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Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge

05-06-2017 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by bware
Shouldn't it look curved anyways, even if the earth is flat? Assuming it's disk-shaped, he must be seeing the edge of the disk which should look round.

Originally Posted by bware
OK, thanks that makes sense. So we are more dense than the air around us? What keeps the air from floating off into space?

Originally Posted by bware
Makes sense. Why do more dense objects move towards earth? I'm denser than the air around me, so I sink in air, but why do I move down? Why not up, or sideways?

Originally Posted by bware
Also this made we wonder about another question. If helium floats off into space because it is less dense than air, why do we still have helium? Shouldn't it have all escaped long ago? And why doesn't air arrange itself into layers of the various gasses that make it up?

Originally Posted by bware
I'm actually somewhat fascinated now, so thank you for engaging my questions. Do you believe that stars exist, or the moon, or the sun? Are they moving towards us or away from us? Shouldn't they all be falling down towards the ground as well, since they are denser than the "space" around them?
Can you give some insight to these as well?
05-06-2017 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
what incentive does he have to lie about this?

do you think i'm in on the conspiracy as well? i have a ph.d. from one of the world's foremost scientific institutions. is that enough for me to be part of the inner circle, or do they only let pilots, astronomers, military snipers, aerospace engineers and cable tv personalities in?
I dont know what Adams incentives are for lying but do you honestly believe that a celebrity wouldnt lie? There are people in this thread claiming they've seen the curve from airplanes when that's impossible. He could be misguided like them. There are so many aspects of human nature to him making that comment.

You're greatly overestimating the amount of people and professions that would need to be in on the con. Remember indoctrination and brainwashing does most of the work so no one is going to consider it to be flat because it seems impossible to them.
05-06-2017 , 04:55 PM
Can we get some sort of guess at how many people actually know the earth is flat but pretend otherwise (so not including the ones that have just been indoctrinated). Politicians? All of NASA? All scientists? How far does this thing go?
05-06-2017 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
If you've watched any of the balloon videos you'll notice the horizon always rises with the balloon.
What does this mean?
05-06-2017 , 05:00 PM
Don't forget the dodge this!

Originally Posted by amead
I ask again the question that the flatties are too scared to answer:

If you and yours truly believe in the flat Earth, why have none of you ever taken the simple step of chartering an aircraft and flying to the ice wall, take a quick peek at the unknowable beyond that can only be speculated about, and take some pics with a GoPro of the edge/dome/whatever and blow the lid off the biggest conspiracy that mankind has ever known?

Someone could literally do that TODAY. The investment would pay for itself by orders of magnitude, and you'd instantly be the most sought-after person in the world. You'd change the course of human history.

You could do this today. You could have done it yesterday. You could have done it over and over every day for the last 50 years. And yet, nobody ever has. And you want to tell us about Occam's Razor?
05-06-2017 , 05:07 PM
I'm disappointed. If they dodge your question again and dodge the few I asked, I'm just going to assume this is trolling and will stop bothering with this thread. Bummer.
05-06-2017 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Because if we were less dense than the air we would float.
LOL you realize you are appealing to gravity with this line of thought, right?
05-06-2017 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
What does this mean?
You are never looking downward angle towards the horizon it always rises to match your vertical height.

Youd think the farther up you get from something, youd eventually be looking down upon and beyond it, not the case with the horizon.
05-06-2017 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
LOL you realize you are appealing to gravity with this line of thought, right?
Why do you think that?
05-06-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by bware
I'm disappointed. If they dodge your question again and dodge the few I asked, I'm just going to assume this is trolling and will stop bothering with this thread. Bummer.
Ive answered your questions and ameads as well. I'm not dodging.
05-06-2017 , 05:36 PM
You didn't answer all the questions I quoted a few posts ago, and if you answered his then we both missed it.
05-06-2017 , 05:38 PM
I was pretty skeptical, but I've been up since last night researching this and, unless I've missed something, I'm pretty sure I've proven that space doesn't exist.

05-06-2017 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by bware
Can we get some sort of guess at how many people actually know the earth is flat but pretend otherwise (so not including the ones that have just been indoctrinated). Politicians? All of NASA? All scientists? How far does this thing go?
10000 is a fair guess. This question is pretty subjective to what you think the world power structure looks like, muh illuminati, and such.
05-06-2017 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by bware
You didn't answer all the questions I quoted a few posts ago, and if you answered his then we both missed it.
I believe I have given enough information to answer all your questions given you said you understand density/buoyancy. As to the question regarding the stars and items in the firmament would be denser than upper atmosphere and why wouldn't they fall? Well if you can build a sun and stars I think you can find a way to suspend them - I realize this isnt very specific!
05-06-2017 , 05:55 PM
1bigot, how does gps work?
05-06-2017 , 05:58 PM
But why does density move denser objects down, and why hasn't the helium all escaped to outer space?
05-06-2017 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I was pretty skeptical, but I've been up since last night researching this and, unless I've missed something, I'm pretty sure I've proven that space doesn't exist.
Lets add your spicy meme to the flat earth cache.

Also, we are doing pretty well on the bingo board so far.
05-06-2017 , 06:08 PM
Well I'll give you credit, you've been an entertaining troll. Well done.
05-06-2017 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
You are never looking downward angle towards the horizon it always rises to match your vertical height.
I'd like to see the geometry/math on this.
05-06-2017 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by 0fisticuffs0
1bigot, how does gps work?
Just bouncing radios waves off different levels of upper atmosphere. We've been able to do gps well before satellites were invented.
05-06-2017 , 06:13 PM
However, you can detect the curve of the Earth from ground level at the coast with a pair of binoculars – just look for distant ships on the horizon and you’ll see that their hulls start to disappear before their masts and other superstructure. Ancient Greek scientists, who spotted this without any optical aids, used this to conclude that the Earth was round.
Other magic that the greeks came up with?

I just feel dumber every time I read this thread. Let me guess, CGI here too.
05-06-2017 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT

There are all sorts of visual models that support a flat earth over a globe.
Originally Posted by Didace
I'd like to see the geometry/math on this.
Sure, it has already been posted.
05-06-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
Other magic that the greeks came up with?
I just feel dumber every time I read this thread. Let me guess, CGI here too.
So the curve is present when a ship disappears over the horizon at ~10 miles but isn't detected in any of the other long distance pictures I've posted? Conflicting viewpoint!!

Anyway, the entire boat over the side of the curve thing is lol anyway because if you pull out a high power zoom youll see the boat back in focus. Countless videos on youtube of this. Boat going over the 'curve' soundly debunked.
05-06-2017 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Because if we were less dense than the air we would float.
no, what I dont understand is why does density make us stay on earth? exactly, why dont we float?
05-06-2017 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by bware
But why does density move denser objects down, and why hasn't the helium all escaped to outer space?
ya this. it makes no sense. why doesnt density make you move sideways, or diagonal, or up. why down?
