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10-29-2023 , 11:42 AM
Theo Von or Shane Gillis
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11-01-2023 , 09:12 AM
Kind of surprised to see no mention of Matt Rife in this entire thread. He's kind of having a moment.
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11-01-2023 , 04:53 PM
That’s one way to put it lol

His story is kind of the epitome of “10 years to be an overnight success” and dude is milking the hell out of it. Good for him.
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11-01-2023 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
Kind of surprised to see no mention of Matt Rife in this entire thread. He's kind of having a moment.
had to google him and recognize the face

he's popped up a lot in my youtube shorts recs, mostly just talking back to the audience - in fact it's only that

so much that feels kind of like of forced, like he mostly uploads clapbacks to drunken audience members because the youtube/reddit algos love that rather than jokes
Favorite Stand Up Comics Quote
11-01-2023 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
had to google him and recognize the face

he's popped up a lot in my youtube shorts recs, mostly just talking back to the audience - in fact it's only that

so much that feels kind of like of forced, like he mostly uploads clapbacks to drunken audience members because the youtube/reddit algos love that rather than jokes
He addressed this in one I saw - basically he knows that a lot of his publicity comes from the social media clips, but he doesn't post his main routine there so when you come to a show, that part is fresh, plus you still get whatever does audience wise, which is always unique.
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11-01-2023 , 07:48 PM
He’s absolutely legit. His “pre-TikTok” material was really good. After Schultz kind of created the playbook, he studied it front to back and blew the F up!

That said, I have no desire to see him doing a full set at this point. The crowd and eventually the material will catered towards each other. I’d love to see him do a pop-up at the Cellar or the Store.
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11-01-2023 , 08:05 PM
fwiw i wasn't trying to knock him per se, just wasn't sure if it was a marketing strategy or that's all he had

good friend of mine was a struggling comic for years and he said the problem with places like youtube is it grows your audience but then when people are deciding whether to see a lineup of comics they never heard of before they then watch youtube clips of it and then get disappointed when it's mostly the same routine - they don't get that a lot of comedy is working on a routine and then traveling so you can perform it more than once
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11-02-2023 , 09:27 AM
Taylor Tomlinson was announced as the host of the reboot of @Midnight that will follow Colbert.
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11-02-2023 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
can't remember her name but the woman who opened for louis ck at madison square garden special was really hilarious.
Louise CK?
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11-11-2023 , 07:44 PM
Jerry Seinfeld is coming close to my city next year, pre-order starts in 6 days, super excited to see him!

I cant believe he is almost 70 years old!
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11-11-2023 , 08:01 PM
I'm here tonight

This weekend i saw Michael Rapaport and Nikki Glaser

Rapaport was better than expected, Glaser was worse
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11-12-2023 , 03:52 AM
I enjoy Michael Rapaport. Solid guy who is naturally funny.
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11-12-2023 , 03:00 PM
he was hilarious in copland
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11-12-2023 , 06:15 PM
I would rather stick a white hot nail in my pee hole than watch anything with Michael Rapaport, other than True Romance.
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11-12-2023 , 08:32 PM
I freaking love that dude!! Reminds me of old school NYC and I’m seeing less and less of that these days lol
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11-12-2023 , 10:59 PM
Jimmy carr was amazing. He is so quick with heckles

Rapaport played the depressed man all night but was very funny. Couldn't stop laughing
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11-13-2023 , 09:59 PM
I swear I posted this earlier, but I guess it didn't go through. Jimmy Carr was funny to me on the UK show clips I'd seen, but holy ****, his standup is horrendous. This is like extremely unfunny diet-edgelord material. Quite awful boomer humor, I'm afraid.

Is he trolling with this? "WATCH ME, THE BAD BOY OF COMEDY, TELL MY DARKEST 9/11 JOKES TO A GROUP OF AMERICANS!" If he's leveling with this, bravo, he got me. Until I can be sure of that, I'm throwing it into the "extremely unfunny/cringe" bin. He's really going too far with this! HE'S SPEAKING THE HARSH TRUTHS WE CAN'T HANDLE! Somebody stop him!
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11-13-2023 , 10:31 PM
He makes no attempts to speak harsh truths. He makes it a point to make the most offensive jokes he can come up with. I don’t like his specials but the clips and such are great.
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11-14-2023 , 01:15 AM
His opening "joke" in that clip is how he'll be unable to say these things in the future. It immediately segues into what I thought was calling out gender ideology in the most unfunny and boring way possible. The punchline, if you can even call it that, seems to reference non-binary identity just to call it a joke. Unless he's referencing some movement to ban any and all offensive material, it just came off like, "IN THE FUTURE THERE WILL BE NO COMEDY BECAUSE GUYS LIKE ME WOULD TELL IT LIKE IT IS -- WHAT'S A JOKE, YOU ARE HAHA!"

To be fair, the joke was so unfunny and bland that it's possible I'm reading into it too much. It's hard for me to believe a professional comedian filming a shock special of offensive jokes considered that funny or offensive. Is the joke really just calling someone a joke? He made himself the NB person in it, too, so why is the person asking a joke? What is offensive? What is funny? If the person doesn't even know what a joke is, your comeback doesn't really zing them, Jimmy. Even in the future, he's telling non-jokes to no response.

Regardless, the focal point is how unfunny it is, "I TELL THE HARSH TRUTHS" be damned. I'm pretty sleep deprived ATM, but I swear to God that opening bit is terrible. They're all very unfunny jokes by themselves, but the fact it's presented as some truly heinous **** is the real cringe for me. It reminds me of this.
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11-14-2023 , 08:58 PM
I find carr to be aggressively unfunny
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11-15-2023 , 11:38 AM
I guess I'm just a sucker for bad dad jokes

I like him a lot
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11-15-2023 , 02:37 PM
I don't know his other material, but I wouldn't call those jokes in that post "dad jokes." IDK, that opening trash wasn't even a joke, really. That material + the concept gives off total "they could never make this movie today!" vibes. Like this isn't even edgy or offense or dark. If the internet wasn't a thing, I guarantee we'd have Faces of Death 28 or something now.

This crap is like if someone created an Anthony Jeselnik AI that could only run on Windows 95 and generated PG13 material using Bard connected to AskJeeves. But anyway, whatever.
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11-15-2023 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
Kind of surprised to see no mention of Matt Rife in this entire thread. He's kind of having a moment.

No one here is a 21 year old girl.
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11-16-2023 , 03:15 AM
My buddy has been sending me some Ralph Barbosa stuff and he's pretty damn funny.
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11-19-2023 , 09:54 AM
I like crowd work quite a lot (Stavros Halkias is prob my favorite) and a couple clips of Jessica Kirson's came up and I really liked them so I binged most of the short clips she posts and thought they were great. She recently posted a 55 minute crowd special so I was pretty amped and had a little party with my brother and BIL who are also fans.

However, we all the thought the special was terrible, and a bit of a departure from her clips, b/c she included music and singing, which we all despised.

The odd thing is that 99% of the comments are glowing and you'd think it was one of the best things every just from reading them.

The following is a bit where Jessica asks if she can look through a crowd member's purse, then she starts riffing on items she pulls out.

The bit starts at 40:20 if you want to see it all, but I'm especially curious if people think this singing is anything other than painfully unfunny. It starts at 45:25 when Jessica sees a tampon, gets the music going, and starts singing. Everyone else seems to think it's hysterical and I feel like I'm losing my mind:

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