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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

04-01-2016 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by citanul
Then your fb must be of amazingly higher quality than avg
I guess the person that posted it doesn't realize the war on drugs and illegal immigration has been a failure from the start.
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04-02-2016 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
Usually a friend doesn't eat the burger out of the ass!
your "friends" aren't real friends imo
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04-02-2016 , 01:19 AM
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04-02-2016 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
But why? What's the point of these things?
A company uses this kind of click/comment bait to build a page with a following, then sells that page to an advertiser. I'd love to buy one of those pages and change it to something incredibly un-PC, just to see the fallout when it shows up in those people's friends' feeds.
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04-02-2016 , 03:56 AM
I think I've been clicking on too many sexy gay links (or perhaps not enough!). FB is asking me to join some adult sexy msucle group SGM is in, as well as something called BOYS which I assume is quite gay and very sexy.
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04-02-2016 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
I think I've been clicking on too many sexy gay links (or perhaps not enough!). FB is asking me to join some adult sexy msucle group SGM is in, as well as something called BOYS which I assume is quite gay and very sexy.
We've all been there
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04-02-2016 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
I automatically disconnect from people who perform April Fools jokes.
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04-02-2016 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
This was posted on a news story about a double suicide.

This is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've read on FB in a looooong time.
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
I guess the person that posted it doesn't realize the war on drugs and illegal immigration has been a failure from the start.
Or maybe that's their point?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-02-2016 , 09:13 AM
april fools is the annual day where people who think they're funny show off how bad they are at humor

car forum - congress to declare modding your car is illegal starting next year. LOL JAY KAY


i matched with some girl on Tinder who had "I'm a woman, what's your superpower" and I told her that picture was a nice april fool's joke and she blocked me.
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04-02-2016 , 09:51 AM
omg i get to post one!

"Today I met an angel. You came into a Denny’s I work at in Utah. You asked me, ‘Can I have a waitress who is a single mother?’ I thought it was very odd, but I sat you in Crystal’s section. You sat there for 2 hours just watching people. 7 families came in and ate while you were there and you paid every one of their bills, over $1,000 you paid for people you didn’t even know. I asked, 'Why did you do that?' You simply said, ‘Family is everything, I’ve lost all mine.’ Looking into your eyes while you said that made me tear up (It’s why I walked away so quickly) as soon as I got in the back I broke down in tears because your eyes had so much pain in them. I just wanted to let you know, the waitress Crystal that you requested was living in a shelter with her son until she was able to save up enough to get a place. Your bill was $21.34 and you left her a $1,500 tip, because of you she gets her new place next week, because of you 7 families ate for free. Crystal told me she prayed the night before for a miracle and God sent you. You left before any of us could say thank you, I hope you read this because you’re truly an amazing person and you stole the hearts of every one of us here. Thank you."

Send your video or story to

A Love What Matters Original Story


cant decide what my fav part is... the fact that the average family bill at Dennys is over $142, or the fact that IT SAYS RIGHT AT THE END THAT ITS MADE UP
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-02-2016 , 10:00 AM
That waitress was named Crystal Meth, and that customer was....

You know
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-02-2016 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by bware
Or maybe that's their point?
I assumed that was their point. Hence my comment. =/ I guess IAEs comment makes some sense if you read it the way he clearly did...
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-02-2016 , 10:19 AM
Someone posted a picture on April fools saying that it was insensitive and cruel to post the classic "I'm pregnant-just kidding" April fools status because it might trigger people who've had miscarriages or difficulty conceiving.
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04-02-2016 , 10:50 AM
A pregnant chick posting that she had a miscarriage J/K, might rustle some jimmies, but obviously non preggos joking is nothing.
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04-02-2016 , 07:25 PM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-02-2016 , 07:32 PM
That was an joke right?
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04-02-2016 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by citanul
I assumed that was their point. Hence my comment. =/ I guess IAEs comment makes some sense if you read it the way he clearly did...
I didn't post the whole wall of text.

The person went on a rant about mental health being the major cause of 99% of the US's problems. Over medication doesn't help. No one cares about them. blah blah blah
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04-03-2016 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe
That was an joke right?
No, 4 or 5 US women's national team players are suing because they are paid less than the guys. Hillary isn't the only moron to back the ladies either. One of her big talking points is that women deserve equal pay and not just equal opportunities.
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04-03-2016 , 02:38 AM
Maybe Hillary should start watching US women's soccer and boost the viewership ratings.
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04-03-2016 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

This is actually very deep and interesting.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2016 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
Couple days ago I saw a video of an elephant sticking it's trunk deep into the ass of a fellow elephant, pulling out some solid, and then eating it.

'Must have been tosh cause that's who educated me on this subject.
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04-03-2016 , 03:27 AM
DiCaprio doesn't have any kids.
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04-03-2016 , 03:34 AM
What a loser
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04-03-2016 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by Nick_AA
'Must have been tosh cause that's who educated me on this subject.
It was Ridiculousness, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was also on Tosh at some point. My favorite Tosh related animal thing was a walrus blowing himself.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
04-03-2016 , 06:07 AM
I feel like Hillary and Donald are just taking the piss a lot of the time, trying to test the limits of their hardcore supporters' stupidity for fun.

Fwiw I play soccer from time to time and don't receive even as much as the women players. Where is the eskimo equal pay? Racism imo
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