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Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!!

01-05-2011 , 05:50 PM
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-05-2011 , 07:16 PM
01-05-2011 , 07:39 PM
Great one Funkii

This made me laugh so hard: "Thomas Crapper did not invent the flush toilet"
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-05-2011 , 07:44 PM
I was like 90% sure that "John Crapper" invented the toilet . Pretty sure I told someone that like a month ago. (File that under awesome topics of conversation.)
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-05-2011 , 11:50 PM
"Crapper, however, did much to increase its popularity and came up with some related inventions....He was not the origin of the word crap, but his name may have helped popularize it."

Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-06-2011 , 07:53 PM
Korean's are afraid of fans

Lawyer's also can be fun

The Whizzinator (false penis included)

Coma patients like to troll
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-06-2011 , 08:13 PM
Awesome find NHFunkii. Only problem is I'm going to turn into 'that guy' who bores everyone by correcting them when they proudly come up what they think is an interesting fact.

"Let me just stop there..."
"Well actually..."
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-06-2011 , 10:44 PM
Most human's abuse apostrophes
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-07-2011 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I was like 90% sure that "John Crapper" invented the toilet . Pretty sure I told someone that like a month ago. (File that under awesome topics of conversation.)
I did a report in elementary school and I remember the class laughing when I told them John Crapper invented the toilet. I'm almost positive I got that out of the encyclopedia set we had at home.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-07-2011 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by nflods
Oak Island Money Pit

Franklin Roosevelt, Pirates, booby traps, cipher stones, Knights Templar and the Holy Grail

Came here to post this one. More information w/ maps and diagrams can be found here:
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-07-2011 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by LondonBroil
Came here to post this one. More information w/ maps and diagrams can be found here:
I honestly wish someone like the Google guys would take the money pit on. Its hard for me to accept that ill never know whats down there.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-07-2011 , 02:09 AM
Radioactivity of bananas used as a standard measure to make comparisons to nuclear events.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-07-2011 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by tvent37
Radioactivity of bananas used as a standard measure to make comparisons to nuclear events.

Another way to consider the concept is by comparing the risk from radiation-induced cancer to that from cancer from other sources. For instance, a radiation exposure of 10 mrems (10,000,000,000 picorems) increases your risk of death by about one in one million—the same risk as eating 40 tablespoons of peanut butter, or of smoking 1.4 cigarettes.[5]
trying to figure out what the bolded means. they have a study [5] attached but i don't feel like reading it. does it just mean "risk of getting deadly cancer at some point in your life"?
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-07-2011 , 04:48 PM
That statement doesn't make any sense as written. It could be chance of dying in the next year or in the next hour or in the next minute or due to cancer in your lifetime (in which case it would've had to start out with an assumption about how old you are and whether or not you smoke etc etc etc) or god knows what. It was probably taken from a source who either neglected to mention what exactly he'd calculated or where it was clear in context that the wiki editor missed. You could try going to the source if you feel like it, but I think the jist is clear that whatever the hell 10 mrems is completely insignificant.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-08-2011 , 02:32 AM

Two guys spent two months in an airplane, doing all the refueling and picking up food from a car. Granted, the stall speed of that plane is probably 50-60 mph, but that's still pretty insane.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-09-2011 , 03:35 AM

monkey head transplant

living severed dog head

vids might be disturbing

Last edited by Ponder; 01-09-2011 at 03:50 AM. Reason: fixed
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-09-2011 , 03:45 AM
That's the same vid twice....
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-09-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by good_gamble
From the Biology section
Lemmings do not engage in mass suicidal dives off cliffs when migrating. They will, however, occasionally, and unintentionally fall off cliffs when venturing into unknown territory, with no knowledge of the boundaries of the environment. The misconception is due largely to the Disney film White Wilderness, which shot many of the migration scenes (also staged by using multiple shots of different groups of lemmings) on a large, snow-covered turntable in a studio. Photographers later pushed the lemmings off a cliff. The misconception itself is much older, dating back to at least the late nineteenth century.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-09-2011 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by nflods
Oak Island Money Pit

Franklin Roosevelt, Pirates, booby traps, cipher stones, Knights Templar and the Holy Grail

I live right across the street from the Oak Island Inn about 2 kilometers from Oak Island. If you look on that map in the wiki article the Inn is located in Western Shore. As you might imagine it is a big deal here with lots of locals having been treasure hunters on the island. Most of the land of the island is currently privately owned including the area where the money pit is located. Every once in a while you hear a story about the NS and Canadian governments trying to buy the land from the private owners and open it up as a tourist destination.

Last edited by cardiolite; 01-09-2011 at 03:16 PM.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-16-2011 , 04:16 PM
01-17-2011 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
wow thats crazy
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-17-2011 , 03:49 AM
Interesting incident that took place 35 years ago
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-19-2011 , 06:21 PM
Just reading about Edmund Kemper for the first time. He was a serial killer in the 70s and all I can say is WOW. *Graphic details obv*
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
