA_News 17m

Sightings need confirmation by ship - not expected until tomorrow.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 06:56 AM
yeah, they should just start searching the nearest planets now
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
have you guys ever heard of schrodinger's cat?
This him?

Last edited by OodaThunkett; 03-28-2014 at 07:13 AM. Reason: changed a word for another word
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by JAAASH
So how is the crowdsourcing going with this? The 3 million internet sleuths haven't found the plane yet!!!???
How's all those non crowd sourcing methods going?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by forchar
And what if he chose to crash the plane to save the passengers from teh aliens. Thats technically suicide but it could also be categorized as aliens and/or heroism
Originally Posted by forchar
Who wins if it's aliens
Originally Posted by forchar
They'll never be able to rule out aliens, regardless of outcome.
Originally Posted by forchar
This still doesn't rule out aliens.
Originally Posted by forchar
can we get back to trying to figure out which planet the aliens are from
Originally Posted by forchar

Originally Posted by forchar
No and they refuse to mention aliens either.
Originally Posted by forchar
Small chance it was a black hole but ya it's pretty much a lock it was aliens at this point. What other plausible explanation could there be?
Originally Posted by forchar
Originally Posted by forchar
CNN BREAKING NEWS: "What kind of websites were the pilots visiting? Were they going to child pornography websites? That kind of information is much more important than what they deleted from their flight simulator"

Still no aliens.
Originally Posted by forchar
CNN BREAKING NEWS: "Kazakhstan found no trace of the aircraft in their territory"

Still no mention of aliens
Originally Posted by forchar
I'm patiently waiting for CNN to use the word 'aliens'

I don't care what context they use it in, I just need them to say that word.
Originally Posted by forchar
CNN: The pilot made a cell phone call 8 minutes before the flight.

So I guess he was calling the aliens.
Originally Posted by forchar
10 theories about missing Flight MH370 (

no blackhole. no aliens. wtf?
Originally Posted by forchar
Because there is an outside chance aliens have finally made contact with us.
Originally Posted by forchar
The only question that remains is which planet the aliens were from.
Dude, this was never funny. So if you could just stop AIDSing up the thread with this ****, that would be good.

Ban would work also.

Last edited by Gin 'n Tonic; 03-28-2014 at 07:42 AM. Reason: Jeez, this crap is like 12% of your posts.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
Dude, this was never funny. So if you could just stop AIDSing up the thread with this ****, that would be good.

Ban would work also.
That "I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens" pic posted way in the beginning was kinda funny. Everything else referring to aliens wasn't in the slightest.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 07:56 AM
Yeah the aliens "jokes" are a huge cancer on this thread. Just stop.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 08:07 AM
Sometimes conspiracy theories can be funny though for their pure ******edness:


It could have been an accident. There could have been a small short lived fire that knocked out one of the transponders and damaged the other one enough that it eventually failed. Although this fire was extinguished, it could have also ruptured the canisters that house the chemicals for the chemtrails. Because of the fire the pilot most likely would have set a course to turn around and land at the nearest airport to assess the damage, but he didn't know that the chemtrial containers were ruptured and was overcome by the chemicals before he could fully enter in the new flight plan into the flight computer causing the plane to fly off until it crashed. When they are diluted into the atmosphere those chemitrail chemicals will leave people susceptible to a suggestive state, but they aren't deadly. However in an undiluted form and in an enclosed space those things will cause unconsciousness and death in a matter of minutes.

And this is why the Malaysian government is sealing evidence.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 08:53 AM
My favourite is the black hole theory, I mean I'm no expert, but really?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
have you guys ever heard of schrodinger's cat?
This is actually an apt analogy.

Some people believe the passengers are alive somewhere. Some believe they are dead.

We will not know which until we observe the result, so our observation will determine which it i.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 08:59 AM
This has broken up again, you might just want to click this link instead.

Search operation for Malaysia
irlines aircraft: Update
aircraft spotted multiple objects of various colours
during Friday’s search for the missing Malaysian
Airlines flight MH370
Search activities have now concluded. A total of 256,000 square kilometres was searched.
Photographic i
magery of the objects w
captured and
will be assessed overnight
The objec
ts cannot be
verified or
as being from MH370
they are relocated and
recovered by
A Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) P3 Orion reported sighting a number of objects white or light in
colour and a fishing buoy.
Royal Australian Air Force P3 Orion relocated the objects detected by the RNZAF Orion and reported
it had seen two blue/grey
rectangular objects
floating in the ocean.
A second RAAF P3 Orion spotted
various objects
of various colours
in a separate part of the search area
about 546 kilometres away.
A total of ten planes were tasked by AMSA in today’s search and all have now departed the search area.
AMSA has tasked
Chinese Maritime Administration
patrol ship
Haixun 01
is in t
he sear
ch area
and will be in a position to relocate the
on Saturday.
Friday’s search area was shifted north after international air crash investigators in Malaysia provided the
latest credible lead available to AMSA.
This was on the advice of th
e Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).
Weather conditions in the area are expected to be
reasonable for searching on
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:02 AM
Kiwi plane spotted some objects. Take that, Aussies!
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:08 AM
I'm a bit puzzled why the search areas could change this dramatically. wouldn't the satellites have the exact coordinates of the objects in the pictures they took? are they just not looking for those things anymore?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:12 AM
The debris isn't all that reliable since there's tons of **** in the oceans, it moves pretty fast and some-what unpredictably, and there's a long lag time between when the satellite picture was taken to when they can get something in the area to actually check it out.

The location derived from the ping data is probably the best way of figuring out where they should be searching now - so when they got the 'new information' about plane speed it makes sense that things shift to respond to that information.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:17 AM
I'm ghana nominate jjshabado as my second in this thread since basically everything he posts is something I wish I'd posted earlier.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
Dude, this was never funny. So if you could just stop AIDSing up the thread with this ****, that would be good.

Ban would work also.
Huge +1
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by WhyDid I doThat :|
The sharks must've had quite the feast these last 2 weeks
I've wondered if marine biology or ecology could be used in these situations, like these scientists who tag sharks with gps recorders - they could notice multiple sharks converging to a specific area in the ocean. Or if certain fish would somehow avoid the area of the crash because of the oil or gas.

Probably still hard to do since a plane going into a giant ocean is not a significant event, but a lot of fish know exactly where the plane is.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-28-2014 , 11:05 AM
We should probably start training dolphins to find this plane.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
