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How can I get in touch with a loanshark? How can I get in touch with a loanshark?

10-15-2015 , 03:31 AM
Bad luck for you greenjohnny as the main shark with the most action on the site, just unreal, was just banned a couple of days ago.

just unreal is an extremely successful sports bettor which means he has a lot of liquidity. The guy was making a killing on this site thanks to guys like you. He said loansharking was bringing in even greater returns than Major League Baseball, which is his specialty.

Hopefully for you just unreal will have his ban lifted, but word is that he was perma-banned.

If you are lucky, wiper might pop in the thread. He's your next best bet (lol).
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
10-15-2015 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by greenjohnny580
Hi. I am new and this seems really rude, but my family and I are in need of a loan desperately to keep our home. 6k is needed and payback can be worked out. I work as an engineer and work all the time, and my girlfriend lost her job and unable to work for medical reasons. Due to medical surgeries needed and medical expenses for her we are in desperate trouble. I would really appreciate any help or guidance in this venture. I am sorry for my rudeness, but I have mouths to feed and take care of. Thank you for your time.
Being the most naive person here, I'm going to answer you honestly. Sometimes the people coming into this thread are scammers, but since I'm right about half the time, I suppose I'll survive. Yes, some will troll me for being too soft, lol.

This thread really isn't for finding a loan shark, it's more just for joking around. (It comes up on Google, but people are just having fun.) I know things look bleak in your life and debt can be very stressful, but a loan shark will only make things worse.

Get with an experienced (Free!) credit counselor and work out a plan to cut back on your expenditures, delay paying the debt you can and pay off what you can afford. I'm sorry you are facing these problems, but good luck going forward.

Oh noes, I didn't see the other posts, so now ninetynine and rake are going to troll me for not playing along!

Last edited by tylertwo; 10-15-2015 at 11:41 AM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
10-15-2015 , 06:21 PM
thank you tylertwo, and if its the case that there is no way to get help from here thats fine. All the credit counseling is not going to help. Things are tough at the moment and with cutting back on expenses to free up capital to pay off a loan is all i can do at the moment. And since we have been turned down by others i am seeking out. Yes it will cost tremendously more this way, but my family is worth it. So if its all in fun here thats great, if not I need the help. Arrangements can be made for what terms can be established on repayment.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
10-15-2015 , 06:43 PM
if this is not a place to find that kind of help, can someone direct me to it in southern california; please
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 01:06 AM
Hi All.

Is there a specific reason why this thread stopped?

I've been considering finding a loan shark. I'm not good at poker. I have unicorn like luck at blackjack and once in a lifetime luck at craps, but I've always played for fun, never under pressure for a certain amount. Really don't think I'd want to try.

ETA: I'm not a gambler (other than the once a year trip to Vegas from SoCal) and don't have a gambling issue.

I'm posting here since it appears that many have experience with loan sharks.

Last edited by EUBeauty95; 01-31-2016 at 01:12 AM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by EUBeauty95
Hi All.

Is there a specific reason why this thread stopped?

I've been considering finding a loan shark. I'm not good at poker. I have unicorn like luck at blackjack and once in a lifetime luck at craps, but I've always played for fun, never under pressure for a certain amount. Really don't think I'd want to try.

ETA: I'm not a gambler (other than the once a year trip to Vegas from SoCal) and don't have a gambling issue.

I'm posting here since it appears that many have experience with loan sharks.
@nimadamus on Twitter is running it through his tout business last I heard. You get picks to help pay off sooner so it's a win-win.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 01:16 AM
PM wiper
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
@nimadamus on Twitter is running it through his tout business last I heard. You get picks to help pay off sooner so it's a win-win.
+1, Nimadamus got me out of a big hole betting his pics last month. He doesn't have 7k twitter followers by accident.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
PM wiper

Thank you for the answer. But I can't PM until I do 10 posts, right?

Oh, and I just read that I need to tell why when the amount is over $10k. Is that still applicable?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
@nimadamus on Twitter is running it through his tout business last I heard. You get picks to help pay off sooner so it's a win-win.

Sorry for the silly question, but what is tout? I'll go Google for now.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:27 AM
I looked Nimadamus up on twitter. The link in his profile says his account has been either temporarily or permanently suspended.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by EUBeauty95
I looked Nimadamus up on twitter. The link in his profile says his account has been either temporarily or permanently suspended.
That's true, but Nimadamus has many other Pickmonitor accounts. A "tout" is a penetrate that presumably is a pro capper who sells his/her winning picks usually based on an unprecedented winning system. Take my word for it, get on board while you can.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:36 AM
Probably the best course of action for you would be to post a reply on the Nimadamus twitter account. He'll likely reply back soon
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by EUBeauty95
Thank you for the answer. But I can't PM until I do 10 posts, right?

Oh, and I just read that I need to tell why when the amount is over $10k. Is that still applicable?

yes. long day and I'm on my phone in bed about 3 minutes away from sleep. I'll check back tomorrow.

you're obv gonna need to have PM privileges, so you may want to interact/post a bit itt. the rest I'll you know about that in a non-public setting, I assume you understand...
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
That's true, but Nimadamus has many other Pickmonitor accounts. A "tout" is a penetrate that presumably is a pro capper who sells his/her winning picks usually based on an unprecedented winning system. Take my word for it, get on board while you can.

Thank you.

Since I am new to all of this, may I ask a few more questions?

How much do I need to start betting?

How do I find a bookie?

How long will it take me to make $30-$50k?

I found another one of his accounts on Pickmonitor. What account should I get? I can scrape together like $250 next week, but I'll need that to bet, right?

I've been sitting here for hours watching Drugs, Inc. trying to figure out how to get this money without getting killed or arrested. Sports betting has to be better.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
yes. long day and I'm on my phone in bed about 3 minutes away from sleep. I'll check back tomorrow.

you're obv gonna need to have PM privileges, so you may want to interact/post a bit itt. the rest I'll you know about that in a non-public setting, I assume you understand...
Of course I do. Thank you for posting!
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 02:53 AM
Probably a good place to start is why you need 30-50k? Wiper is obviously one option but there are other ways to scrape up some cash. We'll need to know a little more about your situation to be able to advise you on what path to take.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
Probably a good place to start is why you need 30-50k? Wiper is obviously one option but there are other ways to scrape up some cash. We'll need to know a little more about your situation to be able to advise you on what path to take.
Long story short, it's my sister. She has had MAJOR pain issues for most of her life (she's older than I am.). She walks around with a pain level of 8+ on a daily basis. I have no clue how she does it. She's tried EVERYTHING including a pain pump in her bum and smoking weed. Nothing has worked. She's had numerous doctors and numerous surgeries, to no avail. The most it does is bring her pain level down to maybe a 4. What's more is that though all of it, she's worked at the same job. My brother (her husband, we don't say in laws in our family) is a vet (Marine) with PTSD that has caused him to go through 4 jobs in 2 years. Thankfully her insurance is good enough that it's covered all of her surgeries and most of her prescriptions and they haven't lost their house. They also have 2 children.

I did a bunch of research and found out that South Korean medicine is literally 15 years more advanced than ours here in the US. They will be able to help her, but I need the amount to be able to pay for the surgery, our plane tickets, hotel stay, etc. The great thing is that the South Korean won is seriously weak against the US dollar and it continues to fall. They also will bargain a bit on the price, but I need cash to do so. The price is approximately $25,000 USD and they'll take off the 10% VAT (tax) if you pay cash.

I am a single Mom myself and I can honestly say that I couldn't have made it without them. They've been amazing to me. Which is why I am willing to put myself out there for them. My sister is the first person I call if something happens I need advice or their help. I've gone to the doctor with her, sat in the hospital with her, taken her to surgery after surgery and watched my nephews for them. It pains (and angers) me to watch her go through all of this and end up basically in the same place. I have an inheritance coming, but the money won't come for 2-4 months after I get submit the documents they need (that timeline is in the paperwork from the state, which I can provide). I can't wait that long because my sister is thisclose to going on disability (or being fired, actually), which will put them in an even worse position than they are in now. The fact that she's close to doing that means the pain has gotten bad enough to affect even her. Once I have the money, I can schedule the trip which will take no more than 5 weeks. The first week she will see the doctors and schedule surgery for the end of the week or the beginning of the second. They won't release her to return here for at least 3 weeks. So five weeks or less. She can take off of work for that and not have to file for disability. By the time we return, she won't have to have any more surgeries, take time off of work or anything else because she'll finally be pain free.

Surgery: $25,000
Round Trip tickets: $2400
Hotel for 5 weeks : $3000
Food, transportation, etc. $2000

Total: $32,400 (approx.)

So for better or for worse, there it is.

I'm not lazy at all, I'm a hustler usually. I just had medical issues of my own this past year or I'd work up the money. I'm working on getting rid of the 40 pounds I gained on this stupid medication I just stopped taking. I hate to admit it, but when you're thin and pretty, you can find a lot of money easily when you need it.

Last edited by EUBeauty95; 01-31-2016 at 04:29 AM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Villian1

1) lose/gain some weight
2) move to the bunny ranch
3) profit
4) save sister
I just started the process of weaning off the meds. If the doctor had told me weight gain was a side effect, I never would have gone on it. I can't just go cold turkey, unfortunately. The weight will start coming off the day I stop taking it, though. Ugh.

As I said before, being thin and pretty makes coming up with money easy. Even when I was a waitress in college. Men would sit in my section just so I could wait on them.

I won't be working at the Bunny Ranch. I don't have an issue with 2 consenting adults doing what they want, but I have a child. A boy child. I can't have Mommy found on the Bunny Ranch website by anyone. One of my friends used to be a porn star. She had her kids in a Christian School. Someone found her movies (don't ask me how they explained that, lol) and they kicked the kids out. I used to do massage (only) and make from $300-$1000 a night. I had a club owner who'd give me $500 for 2 hours and call me 3-4 nights a week in addition to the other random guys who only called once. As I said, the weight has to go first. The men like thin girls. Thankfully I carry the weight well (T&A, lol) and am still considered pretty. But I'm in LA and skinny here and skinny elsewhere are 2 different things.

I personally would rather go back to that than borrow the money, but watching my sister suffer is hard. Plus it would take me a good 2 months to come up with the money anyway. Either way I can pay it back within the timeframe that I stated, inheritance or not. I've given them money before, actually. Allowing her to go on disability will put them in a worse hole. Borrowing it is a better choice than allowing their bills to go to collection and their house to foreclosure and trying to fix it later. My brother has a new job, but given his track record the past few years, I'd rather not find out how he'd deal with the worst case scenario unfolding.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 05:39 AM
By the way, I just wanted to say thank you for this thread:

I haven't laughed this hard in a while and I need to laugh. I'm only 19 pages in and it keeps getting better.

ETA: Did you all REALLY pay someone thousands to eat a stick of butter?!?!?!?!?!?

Last edited by EUBeauty95; 01-31-2016 at 05:49 AM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 06:07 AM
I guess my first post was self-deleted and my second post quoted before deletion.

I was just joking about the bunny ranch. I hope everything works out for you. There are a couple resources (banks, CU, @nimadamus, etc) that you could look into.

Btw, how many paintballs do you think you could take from 10 or so yards away?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Villian1
I guess my first post was self-deleted and my second post quoted before deletion. I noticed that. lol

I was just joking about the bunny ranch. I hope everything works out for you. There are a couple resources (banks, CU, @nimadamus, etc) that you could look into. Banks or credit unions aren't going to happen. I'm waiting to hear answers back to my previous questions concerning nimadamus.

Btw, how many paintballs do you think you could take from 10 or so yards away?

What the hell is that all about? I've come across it in my reading here, but I've kind of been bouncing around (and laughing a LOT).
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by EUBeauty95
I looked Nimadamus up on twitter. The link in his profile says his account has been either temporarily or permanently suspended.
He professionally bets game total unders markets and large moneyline favorites, using math & numbers. He often gives his picks away for free. There is a reason he was suspended, hint follow the $$.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by samuri8
He professionally bets game total unders markets and large moneyline favorites, using math & numbers. He often gives his picks away for free. There is a reason he was suspended, hint follow the $$.
Thanks. I totally get that. I just need a little crash course on how to get started. I have no clue what the over/under stuff means (I kind of do, but not enough to be able to tell what is better to bet on) or where to bet. I found a thread on here, but it turns out the OP is crazy, lies, has like 3-4 aliases and was banned. I see some of Nimadamus' picks on his Twitter, but I have no clue how much to bet on what game(s). I read someone bet like $50 and made $2500, but I need to know what game to do that on. I don't even know how and where to make my bets! lol

I'm a quick study (and a huge nerd), so I just need a little help. I'm not asking for anyone to just give me anything. I am very willing to learn.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-31-2016 , 07:39 AM
Tuma ?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
