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Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge

08-08-2017 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
So gravity is strong enough to pull down some billion tons of water, but an insect with a wingspan of 1 mm can overpower that?

Astonishingly dumb.
08-08-2017 , 09:04 PM
The force of gravity extremely weak and is directly proportional to the mass of the objects.
So does that mean the ocean is one object, rather than millions of H20 molecules? Either way, it makes more sense on a flat, level plane. Not upside-down, and sideways etc. That's what you are all completely oblivious to.

Last edited by moo buckets; 08-08-2017 at 09:20 PM.
08-08-2017 , 09:29 PM
Astonishingly dumb.
You are arguing on the same side as people who can't even agree on most heliocentric concepts, people who think it's impossible to misrepresent a recorded image before the advent of photoshop, people who think there is an equivalence between a soap bubble and the pacific ocean, people who think WHEN equals WHAT, and people who think it's absurd to learn from your own experiences and observations.

Your collective hubris is the result of believing whatever you are told by authority figures and your fear of standing out in a crowd. You are a coward and an anti intellectual, stuck in hive minded group think, likely because independent thought scares and confuses you.
08-08-2017 , 09:30 PM
Flat earth predates YouTubes

08-08-2017 , 09:35 PM
A YouTube to show flat earth predates YouTube. Outstanding!
08-08-2017 , 09:41 PM
Re: Polaris and unchanging constellations throughout history...

This is a new one. It makes perfect sense to me. Why do you find this problematic?
It makes perfect sense to you that while the earth travels 186 million miles, it is always pointing in the same spot? And EVERY SINGLE STAR, regardless of its distance, looks EXACTLY THE SAME ALWAYS?

Grab a compass, and try drawing a circle while someone else pulls the paper from under you. See what you come up with. It won't be pretty.
08-08-2017 , 09:54 PM
Flat earth predates globe earth. Must make it fact.
08-08-2017 , 10:02 PM

Do you believe the Earth is flat?
08-08-2017 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
Grab a compass, and try drawing a circle while someone else pulls the paper from under you. See what you come up with. It won't be pretty.
Find me a piece of paper the right scale and I'll do it.
08-08-2017 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
You are arguing on the same side as people who can't even agree on most heliocentric concepts, people who think it's impossible to misrepresent a recorded image before the advent of photoshop, people who think there is an equivalence between a soap bubble and the pacific ocean, people who think WHEN equals WHAT, and people who think it's absurd to learn from your own experiences and observations.

Your collective hubris is the result of believing whatever you are told by authority figures and your fear of standing out in a crowd. You are a coward and an anti intellectual, stuck in hive minded group think, likely because independent thought scares and confuses you.
Why do you think the way you do?

Pretty sure low intelligence has a high correlation with believing in flat earth conspiracies. The saddest part is for some reason you guys think you're right and for the millionth time, you won't spend any money to actually prove your point by actually giving us a view of the truth. Additionally, for a vast conspiracy that the government should want to crush; they seem not to care at all. They let you guys publish all these ******ed videos and conspiracies without any evidence that they're trying to stop it? Shouldn't you guys uncovering their conspiracies be their worst fear. And yet the let the dumbest of you, post videos by the dozen on Youtube for anyone to see. Something isn't adding up. Either there is no conspiracy or they're really good at playing the "there is no conspiracy card" when there is a conspiracy out there. I'm pretty sure there be tons of rich people willing to gamble with you on this site, giving you great odds if you can actually prove your point with actual proof and not horse**** youtube videos.
08-08-2017 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
Why do you think the way you do?

Pretty sure low intelligence has a high correlation with believing in flat earth conspiracies. The saddest part is for some reason you guys think you're right and for the millionth time, you won't spend any money to actually prove your point by actually giving us a view of the truth. Additionally, for a vast conspiracy that the government should want to crush; they seem not to care at all. They let you guys publish all these ******ed videos and conspiracies without any evidence that they're trying to stop it? Shouldn't you guys uncovering their conspiracies be their worst fear. And yet the let the dumbest of you, post videos by the dozen on Youtube for anyone to see. Something isn't adding up. Either there is no conspiracy or they're really good at playing the "there is no conspiracy card" when there is a conspiracy out there. I'm pretty sure there be tons of rich people willing to gamble with you on this site, giving you great odds if you can actually prove your point with actual proof and not horse**** youtube videos.
To be fair, if the world was flat and I didn't want people to know, I'd pay people like moo to go around telling everyone the world was flat. No one would believe him.

So, what I'm saying is moo is part of the cover up.
08-08-2017 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
So gravity is strong enough to pull down some billion tons of water, but an insect with a wingspan of 1 mm can overpower that?

C-, you've got to keep it plausible or they won't keep playing.

Referring to water as 'H20' was a nice touch tho
08-08-2017 , 11:59 PM
C-, you've got to keep it plausible or they won't keep playing.
It's like you instinctively know earth is flat. I'm referring to the water that is on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BALL. Your failure to grasp my point is because you are looking at the earth the way it is.... FLAT

To be fair, if the world was flat and I didn't want people to know, I'd pay people like moo to go around telling everyone the world was flat. No one would believe him.
You can only speak for yourself. Who knows who has been lurking in this thread and what they've taken away from it.

capone's screed
That was brutal. Calm down and try again.

Flat earth predates globe earth. Must make it fact.
The point

Your head.

It doesn't require YOOTOOBZ to resonate with people.

lol h20 that is pretty funny. That's an honest typo.
08-09-2017 , 12:14 AM
Was googling some dank FE memes and stumbled across this collection on Ebaums world

Some great commentary by the readers...

f earth was flat it would still have two sides, like a coin, and one side would always be dark. Wheres the dark side of the earth?
If the earth was flat then we wouldn't have night/day cycles.
If there was no gravity and we were on a flat earth, the earth would have to be propelling upwards at 1000 mph to keep us on it What is propelling it?
sure, other planets and moon are round balls, it's just the earth that's flat.
Gravity still works in a spherical manner. The people on the edge would be pulled toward the center of the disk.
08-09-2017 , 12:19 AM
So, what I'm saying is moo is part of the cover up.
See, when you're brainwashed enough to believe everything our masters tell us, you also manage to concoct these paradoxical scenarios yourself.

You're saying that our reality is so rigged, that I am telling the truth in an absurd manner to make it seem less believable, and keep people in the dark.


08-09-2017 , 02:31 AM
This ship has sailed.
08-09-2017 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
This ship has sailed... off the edge of the Earth.
08-09-2017 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
So does that mean the ocean is one object, rather than millions of H20 molecules? Either way, it makes more sense on a flat, level plane. Not upside-down, and sideways etc. That's what you are all completely oblivious to.

No to both points. If you realise gravity is real and the earth is a globe, it makes perfect sense.
08-09-2017 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Missed this one.

Still waiting on what the dome is made of
08-09-2017 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by ninetynine99
08-09-2017 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT

hey leo doc do you know anything about anatomy and biology? perhaps you could comment on this video about mud fossils.
I know a thing or two about both. Stopped watching your vid when he said "skin is heavily laced with silicon."

Originally Posted by moo buckets
This is the same thinking as leodoc, who says that NASA's ability to predict WHEN an eclipse happens also explains WHAT is happening.
Except I don't think that, nor have I said that. I will say NASA is astonishingly accurate in predicting the 'when' and explaining the 'what.'

Originally Posted by amead
Of all the dodges, this question stands out to me as the most crucial:

Bigot and Moo,

Do you personally believe that the Earth is flat?
I asked that question quite a while ago. Neither will answer. A true FEer would; a troll wouldn't.
08-09-2017 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
You are arguing on the same side as people who can't even agree on most heliocentric concepts, people who think it's impossible to misrepresent a recorded image before the advent of photoshop, people who think there is an equivalence between a soap bubble and the pacific ocean..
Not sure if you're referring to my image from a couple of days back. It wasn't a soap bubble, it was a water droplet (you were the one that brought up soap bubbles).

There was a point to it. For one, you all keep saying "water doesn't bend". Water droplets are definitely not flat, raindrops are not flat, where water meets the edge of it's container is not flat, and so on. There are many scenarios where water is not 'flat'.

But tbh I thought you might say how small the water droplet was, to which I would have asked why you thought scale mattered?

You jumped to conclusions.
08-09-2017 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
So gravity is strong enough to pull down some billion tons of water, but an insect with a wingspan of 1 mm can overpower that?

Whenever a FE'er says they've been researching FE for some time, I believe them. Literally. I believe they have been researching FE, and none of the counter arguments.

I've not met anyone that thinks gravity is fake that has even a basic understanding of how physicists describe it.

Moo, have you not heard of Newton's law of universal gravitation? If not (and clearly you have not) how can you dismiss something that you haven't got any idea about? So, why did you say the above? I'd genuinely like to know.
08-09-2017 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
Was googling some dank FE memes and stumbled across this collection on Ebaums world

Some great commentary by the readers...

If there was no gravity and we were on a flat earth, the earth would have to be propelling upwards at 1000 mph to keep us on it What is propelling it?
Putting aside their unusual choice of speed, why do you think they asked this question?
08-09-2017 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
It's like you instinctively know earth is flat. I'm referring to the water that is on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BALL. Your failure to grasp my point is because you are looking at the earth the way it is.... FLAT

You can only speak for yourself. Who knows who has been lurking in this thread and what they've taken away from it.

That was brutal. Calm down and try again.

The point

Your head.

It doesn't require YOOTOOBZ to resonate with people.

lol h20 that is pretty funny. That's an honest typo.
I see you ignore questions and skirt answers again. Seems to me by my little view or the world, which according to you is all that really matters, that the level of flat earth propaganda allowed to propagate without government or NASA interference is quite high. You don't see videos or hear or people complaining that their videos are being shut down nor do you hear of incidences of these people being taken out. Or is NASA that good to really let you do all this crap, i.e. Reveal their secrets but doesn't care at all to protect the biggest lie in history? Seems like that doesn't make any sense based on your hypothesis earlier that they are insanely strong and have incredible influence. Seems like if everyone is in on it, it wouldn't be too hard to shut all of these flat earthers up to protect the biggest lie in history.

Last edited by capone0; 08-09-2017 at 07:00 AM.
