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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

04-13-2016 , 06:51 AM
Who actually makes fun of fats in the gym? Hint: actors in physique shaming "judgment free" planet fitness commercials don't count.

Invisible scapegoat
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-13-2016 , 08:09 AM
I have gotten drunk a few times and gone down to job fairs to make fun of the homeless trying to get jobs, but going to the gym to make fun of fat people is just low.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-13-2016 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
lol cannabis curing epilepsy

I'd be high 24/7 if it could
It nearly 100% does this for my girlfriend. Very legit medicinal use, and the only thing she's ever taken for it that has minimal side effects, and in this case, generally enjoyable side effects.

There are several types of epilepsy so it may not work for you, but it does for her and many other people.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-13-2016 , 09:18 AM
Why does the person at the job fair have to be homeless in addition to being unemployed? Should the fat person in the gym have cancer to equal things out?

In defense of conspiracy uncle, a bag full of peanuts and cat hair would indeed probably kill me.

Browsed a few unfollowed friends to add a thread contribution but couldn't handle it and tilt rage quit FB halfway into the third person.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 01:47 AM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 02:08 AM

From some random
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Shockingly, that's good advice. We're all there to improve ourselves. Judge people based on whether they're being d-bags or doing bizarre things like handstands in the squat rack.
Throwing the weights on the ground is my favorite look at me moron move in the gym.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 03:35 PM

Las Vegas Man giving Florida Man a run for his money.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 04:20 PM
So apparently that is satire - no matter how desperately I want it to be true.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 06:57 PM
Cmon buddy
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 07:18 PM

From one of the "olds" on my facebook feed. Apparently this "sleepy panda" thing is almost as hilarious as that hysatirical humour which is simply AMAZINGLY FUNNY and is a MUST SHARE on social media platflorms.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 07:32 PM

From both sexy gay man AND conspiracy uncle (who is over 50 btw). Clearly this should be shared on your social media page as well for lols and because of its truthiness and whatnot.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 09:41 PM
The existence of the:

(sad story)
Don't scroll without typing AMEN

posts don't bother me. What bothers me is when the reason Facebook is displaying them in my feed is because a friend who I thought was rational has typed AMEN.

It's like learning there is no Santa, again and again.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 10:09 PM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 10:23 PM
Is that supposed to be a portmanteau 'hilarious satire'?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 10:33 PM
Hysterical satire

idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-14-2016 , 10:48 PM
i just came back to edit that. you win.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
The existence of the:

(sad story)
Don't scroll without typing AMEN

posts don't bother me. What bothers me is when the reason Facebook is displaying them in my feed is because a friend who I thought was rational has typed AMEN.

It's like learning there is no Santa, again and again.
My first ever crush from school did this recently (still hot btw). Kind of ruined what we (never) had.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 03:42 PM
Girl I had a massive crush on in HS is still married to the guy she's been with since 10th grade, still beautiful, still a total sweetheart, has 3 apparently happy kids, barely ever posts because she's too busy having an awesome life. Makes me wish Facebook had never been invented.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:10 PM
She's probably ****ing the gardner and he's probably hanging with rent-boys. Their household puts on so much effort to look perfect in everything they do, that it leaves their kids trapped in an emotionally unavailable void. An undercurrent of pure hostility runs through every interaction the family has with each other. Dad will end up swallowing the business end of a shotgun on Christmas Eve - just as a final **** you to the family.

Then you will have the last laugh!
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 04:13 PM
I idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses suzzer
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 05:35 PM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by blackize5
I idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses suzzer
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 08:01 PM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:46 PM
the pit bull is handing down life lessons now.

It is a common belief that pit bulls are vicious and dangerous. Every day my rescue pitbull Buster fascinates me. Even though he was never looked after before I adopted him, he has such a nurturing personality. He was protecting this puppy since the first second he met her. We often overlook and judge someone just by the way they look on the outside. Same thing with people. We often judge someone based on the way they look and their beliefs. When,in fact, we might be missing out on the opportunity to meet a wonderful soul.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
