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'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. 'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story.

04-09-2012 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
So I get to Federal Court in Newark, N.J. and the prosecutors say 'He's a really bad guy. He's threatened to kill all of the witnesses.'

Me: 'Gee, thanks.' Am still here though.
LOL, nice.

Howard, you do realize you're going to have a hard time getting any actual examples of people who shouldn't have talked to the police, right?
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Charmer
lol, no. graph in $ or gtfo, every poker player should know this
Uh, that graph was posted to show my bad run in big bets. If you're not capable of using the limits and doing the math based around big bets, you are clueless.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mitch Evans
Uh, that graph was posted to show my bad run in big bets. If you're not capable of using the limits and doing the math based around big bets, you are clueless.
i didnt even see the limits box. gj, nh and all but the point was just that if someone asked if you play penny stakes its because they assume youre a ******, just as if you call a lawyer a paralegal, which is insulting.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by aggo
isn't there some weird story about how some oot'er found a dead body and let himself be interrogated by cops?
Yes it was czglory.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Charmer
i dont like the tangent this thread is veering off on. but i do know that recidivism rates are much lower worldwide than the US,
That is to be expected and not the bad thing it sounds like. Recidivism measures the percentage of prisoners who after serving time return to prison. In some European countries if you commit a crime with a sentence of less than two years you never go to prison so when you commit a crime again you don't count towards their recidivism rate since you never actually got to prison the first time around. In all countries it is the same people who commit crimes over and over again the difference is that in the States they serve jail time between committing those crimes.

and that crime rate =! victimization rate, and that the US has similar victimization rates to other industrialized nations. so maybe what happened in Canada isnt a good thing, but what happens in the US every day is certainly a bad thing
What happens in the United States? People who commit crimes actually go to jail?
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mr_Pathetic
Yes it was czglory.
Lol gg that was an awesome story.

Someone should link it here because iirc it wouldn't have been entirely obvious that the oot'er was innocent at first.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
What happens in the United States? People who commit crimes actually go to jail?
dont know why i thought, if only for a second, itd be possible to converse with a caricature, but yes, people who commit crimes (many of which very obviously shouldnt be crimes) go to jail, along with many many others, and this is the Bad Thing.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Charmer
dont know why i thought, if only for a second, itd be possible to converse with a caricature, but yes, people who commit crimes (many of which very obviously shouldnt be crimes) go to jail, along with many many others, and this is the Bad Thing.
Can you actually make a point instead of just talking in meaningless vague nothing statements?

Let me help you. You are a pot-head who thinks drugs should be legal. I actually am somewhat sympathetic to that view but it isn't the problem that people make it out to be -- non-violent drug users don't go to jail.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:49 AM
I knew I shouldn't have started to read this **** show before trying to sleep...

Some great ones itt, but this was my favorite:

Originally Posted by phoenixs1
Have to agree with you on that. And how refreshing to see you post on topic.

Sooooo Howard, how about some stories about talking to cops after some massage parlor busts?

Last edited by bbones31; 04-09-2012 at 10:02 AM.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Can you actually make a point instead of just talking in meaningless vague nothing statements?

Let me help you. You are a pot-head who thinks drugs should be legal. I actually am somewhat sympathetic to that view but it isn't the problem that people make it out to be -- non-violent drug users don't go to jail.
youre an idiot if you missed the point, and no, its not that im a pot head who thinks drugs should be legal (it almost defies logic what a douche you are). the drug war is but one facet of the n-gon encompassing the deep, institutionalized problems in the US justice system.

and non-violent drug users certainly go to jail; the fact that you could even say something this idiotic reaffirms that youre a total cartoon character undeserving thoughtful response.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
LOL, nice.

Howard, you do realize you're going to have a hard time getting any actual examples of people who shouldn't have talked to the police, right?
You must mean the opposite.

I don't think that I'd have too much of a problem gathering up cases where the individual had a good outcome by talking to the police if I had the resources.

I tried to find some web help. There was nothing for MS-13 but I did find the Crips and Bloods discussion forum although I didn't spend much time looking it over and I think that it''s probably not quite the thing.

What we need here are more 2p2'rs from the Hood. If I thought that I wouldn't get ban-slapped I might make a 'Create a Hood Forum' thread in ATF as a semi-jopke.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by bbones31

Sooooo Howard, how about some stories about talking to cops after some massage parlor busts?
So there I was getting my dic, errr, Johnso, uhhh, wiener, well, nm, it was right in the middle and we hear the door crashing in. It's happened before. Let me give you a tip: You don't have time to put on your underpants. Get your pants on FAST and grab your shirt, you might have time to put it on or you can put it on later.

One time they had me up against the wall and the guy from the next room started to give the cops some ****, IMR!!!, he started to give them **** w/ his pants half off and they didn't care for that the inconsiderate bastards and it was escalating.

Me: 'Pardon me officers, I'd like to say something.'
'I want to say that I didn't come here w/ him.'

We hear the stories, don't know if they're true, but as I alluded to earlier, the cops dragged him off to a back room and I heard the blows and grunts. Cop asks me what I was doing there. Me: 'Uhhhhhh.....' 'WELL? DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS ILLEGAL?' Me: 'Uhhhh.......' 'HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY?' '$200.'

I swear this part is true. The cop brings me into one of the rooms. I brace for a couple of punches. Have I mentioned that I can take a punch? I really can, found it out in High School in my first fight. That led to other fights so it might've been better if I'd gotten knocked out cold. NEWAY the cop says '$200? What do you get for $200?' Me: 'Uhhhhhhhh.........'

I ended up telling him. Never ran into him in a massage parlor, though.

Another time I wasn't in an Asian place, it was a really high class brothel type place when a girl comes running up the stairs w/ the warning. The girl I was with stuck me in the bathroom. I had a bit of a dilemma: I had a couple of J's and only a minute to decide whether or not to flush them. Eff it, I figured and stuck them in some cabinet and sat on the toilet. Almost got clean off except a female cop made them open the door and I'm thinking 'JFC, it's got to be a woman?, fml', so the door opens, I'm sitting there woman cop asks what I'm doing there I say 'number 2' and, TY, BABY JESUS (even we Jews know when to thank BABY JESUS) and she left.

One of the best times was when the cops gathered us all into the living room area. I hadn't the time to put on my shirt and they kept calling me fatty, the inconsiderate bastards, I'm not all that fat and, as a matter of fact, by poker room standards I'm a twig. It was rather comical actually, they were yelling at us, trying to embarass us, but I can't be embarassed, not w/ the life-grinder that I've been through.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 10:39 AM
Like a bunch of people itt already mentioned, there is a huge difference between talking to the police in regards to something minor like a traffic stop, versus something like a murder investigation.

I guess some folks/lawyers recommend not even talking during a traffic stop, but that almost surely will result in a more negative outcome than talking - at least the vast majority of the time.

Think about it. Cops pulls you over for speeding and you refuse to even speak. How likely is he to give you a warning, versus hitting you with the stiffest citation possible?

My general course of action when pulled over for speeding is to own up to it (assuming I'm guilty, which has been true 100% of the time I've been pulled over) and face whatever consequences come my way. So far, I've been issued a warning 4 times out of 5 after fully admitting my guilt. (That is over a 27 year period.)

With the case of the SS agents and the wire transfers, I think I would want representation before speaking even if I was sure I hadn't committed any crimes. If I had done things like several times wire amounts just under the reporting thresholds, then I would certainly want a lawyer.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 10:41 AM
04-09-2012 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by czGLoRy
You should. Made for an enjoyable read though.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
If you didn't actually do anything then it is pretty difficult to incriminate yourself.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Charmer
and non-violent drug users certainly go to jail; the fact that you could even say something this idiotic reaffirms that youre a total cartoon character undeserving thoughtful response.
Statistics disagree with you. While the number of people who officially are serving simple possession charges is a decent number almost all of those are people who are serving simple possession after bargaining down from trafficking. Last time I checked in the entire state of Michigan there were 14 people in jail for simple possession that was not the result of a more serious charge being dropped in a plea bargain.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 11:20 AM
trafficking != violence tho
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
trafficking != violence tho
It also doesn't equal possession which was the claim.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
It also doesn't equal possession which was the claim.
yea, I know. What I think needs to be said though, in many States, you can get trafficking charges for very small (recreational) amounts of narcotics, especially the Schedule 1's like MDMA. While a lot of judges aren't ******ed and won't throw you in prison for having 8 ecstasy tablets, if you have priors, you better be tucking your head between your knees and saying your prayers. I live in California and the prisons are overcrowded and the courts more lenient than most, and I still wouldn't want to **** with it. I can't imagine in some harsher states.

edit: I think what I'm taking issue with most is your absolute statement of "non violent drug users aren't in prison" which is just patently ridiculous, no offense. They certainly are, I know a few. I think what you possibly meant to say is MOST non violent drug users aren't in prison, which I might find more plausible.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Can you actually make a point instead of just talking in meaningless vague nothing statements?

Let me help you. You are a pot-head who thinks drugs should be legal. I actually am somewhat sympathetic to that view but it isn't the problem that people make it out to be -- non-violent drug users don't go to jail.
Originally Posted by Henry17
Statistics disagree with you. While the number of people who officially are serving simple possession charges is a decent number almost all of those are people who are serving simple possession after bargaining down from trafficking. Last time I checked in the entire state of Michigan there were 14 people in jail for simple possession that was not the result of a more serious charge being dropped in a plea bargain.

sorry, slowly working my way through!
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 11:50 AM

About 10 years ago: I had just spent a week in PDX on business. After doing nothing wrong/illegal for an entire week, I caught the last flight home on Friday. 8:30 Saturday morning I get a call.

Him: this is Sgt. Taylor with the Portland PD. Were you in Portland yesterday?
Me: _______________
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 12:05 PM
Well according to the video your correct response is to refuse to answer that question.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 12:08 PM
8:30: Were you in Portland?
8:31: *click*

8:45: Cops ring doorbell.
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
04-09-2012 , 12:15 PM
Are you still meant to not say anything without a lawyer present even if you are the victim of a crime?
'I talked/didn't talk to the cops.' Your story. Quote
