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Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge

05-06-2017 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by bware
OK, thanks that makes sense. So we are more dense than the air around us? What keeps the air from floating off into space?
Elements like helium will float off into space. The atmosphere does get thinner as it goes up. Overall what keeps the air down goes back to what I said, density/buoyancy of the layers of atmosphere.
05-06-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Elements like helium will float off into space. The atmosphere does get thinner as it goes up. Overall what keeps the air down goes back to what I said, density/buoyancy of the layers of atmosphere.
Makes sense. Why do more dense objects move towards earth? I'm denser than the air around me, so I sink in air, but why do I move down? Why not up, or sideways?
05-06-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by bware
Shouldn't it look curved anyways, even if the earth is flat? Assuming it's disk-shaped, he must be seeing the edge of the disk which should look round.
All he is seeing is the horizon which always rises to eye level. Because the horizon always rises to eye level it is proof of a flat earth, not a globe.
05-06-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
All he is seeing is the horizon which always rises to eye level. Because the horizon always rises to eye level it is proof of a flat earth, not a globe.
Can you expand on this? "Rises to eye level"? Why can't he see the edge, why is there a horizon?
05-06-2017 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Elements like helium will float off into space. The atmosphere does get thinner as it goes up. Overall what keeps the air down goes back to what I said, density/buoyancy of the layers of atmosphere.
Also this made we wonder about another question. If helium floats off into space because it is less dense than air, why do we still have helium? Shouldn't it have all escaped long ago? And why doesn't air arrange itself into layers of the various gasses that make it up?
05-06-2017 , 12:25 PM
I'm actually somewhat fascinated now, so thank you for engaging my questions. Do you believe that stars exist, or the moon, or the sun? Are they moving towards us or away from us? Shouldn't they all be falling down towards the ground as well, since they are denser than the "space" around them?
05-06-2017 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Do you think you should just be floating? The answer of why things go down/up is density and buoyancy of the object/medium. It's incredibly simple to understand when you wipe away the gravity nonsense.
no its not. it doesnt make any sense. why does our density make use stay on the ground?
05-06-2017 , 12:49 PM
How do you go from this:

Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Dark matter, Relativity, String Theory and the ilk are all mathematically baloney invented to correct errors. They are building a mathematical house of cards on an unsolid foundation.
to this:

Originally Posted by 1BigOT
As to quantum mechanics I am not qualified to speak on what is legit and not in that field.
05-06-2017 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by amead
Keep dodging:
The dodge continues.

If you and yours truly believe in the flat Earth, why have none of you ever taken the simple step of chartering an aircraft and flying to the ice wall, take a quick peek at the unknowable beyond that can only be speculated about, and take some pics with a GoPro of the edge/dome/whatever and blow the lid off the biggest conspiracy that mankind has ever known?

Someone could literally do that TODAY. The investment would pay for itself by orders of magnitude, and you'd instantly be the most sought-after person in the world. You'd change the course of human history.

You could do this today. You could have done it yesterday. You could have done it over and over every day for the last 50 years. And yet, nobody ever has. And you want to tell us about Occam's Razor?
05-06-2017 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by bware
So we are more dense than the air around us?
Only some of us.
05-06-2017 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
SPHERE MONGERING hahahahahhahaa if this is not a troll i dont even know
That doesn't make it a troll. I have a guy on facebook...who links to utooooobz and is constantly posting about flat earth and has an illuminati baby avatar as a facebook friend and he talks about "globetards"/'hot chicks being transgendered women for some reason its a conspiracy" all the time. Someone using the term sphere mongering doesn't mean he's trolling. Their beliefs and terminology and derision is so laughable it makes the sincere ones seem like internet trolls.

Not sure if moo is trolling, but flat earthers are for real, and they act a fair bit like MooBuckeets afaict.

Last edited by rakemeplz; 05-06-2017 at 02:42 PM. Reason: its very possible moo is trolling and im just very dumb tho
05-06-2017 , 02:39 PM
BigOT or moo: Are there planets? Are they spheres? Do they orbit the sun? Do we obit the sun?
05-06-2017 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Are you a bit autistic? Every response you make is based on semantics. I say water doesn't curve and you show a picture of ice. I say there are no pictures of shuttle that arent CGI (implying in space) and you show me one on the ground.
i may or may not be a bit autistic, but i don't see what that has to do with the issue at hand.

why does it matter which picture i post of the space shuttle. is there any scenario where i post one of the thousands of pictures of space shuttles taking off, re-entering, exploding, or in orbit where you say "yeah, that picture convinces me the earth is round?"
05-06-2017 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Yes. Why dont you watch any of the balloon videos that go higher than his 70,000 that show no curvature? Or you could keep appealing to Adam.
what incentive does he have to lie about this?

do you think i'm in on the conspiracy as well? i have a ph.d. from one of the world's foremost scientific institutions. is that enough for me to be part of the inner circle, or do they only let pilots, astronomers, military snipers, aerospace engineers and cable tv personalities in?
05-06-2017 , 02:56 PM
A quick search of Moo's posting history would confirm that this is completely serious. Gamergate thread, conspiracy theory threads, etc.

Tho to be fair threads like GG are pretty bad top to bottom. Even regs like Grego were cringeworthy in there.
05-06-2017 , 03:03 PM
You can't spell SANTA without SATAN
- Moo Einstein, November 28, 2016.
05-06-2017 , 03:19 PM
Seems to me flat Earth theories pretty much assume you're living in the northern hemisphere and so won't notice the very wacky things they predict about the south.
05-06-2017 , 03:39 PM
F.a.k.yu guys..
Just tell me,is the earth sphere or flat..?? I am confused now..
05-06-2017 , 03:41 PM
It's more of a mobius strip.
05-06-2017 , 03:45 PM
Or a Time Cube.
05-06-2017 , 03:55 PM
I thought Big and I were gonna get a good back and forth going but he disappeared. I hope he answers my questions when he comes back; I'm fascinated by this.
05-06-2017 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by bware
Can you expand on this? "Rises to eye level"? Why can't he see the edge, why is there a horizon?
Antarctica wall is likely 10,000 miles from wherever he was and he was on ~10 miles up. You simply cant see that far, should be obvious.

If you've watched any of the balloon videos you'll notice the horizon always rises with the balloon. At some height you would notice the horizon isn't at eye height because you'd be looking down the slope of the globe's curve. You'll notice in a plane looking out the window the horizon rises with the plane, this is the same concept. I posted an excellent comparison video that models the difference as one of the first posts I did.
05-06-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
no its not. it doesnt make any sense. why does our density make use stay on the ground?
Because if we were less dense than the air we would float.
05-06-2017 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Minirra
How do you go from this:

to this:
Can't a sports expert be knowledgeable on many different sports and also use his knowledge to reserve judgment on one?
05-06-2017 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
BigOT or moo: Are there planets? Are they spheres? Do they orbit the sun? Do we obit the sun?
Planets are wandering stars. They are not spheres. It is a geocentric Universe, they are in relation to Earth.

These are what planets and stars look like with high optical zoom. That should blow your mind.
