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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

01-30-2013 , 02:19 PM

I didn't realize that it was so long lived, but that is about as un-Carliny a quote as I can imagine. Also his wife died in the 90s IIRC.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:28 PM
Happy Birthday ******! 3 years ago today you changed our lives for the best! You are the best 3 year old a parent could ask for, so in return your dad and I are buying you and your brother a new house today!!!!
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:31 PM
Wow that one has it all.
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01-30-2013 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by metaname2

I didn't realize that it was so long lived, but that is about as un-Carliny a quote as I can imagine. Also his wife died in the 90s IIRC.
It is obviously a Richard Pryor quote
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01-30-2013 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by DavidFongs

Some people probably legitimately didn't know she was referring to a type of horse (me included until I googled "Arabian horse")
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 04:32 PM
What''s wrong with Arabian horses?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
What''s wrong with Arabian horses?
They chainsmoke and wear way too much cologne
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by SurpriseDaNuts
Happy Birthday ******! 3 years ago today you changed our lives for the best! You are the best 3 year old a parent could ask for, so in return your dad and I are buying you and your brother a new house today!!!!
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
What''s wrong with Arabian horses?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 05:07 PM
I prefer to thank my alarm clock.

idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by AUGUY55
I prefer to thank my alarm clock.

idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 05:30 PM
"My son just asked if God might forget to wake him up."
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 05:53 PM
*wake up him
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by AUGUY55
I prefer to thank my alarm clock.

Well at least they didn't split the infinitive.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 06:42 PM
"To wake up you" certainly falls under idiotic
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01-30-2013 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by adsman
Well at least they didn't split the infinitive.
This seems like a good joke that went over my head.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
What''s wrong with Arabian horses?
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:34 PM
Seen this one yet?

idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:36 PM
HAPPILY MARRIED WEEK: If your spouse is your best friend, works extremely hard, has been with you through triumphs and tragedies, who loves you when you are at your worst, and at your best, whom you are PROUD to be married to, post this as your status followed by the year you got married- 1992
First time I've seen it so I guess my other friends aren't that happily married
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by TimmayB
Not sure this really qualifies and is probably Tyler Durdenish, but for some reason I can not stop laughing at this:

Do any of my fb friends have a horse with a barn or stable that I could take my kids to see this weekend?! And can be ridden with a bridle. Please inbox me. Want my kids to see what their mommy's life used to revolve around. Thx. . P.s. no Arabians!!!
You should take her to task for being racist against Arabs...I mean like be really offended and harsh. Should be good for a few laughs.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
They chainsmoke and wear way too much cologne

I guffawed.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:24 PM
I am pleased to report my nights have turned into wearing embarrassing comfy non matching or fitting pajamas I'd never wear in front of another, cuddling on the couch laying with my youngest child, and watching Nancy Grace, followed by Dr. Drew on HLN. I am proud not to be a mainstream gay watching Real House Wives or something obnoxious. I am thrilled to be a homebody.
child = cat if that wasn't obvious
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by AUGUY55
I prefer to thank my alarm clock.

So wait, my grandma died in her sleep because God simply forgot to wake her up? Pretty lame, God, pretty lame
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
So wait, my grandma died in her sleep because God simply forgot to wake up her? Pretty lame, God, pretty lame
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