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How can I get in touch with a loanshark? How can I get in touch with a loanshark?

01-31-2016 , 08:28 PM
Sounds legit. I know they are very careful in Korea not to leave fans on in closed rooms so that the fans don't kill you. So it seems logical that the rest of their medical science is just as advanced.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Pumpkin and pineapple juice? Why didn't you say so? Where do I donate the $32k that you need?
LOL. If you look up the healing properties of pineapple, it contains an enzyme called bromelain. It aids in any things health-wise, but it has anti-inflammatory properties. As I stated, my sister has pain management issues, many of which cause welling in her body and exacerbate her other medical problems.

Pumpkin juice contains many vitamins, is anti-inflammatory as well as hydrating (you can't drink even water before surgery, so rehydrating after is important). It also boosts your immunity and cleans out your urinary system. I wish I had known about it the last time my sister was in the hospital with a blocked bile duct.

I thought it was crazy once, too. But once I looked into it, it made sense. Koreans have some of the longest life spans in the world.

ETA: It's sad that some of you are making fun of things simply because you don't understand them. Especially since you have nothing to offer in the way of a solution. You'd rather she go through surgery after useless surgery simply because it's covered? And since doing that has done NOTHING for her so far let's continue to do it?

People from all over the world fly in to Korea on their own dime because the medical care is better than what they have at home. They don't even allow US doctors to practice there without passing the Korean Medical Licensing Exam. And you can only treat NON-Koreans with US credentials.

I'm as much a patriot as the next person (maybe not my brother; he bleeds red, white and blue, lol). But US doctors are not the best in the world.

For anyone who would like to help me learn sports betting or has a real solution to my issue, please PM. I've done my research into this and know the facts better than the comedians in the thread. I'm not going to waste time continuing to defend that to those who know nothing about what they are making fun of. Thank you.

Last edited by EUBeauty95; 01-31-2016 at 08:49 PM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 08:34 PM
The Super Bowl is only a week away. Nimadamus is your answer
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 08:35 PM
If you seriously think, that in North Korea medical care is significantly better, you are completely naive and delusional. Not a single doctor in a western world likes a GA. I mean unless you meet a very incompetent one.
To think that you get somewhere in the world a free lunch (free aftercare) is .....naive.
To think that you will get here money, that you won't get at the bank is .... naive.

But what you can get here, is a really good advice, whatever your situation is. So if you really think that Korean medicine is better than US, give us something more than pumpkin and pineapple juice. If you are for different reason in financial troubles, tell the truth.

Last edited by anonla; 01-31-2016 at 08:42 PM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 08:48 PM
Sorry if this was covered already but has she tried marijuana yet? If not then rep+ could probably be of some assistance since he's very knowledgeable and she can always get a medical card.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 08:54 PM
I seriously hope you are just another scammer, EU, for your sake.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
If you seriously think, that in North Korea medical care is significantly better, you are completely naive and delusional. Not a single doctor in a western world likes a GA. I mean unless you meet a very incompetent one.
To think that you get somewhere in the world a free lunch (free aftercare) is .....naive.
To think that you will get here money, that you won't get at the bank is .... naive.

But what you can get here, is a really good advice, whatever your situation is. So if you really think that Korean medicine is better than US, give us something more than pumpkin and pineapple juice. If you are for different reason in financial troubles, tell the truth.
I don't see why you're talking when you don't know that Seoul is in SOUTH Korea.

That fact alone renders the rest of your post moot, so I won't bother answering any of it.

Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
Sorry if this was covered already but has she tried marijuana yet? If not then rep+ could probably be of some assistance since he's very knowledgeable and she can always get a medical card.
Yes, I helped her get her card and she does wax at night. It does help some, but as I posted before, it takes her pain from an 8+ to a 4 and since she works all day, she can't use it then. She needs to be pain free, 100%. Thanks for the advice, though!

Originally Posted by Brock Landers
The Super Bowl is only a week away. Nimadamus is your answer
Just wanted to say thank you, Brock. You've always been helpful and never snarky to me. Do I need to add you as a friend to PM you?

Last edited by EUBeauty95; 01-31-2016 at 09:26 PM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by EUBeauty95
...Nimadamus seems to be my only real hope here.

Oh boy!
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 09:34 PM

Try PMing NoSoup4U.

He's been known to help people out with money on the forum.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Saklad

Try PMing NoSoup4U.

He's been known to help people out with money on the forum.
Sadly my liquid capital is tied up in an advanced matrix wager on the Super Bowl. I have a can't miss system involving numbers and math, so she should probably wait until after that pays out.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by NoSoup4U
Sadly my liquid capital is tied up in an advanced matrix wager on the Super Bowl. I have a can't miss system involving numbers and math, so she should probably wait until after that pays out.

How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:10 PM
I googled loansharks and I found this thread... looks like a great site.

Are the people in question here still doing loans? I would like to apply for a 10k personal loan.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by fredward
I googled loansharks and I found this thread... looks like a great site.

Are the people in question here still doing loans? I would like to apply for a 10k personal loan.


Your best bet is to DM @nimadamus on Twitter

You'll be required to post what the money is for in this thread, so you should post that first thing before proceeding.

How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:19 PM
I dont have a twitter.... does said individual accept private messages on this website?

Thanks Saklad
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:23 PM
It just takes 10 seconds to make a twitter account. How much do you want the $10k
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:27 PM
He googled loan sharks and found this site, then promptly went to post about Star Trek and religion before posting here. I don't think he wants the $10K that badly.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:32 PM
He's also very powerful. Sixteen posts and able to PM already.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:33 PM
Counsellor (lol),

Did he visit and vote in the 911 conspiracy thread? Just curious.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by ninetynine99
Counsellor (lol),

Did he visit and vote in the 911 conspiracy thread? Just curious.
Haha holy crap.

How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:39 PM
damn, @nimadamus will probably just give him the money
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:41 PM
Maybe it is good ol' nimadumbass himself?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 11:44 PM
It probably is him but he was likely being honest with needing the 10k. His system has failed miserably and he's broke
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
