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A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan...

12-28-2012 , 06:49 PM
this is gold
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:51 PM
WVU goin for the kill.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:53 PM
Also, I didn't get mad because you were watching espn or not paying me attention. I got mad because I randomly searched your screen name and found a lot of things about me that I hadn't seen before. I was sick of you posting personal things about me online and always looking like a normal guy with a psycho gf. So I really just cleared some things up.
Another thing, I would accuse you of not caring about me because you were a ****ty bf. you would rarely talk to me even when I needed to talk to keep me awake while driving home. You would only want to hangout when you either needed a ride somewhere, wanted wings, or wanted sex. I never would ask you if you cared for me to get attention or have you say nice things like 'no of course I love you' cause that wouldn't have meant anything to me, I just legit wanted to know if you were using me or not and figured (by knowing you) that you'd get tired of it and finally admit you were just using me. For the most part that's why I would say I was too tired or exhausted to do anything because I knew when you just wanted something and didnt actually want to spend time together. The only reason I didn't end this charade sooner was cause it was just what I wanted. I had a bf that I could talk to and hangout with once in awhile but really didnt have to put much effort into it.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
WVU goin for the kill.
Final talbled the 100k last sunday. Sucks for her cuz she loves $ more than most.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:54 PM
amich/WVU: OK, so does he have a car and does he live with his parents? If those two things were lies, then it casts doubt on the whole post and makes this a lot less interesting.

Tsao: I believe he is saying he banged her coworker in the ass and I'm guessing she is implying that maybe he was a little rapey-rapey about it.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Andz
this is trailer trash
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:57 PM
WVU, post pics of car so that I can know who to believe.

Or those vag pics you have.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:57 PM

"You would only want to hangout when you either needed a ride somewhere, wanted wings, or wanted sex."

I love how committed you are to wings.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

"You would only want to hangout when you either needed a ride somewhere, wanted wings, or wanted sex."

I love how committed you are to wings.

Well, damn, if she was my gf, I'd only want to hang out with her in this capacity as well. Seems like WVU had his priorities in check the whole time.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by amichele15
I didn't make up any of that and you know it. I know I've done a lot of ****ty things before but the thing is is that I have changed and bettered myself and working hard for a successfull career and future. You are still going nowhere. I didn't make up the pregnancy and I think you know in your heart I was because of my belly at the time. Also the 'accusation' did happen and the only reason you have a hard time believing it is cause you've been accused of worse before. How do I know you didn't really do what she claimed you did?
Anyways, I don't want contact with you either so I guess our twice a month visit to bdubs for wings is over... Darn. I so enjoyed that. 😏
I was your first real gf or relationship that lasted more than a month or 2 which is sorta pitiful for your age but you really have a lot to learn about relationships. I do too as well as every human in any relationship but here are some hints: cheating is a no no, communication is everything, and starting threads and posts about your gf without her knowledge about very personal, private things are also big ****ing no no's. so I'm sorry you got a dose of what you've been doing to me for months but man up cause if I saw all that and didn't overreact abt it then you really shouldn't either. Your a hypocrite and I finally feel free of you and the baggage of this joke of a relationship. Lets face it, we most likely stayed together because we didn't have anyone else and didn't want to be alone. Well, now you are alone. Now you can go **** all the nasty sluts you'd like and don't have to worry about telling me MONTHS later.
I hope you all the best too, stay sober, and I hope you can find peace. You have a lot of anger, hostility and you are very unsure of yourself and your future. I hope you can figure it all out cause you have a lot of potential and could be great and have a successful career if you just go for it and try something, anything! I hope you are happy and have a nice life.
This whole post reminded me of this Adele song:

A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
amich/WVU: OK, so does he have a car and does he live with his parents? If those two things were lies, then it casts doubt on the whole post and makes this a lot less interesting.

Tsao: I believe he is saying he banged her coworker in the ass and I'm guessing she is implying that maybe he was a little rapey-rapey about it.
Well if anal rape is now "illegal" then lock me up.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:00 PM
chicken wings > sex
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:02 PM
WVU, be honest, was there ever a time when you thought that your relationship with michelle would go for long?
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by amichele15
Also, I didn't get mad because you were watching espn or not paying me attention. I got mad because I randomly searched your screen name and found a lot of things about me that I hadn't seen before. I was sick of you posting personal things about me online and always looking like a normal guy with a psycho gf. So I really just cleared some things up.
Another thing, I would accuse you of not caring about me because you were a ****ty bf. you would rarely talk to me even when I needed to talk to keep me awake while driving home. You would only want to hangout when you either needed a ride somewhere, wanted wings, or wanted sex. I never would ask you if you cared for me to get attention or have you say nice things like 'no of course I love you' cause that wouldn't have meant anything to me, I just legit wanted to know if you were using me or not and figured (by knowing you) that you'd get tired of it and finally admit you were just using me. For the most part that's why I would say I was too tired or exhausted to do anything because I knew when you just wanted something and didnt actually want to spend time together. The only reason I didn't end this charade sooner was cause it was just what I wanted. I had a bf that I could talk to and hangout with once in awhile but really didnt have to put much effort into it.
And this is the problem. You always asked me that. No matter what I said or did. Bailing you out, saving your ass from arrest at casino, putting flowers in your room on your birthday, taking you out to dinner, throwing lunch meat at you using your bare ass as a target, wishing you a good day at school everyday, paying off your bondsman, and in general just giving a **** about you.

But the problem is that you don't think you're lovable. So how could I? She would as why I loved her during sex.

Last edited by WVUskinsfan; 12-28-2012 at 07:13 PM.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:02 PM
And btw, control my emotions? You are miserable everyday. Your either pissed off, upset, depressed, bored, lonely, etc etc. you know this cause how many times would I sit and talk with you for like hours til you'd finally get to what was bothering you?
Also, Amanda was never a good friend so I'm glad to be rid of her, Katie is a weird mom-like chemically imbalanced girl I'm fine with no longer talking to and Jeremy and I will be fine once his gf of a couple months lets him off her leash and her spell wears off. I have other very meaningful relationships and new friends from school whom I adore and am very close to. Your 'best friend' Johnny didn't even care about you when I was telling him you were homeless and in such bad shape I was scared for your life. So don't judge my relationships when you are no better
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by amichele15
I didn't make up any of that and you know it. I know I've done a lot of ****ty things before but the thing is is that I have changed and bettered myself and working hard for a successfull career and future. You are still going nowhere. I didn't make up the pregnancy and I think you know in your heart I was because of my belly at the time.
So wait you got fat and thought you were pregnant?
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Facts we know about what WVU did:

With a coworker of am's
no fetishes
no poop
Made her want to throw up
Not weird
Not fetish-like
something guys do sometimes

This is quite the vexing riddle!!!
Coat hanger abortion?
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:04 PM
I'm really enjoying gregorio's gifs of amichele dancing. They're making me feel more favorably toward her here.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by amichele15
And btw, control my emotions? You are miserable everyday. Your either pissed off, upset, depressed, bored, lonely, etc etc. you know this cause how many times would I sit and talk with you for like hours til you'd finally get to what was bothering you?
Also, Amanda was never a good friend so I'm glad to be rid of her, Katie is a weird mom-like chemically imbalanced girl I'm fine with no longer talking to and Jeremy and I will be fine once his gf of a couple months lets him off her leash and her spell wears off. I have other very meaningful relationships and new friends from school whom I adore and am very close to. Your 'best friend' Johnny didn't even care about you when I was telling him you were homeless and in such bad shape I was scared for your life. So don't judge my relationships when you are no better
Johnny knows your nuts and were severally overreacting
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:05 PM
Throwing meat at her what?
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:05 PM

A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by El Rata
This whole post reminded me of this Adele song:

Amichele loves this song....
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:07 PM
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Throwing meat at her what?

Last edited by WVUskinsfan; 12-28-2012 at 07:13 PM.
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Throwing meat at her what?
A lot of you know myself and WVUskinsfan... Quote
