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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

11-09-2016 , 03:07 PM
Seems normal. Why is it weird that she's Canadian? You think women's movement is limited to the US? It speaks volumes of us as a whole.

Last edited by Jackitos; 11-09-2016 at 03:07 PM. Reason: Not trying to politard
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11-09-2016 , 04:40 PM
There are few big trump supporters in Canada, and maybe not obviously a LOT more trump nonsupporters. American politics is pretty big in Canada, and trump supporters a lot more uncommon so it makes them seem more appalling to most of us. My (conspiracy loving) uncle is a big trump supporter, same with one of my cousins. Of course no Canadian has any say in an election and trump has little influence on our women, gheys, or minorities, we're still sympathetic to our neighbours I guess.
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11-09-2016 , 05:44 PM
I live in super liberal Madison, WI and a lot of my TL is going HAM.

All same girl..

I am a survivor of sexual assault, and I am #notokaytoday. I'm okay enough that I don't need to call a hotline, at this moment, but ask yourself if you contributed to my feeling of fear.
Tell me to my face. I deserve that, if nothing else. I deserve at least having your judgement publicly arbitrated. Tell me exactly what I did to deserve the next 4 years.

I'm scared. Because I'm crazy. It's on all of my electronic medical records. Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, with a special focus on social anxiety disorder.

And 90% of the people I know say Trump is crazy.

No. I'm crazy. I have the diagnoses, the meds, the history. It's all on my electronic medical record (which I could if I were so inclined (and I'm not) share with you)). I am not so inclined. I don't want you to know the moment I went off my meds, the moment I decided that, whatever else, I was in charge of my future; of how I felt; of how I decided to present myself to the entire world.

Trump is not crazy. Trump is a dangerous demagogue. Trump is stupid. Trump lacks the experience, the critical thinking, the basic acknowledgement of facts that would (in the normal course of things) disqualify him... That does not make him crazy. I am crazy. It makes him dangerous, and I am scared.
Would if I could be gracious in this moment. But I can't. If you voted Trump, I hate you. I. Hate. You. And I want nothing to do with you.
comments below

And if you voted third party, I hate you too. No "but, if's", "but I wanted", this is your fault too.
There was a right side of history, and you weren't on it.
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11-09-2016 , 09:04 PM
I see protester burning the American flag all because Trump won presidency. No matter who is president buying of our flag is disgraceful. We are still the United States of America regardless of who the president is. If you hate America so much that all you do is disrespect what that flag stands for then why the hell are you here? We have lost family and friends who fought for this country and what the flag represents and to do that and act that way is not the American way. If Hilary wouldve won there would be no rioting or burning of flag. I hang my head in shame that people who call their selves Americans would actually do this and act this way. Yes i am for Trump but I would never stop being someone's friend just because they support Clinton. I wouldnt burn the American flag. I wouldnt hurt someone for who they vote for. I wouldnt degrade someone for their political views. I love my country and i want what's best for all of us and i pray Trump can make America great again.

Last edited by rakemeplz; 11-09-2016 at 09:05 PM. Reason: underlining all me obv
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11-09-2016 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by His Boy Elroy
I'm expecting big new developments in this thread today
I can't go on FB for a while. It's too painful to even be cathartic.

Last edited by suzzer99; 11-09-2016 at 09:23 PM.
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11-09-2016 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
And that girls name? Albert Einstein.

- Abe Lincoln
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11-09-2016 , 11:41 PM
That Trump/Arby's pic got a good laugh out of me too. Just saw that. Been'n'Cheddar 2020 imo
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11-10-2016 , 02:39 AM
Well it took one day for a friend of a friend who is a passionate Trump supporter to attack me on Facebook for sharing negative, racially charged experiences I'd had previously with different Trump supporters. It was really surreal to be commenting on a black friends status about a time I was racially attacked and have a white guy I don't know call me a "bully and a bigot" for sharing. I would of sworn it was just trolling if he didn't keep trying to put in the middle of defending himself that Trump was better for the black community than Hillary.
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11-10-2016 , 04:33 PM
I was half expecting this thread to have dozens of posts since Tuesday night, but I guess everyone else's FB experience has been like mine... mostly depressing. I do have one Californian white girl explaining why she voted for Trump and of course the responses from her friends. Can post if it interests y'all.
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11-10-2016 , 07:19 PM
Maybe not the right place, sorry if it isn't. I keep seeing this message when I open my browser and it got me thinking. Am I missing something or is this pretty lol?

''Mozilla, the maker of Firefox, is a non-profit, and we rely on your donations for support. If everyone reading this chipped in $3, we would be supported for another year. Donate now.''

A quick google search taught me that in 2012 over 120 million people used Mozilla. Let's just keep it simple and say 100 million today.

I don't know if the message would show up for people not having their homepage set to google, but let's assume it doesn't. Tons of people use google as their homepage and mozilla as their browser, so let's say 50 million people worldwide have this combination to use a simple ( probably way more in reality ) number. If everyone of this group donated $3 as they say, that would be $1.5 billion a year. Err year I guess that would be enough to support a non-profit company for a year? Again maybe I'm missing something obvious but seems pretty ridiculous.
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11-10-2016 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by complexion
Again maybe I'm missing something obvious but seems pretty ridiculous.
Not everyone reads it. I don't see it in my phone.
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11-10-2016 , 07:39 PM
Well 3 times 50m is definitely not 1.5B
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11-10-2016 , 07:52 PM
lol yeah don't even know how I did that. Regardless, $150 million is still an absurd number?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
11-10-2016 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Well it took one day for a friend of a friend who is a passionate Trump supporter to attack me on Facebook for sharing negative, racially charged experiences I'd had previously with different Trump supporters. It was really surreal to be commenting on a black friends status about a time I was racially attacked and have a white guy I don't know call me a "bully and a bigot" for sharing. I would of sworn it was just trolling if he didn't keep trying to put in the middle of defending himself that Trump was better for the black community than Hillary.
So this had an LOL conclusion:

A black friend (BG1) of mine who is also a friend of abusive White Guy (WG) jumps in thread to say he doesn't believe WG is a closet racist. Another black friend of mine, Black Guy 2 (BG2) jumps in and starts attacking BG1, calling him a sell out, and an Uncle Tom and saying he prays for BG1's mama.

I send BG1 a PM warning him BG2 is a high level troll. BG1 tells me to mind my business and BG2 crossed too many lines. BG1 challenges BG2 to a face to face "talk" last night. BG2 suggest a location 25 miles in the opposite direction of his place and away from BG1's house to meet. BG1 goes to location and get's mad that no one show's up to face him while BG2 LOLZ and goes to bed.

BG1 sends me this screenshot to prove BG2 was a "puss"
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11-10-2016 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by complexion
lol yeah don't even know how I did that. Regardless, $150 million is still an absurd number?
Not really

Research and development is expensive as salaries and wages for top notch staff are likely very high.

Throw in administrative overhead for management, accounting and legal and you have a significant salaries and benefits line item already.

Actually I decided to pull up their financial report.

Annual expenses approximate 300k

Development is 200k of that

I'm surprised professional services aren't significant enough to be it's own line item

Perhaps that's handled by a parent company but I've already spent too much of my life on this so I'm not looking it up or reading the notes.

Regardless, you are right

150mm too much
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
11-10-2016 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
So this had an LOL conclusion:

A black friend (BG1) of mine who is also a friend of abusive White Guy (WG) jumps in thread to say he doesn't believe WG is a closet racist. Another black friend of mine, Black Guy 2 (BG2) jumps in and starts attacking BG1, calling him a sell out, and an Uncle Tom and saying he prays for BG1's mama.

I send BG1 a PM warning him BG2 is a high level troll. BG1 tells me to mind my business and BG2 crossed too many lines. BG1 challenges BG2 to a face to face "talk" last night. BG2 suggest a location 25 miles in the opposite direction of his place and away from BG1's house to meet. BG1 goes to location and get's mad that no one show's up to face him while BG2 LOLZ and goes to bed.

BG1 sends me this screenshot to prove BG2 was a "puss"
This is incredible.
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11-11-2016 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by steve1238
Not really

Research and development is expensive as salaries and wages for top notch staff are likely very high.

Throw in administrative overhead for management, accounting and legal and you have a significant salaries and benefits line item already.

Actually I decided to pull up their financial report.

Annual expenses approximate 300k

Development is 200k of that

I'm surprised professional services aren't significant enough to be it's own line item

Perhaps that's handled by a parent company but I've already spent too much of my life on this so I'm not looking it up or reading the notes.

Regardless, you are right

150mm too much
that's not correct. you either looked at the wrong company or you missed a "(in thousand)" on the revenue sheet.

mozilla foundation (the non profit mother company) had in 2014 a revenue of 323 million. it has different subsidiaries. the main one, mozilla corporation, has over a thousand employees. development and maintenance of a modern browser is incredibly complex and laborious.
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11-11-2016 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by trontron
that's not correct. you either looked at the wrong company or you missed a "(in thousand)" on the revenue sheet.

mozilla foundation (the non profit mother company) had in 2014 a revenue of 323 million. it has different subsidiaries. the main one, mozilla corporation, has over a thousand employees. development and maintenance of a modern browser is incredibly complex and laborious.
I missed in thousands

I'm in governmental accounting where no one has that much in resources
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11-11-2016 , 04:26 PM
Versailles is really, really, REALLY good though.
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11-11-2016 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotasam
Versailles is really, really, REALLY good though.
The tv show?
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11-11-2016 , 05:22 PM
The Cuban joint in LA. Pretty sure that's what the guy is talking about given that Natamus is an LA guy too.
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11-11-2016 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by minnesotasam
The Cuban joint in LA. Pretty sure that's what the guy is talking about given that Natamus is an LA guy too.

Bingo lol

And yes that place is excellent
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11-11-2016 , 11:38 PM
..... Wow
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11-12-2016 , 05:45 PM
I've had a few Anonymous articles pop up lately. They've really gone off the dead end.

In recent articles the use of cannabis oil (THC) has been explored in the treatment of seizure, proving with literature that the oil can have a drastic and positive impact on patient quality of life. Big Pharma companies and ‘sponsored’ medical practitioners would prefer you believe in pixie dust than alternative medicines. In recent times, the demonization of chiropractors has also been spotlighted, with the American Medical Association portraying them as quacks.

The suppression of medical science is a history backdating over decades. Coupled with the oddity of several medical researchers who were on the cusp of medical breakthroughs, meeting with unexpected and sometimes violent deaths, one’s curiosity is piqued, to say the least.
Two minutes Googling this character indicates that he was an anti-vaxxer.
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