Norm: There used to be a word we would all say to mean "stupid" that we don't say anymore, right? You know the word I'm talking about? And stupidly, I was about to say that word, and I stopped and said, "What's the right word to say?" and then I said a different word that was equally offensive.
Abby: Did you realized at that moment that—
Norm: I realized at that moment that I'd done something unforgivable. *pops a mint
He is my absolute favorite comedian of all time and has been for probably 20 years. Maria Bamford is my #2 to offset the darkness of Doug, but depending on your point of view… she might be equally or even more depressing lol
Maria Bamford might be the most under rated comedian in the history of stand up comedy.
She’s in my top 10 artists of all time, regardless of medium. I’m just glad that she had just enough success with her Netflix show and earlier works that she can do whatever she wants now.
New Bill Burr in March and Arí Shaffir’s newest just came out. I haven’t watched it yet but Arí’s last special, “Jew” is one of the best specials I’ve ever seen.