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How can I get in touch with a loanshark? How can I get in touch with a loanshark?

01-04-2015 , 09:51 AM
^^^ this dude wants people to leave the marine corp after they put in 20 years and go to work in the drivethru at McDonald's...
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 10:09 AM
You mean like the rest of us ? Ohnoes, work!
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 10:14 AM
k bro
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:36 AM
When did the military become such a sacred job where you not only are immune to all criticism, but also don't have to work afterward?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:41 AM
When did the military become such a sacred job where you not only are immune to all criticism, but also don't have to work afterward?

I agree with this, but also somehow agree with the sentiment of wiper's post.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by rugby
I'm willing to loan money, but will only deal with people who I know are for real.

Anyone interested in loans, please upload a picture of yourself with today's newspaper and a sign saying. "show me the moneys"
Today's what now? What is 'newspaper'?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
He means how much money are you behind. Loansharks lend money; they can't give you your two months back.

Clearly this man has never seen the released straight to dvd film "Time-shark" starring Wesley Snipes and Guy Pierce. Its about this exact subject.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
When did the military become such a sacred job where you not only are immune to all criticism, but also don't have to work afterward?
Since when did bitch ass internet hipsters get off on pissing on the flag and ****ting on our veterans?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 10:34 PM
His comment didn't do either?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
Since when did bitch ass internet hipsters get off on pissing on the flag and ****ting on our veterans?
How was his comment/question "pissing on the flag"?

You seem upset Jerry. Deep breaths.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-04-2015 , 11:36 PM
rakeme supporting the troops so ****ing hard with that post.

the answer is probably around the end of 2003. and WHERE IS YOUR FLAG PIN I CANT SEE YOUR FLAG PIN
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
^^^ this dude wants people to leave the marine corp after they put in 20 years and go to work in the drivethru at McDonald's...
You obv have a reading disorder so I will help you, like I was trying to help that vet. I essentially said stop being lazy and looking for handouts. There are several job opportunities but that would involve applying one's self.

There is no shame to taking an in between job if you have bills to pay. The "perfect" job doesn't fall into anyone's lap... you have to aggressively go get it. This is similar to poker in that if you don't continue to apply yourself, study, etc you will become withered.

Finally, it would be completely up to THAT individual service member what they would want to do after completing one career (that many internet warriors wouldn't be fit to serve). A service member with 20yrs + 50% disability will earn close to $3000 per month for retirement. If they want to go fishing and play poker for life... cool! If they choose to actively seek a 2nd career... also fine.

Hopefully this interwebz warrior Wiper will use the couple of brain cells, read thoroughly, and understand that McDonalds is not the only option I was offering.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 01:58 AM
Please quote the part where the vet was being lazy and looking for handouts
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 02:14 AM
Yeah, she was looking for a loan, not a handout.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 03:28 AM
Im first on board to loan and match/beat all offers for said Vet. But I would want some additional proof that I will get paid back.

1) Non altered copy of DD214
2) Most recent pay statements
3) Copy of photo ID
4) Explain reason for loan
5) Signed contract for loan amount

If the "vet" can provide this I will do a reasonable loan.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 04:59 AM
You realise that actually offering loans is going to get this thread shut down, right?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 05:05 AM
Pretty sure she's gone anyways. But 3 and 4 are already ITT
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
rakeme supporting the troops so ****ing hard with that post.

the answer is probably around the end of 2003. and WHERE IS YOUR FLAG PIN I CANT SEE YOUR FLAG PIN
Thanks man, yeah 2003 sounds about right. God damn internet hipsters.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
Thanks man, yeah 2003 sounds about right. God damn internet hipsters.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
You realise that actually offering loans is going to get this thread shut down, right?
Hahaha... if this whole thing was legit, it would have been dealt with differently. I was making a point that I am not here to dog vets (I am one myself) but to offer ideas/alternatives.

But obviously the person seeking a loan shark wouldn't be willing to provide those items that would be basically needed. Therefore this was never in jeopardy of becoming reality.

Solid thread through and through tho
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-05-2015 , 06:28 PM
OP come back
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-11-2015 , 08:08 PM
Sounds legit.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-11-2015 , 08:09 PM
Say goodnight, Courtney.

I love how she says she found this guy after being scammed by OTHER fake loan companies. If this company was legit, shouldn't she say she found them after being scammed by fake loan companies. Use of the word other implies the company she found is also a scam.

Last edited by Doc T River; 01-11-2015 at 08:14 PM. Reason: of course, the post is a scam.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-11-2015 , 08:14 PM
Mr Mason Diego
Any relation?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
01-11-2015 , 08:16 PM
To Carmen?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
