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How can I get in touch with a loanshark? How can I get in touch with a loanshark?

03-02-2014 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon

Get on Kiva and find out how to get one of their loans asap.


Thank you for taking the time to fill out an application. Unfortunately at this time, your application is not eligible because:

- You are not able to show documentation for 6 months of business revenue
Based on your answers, we are unable at the moment to provide you with a small business loan. However, we would like to provide you with steps to increase your chances of qualifying for an Accion East and Online loan in the future.

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Build your credit with information, free webinars and interactive templates at our online Financial Education Center.
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After taking these steps to strengthen your business, we strongly encourage you to reapply for an Accion East and Online application in three months. Thank you for your interest and let us know if we can be of further assistance in your business endeavor.

ACCION East and online
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:42 PM
Gaped yet again.

Gaped beyond reason, beyond conscience.

Gaped beyond recognition, beyond reconciliation.

Brutalized unprecedented.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:45 PM
put your $70 into play eh?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:45 PM
Thinking about it. They are giving away 5 cars at the casino tonight at 9 pm and I have a ton of entries. Maybe I should go?
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:47 PM
If I do go I wont gamble though.... throwing down 70$ is too pathetic.

I never buy into a game for less than 200. Plus I need that money to survive.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by sup hezbollah
Crazy isnt it? A perfect blackjack player can cut the house edge to less than 0.34 percent and yet it is basically mathematically inevitable that in the end the house will savagely take off their belt.

The casinos are backed by Satan himself.

You sure those percentages are correct playing 6-5 limited double blackjack while employing a martingale betting strategy?

Check up on that and get back to us.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:56 PM
This thread just keeps delivering.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:57 PM
Gambling should be illegal. The indians steal a lot of money because the games are slightly rigged in their favor.

Humanity is not smart enough to go in, win and quit, every day. In the long run we tip our caps and bend over while they simultaneously loosen their belt for rape.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:59 PM
[X] This thread delivers because it was created by me
[X] The people who are wagering on me are hebrew and are being lame bitches about it
[ ] I have found a loanshark or a solution to my financial situation
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:05 PM
LOL at least we now know what casino it is. You should play UTH, the dealers are pretty bad
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:06 PM
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:08 PM
Ok I just googled it. Ultimate Texas Hold Em.

SMH Poker players
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:13 PM

AFAIK the people wagering on you made a very generous donation to charity. That is far from being cheap. Why should they give you money when you're just going to blow it at the casino?

Being an ungrateful bitch doesn't help either.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:15 PM
Mullen my patience has limits. Dont make me harvest your IP address and proceed accordingly.

Im a fair guy but these hebrew bitches coupled with my financial status is making me crazy.

Tuck your tail between your legs.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by sup hezbollah
Dont make me harvest your IP address and proceed accordingly.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:40 PM

you have 777 posts, thats gotta be an omen!!! I think you should hit up the casino and get your car, or at the very least doube up your $70 so you can eat a little better till payday
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:47 PM
Sup, seriously, is english your first language?

if it isn't i'm far more willing to throw down money on this. also where's YTF
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:48 PM

Anyone have any recommendations for a charity to donate to? Gonna loosen my belt a little bit before Sup harvests my IP address and eliminates me.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by sup hezbollah
Gambling should be illegal. The indians steal a lot of money because the games are slightly rigged in their favor.

Humanity is not smart enough to go in, win and quit, every day. In the long run we tip our caps and bend over while they simultaneously loosen their belt for rape.
Having games that are slightly in their favour is a feature of all casinos, not just Indian ones.

There's no stealing involved, no-one forced you to play.

It makes no difference if you win and quit, unless you quit for life or win so large that you can't reasonably do it back in your remaining time. It's all one long game.

Most of us don't get raped, the casino makes a reasonable charge for the entertainment they provide, and we can take it or leave it as ŵe choose. The occasional decent win makes up (in our minds) for a bunch of minor losses.

Any money you take to the casino (assuming pit games or slots) is lost the moment you walk in the door. If you manage to walk away from that session with a profit, well done. But remember its only a loan.

Last edited by Gin 'n Tonic; 03-03-2014 at 12:24 AM.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:29 AM

I was away at dinner. Here is the text I sent Alobar from dinner: "lol let's throw that sup guy money anyway, he apologized for being a douche."

Now I come back to the thread to post that and what do I see from you?

"[X] The people who are wagering on me are hebrew and are being lame bitches about it"

Wow, glad I was away so you could show your true colors. Looks like your apology before was completely fake. Obviously we're not gonna send anything to someone insulting us. THAT would truly make us little bitches.

If you conduct yourself like a man for a while maybe you'll get another chance sometime in the future.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:32 AM

Btw, I won $25,000 betting $50 units at Let It Ride. Have you ever played that? That's one game where the player has the edge because if you get a hand where the casino is ahead you get to take back 2/3 of your bet and if you get a hand where you're ahead you get to play the full bet.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:45 AM
I am really surprised that Sup is such a tough spot, he has a good head on his shoulders.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Btw, I won $25,000 betting $50 units at Let It Ride. Have you ever played that? That's one game where the player has the edge because if you get a hand where the casino is ahead you get to take back 2/3 of your bet and if you get a hand where you're ahead you get to play the full bet.
He has to make sure to play the bonus as well. He hits that royal flush and he's going to be throwing YOU 5 percent.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:54 AM
You could probably play keno for days on $70, right?

I've never played it, but I've heard it's where a lot of really nitty old people like to spend their afternoons bull****ting and drinking coffee.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:59 AM

Rookie mistake. That's how the casino makes their money at that game. Two ways actually:

1) people who play the bonus, which rarely hits

2) people who keep all their bets active even when they have hands that are behind

If you always take back your bets with bad hands and never play the bonus, it's something like an 8% advantage to the player.
How can I get in touch with a loanshark? Quote
