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Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society

01-10-2025 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by ladybruin
Whenever I am walking across the street and see something sharp in the road that could cause a car a flat tire, I kick the object to the curb or pick it up.

Tires are expense to buy. Not everyone has a spare tire. And I've seen a grown man once break out in a sweat even thinking about having to change a tire.
I was staunch regarding my inability to remember good deeds I've done. But this post caused me to remember that I once removed a shredded tire from a main road in Vegas while walking to Westgate Casino. That session I hit a royal flush bonus, obviously because I did the good thing.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-10-2025 , 04:40 PM
I have kept my mouth shut on countless occasions when I really, really did not want to.

Well, maybe not countless, but a lot.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-10-2025 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by golddog

Also shovel for the couple two doors over.
When I was younger I ran a lot. A few times while out for evening runs I happened upon an elderly person clearing the snow from their walk. "My mother would kill me if I let you spend 15 minutes clearing this snow when I could do it in 2", I'd say, and take the shovel from them. Cleared the sidewalk. Put the shovel by the front door, (one lady tried to give me some cash. I told her to do something nice for a kid with it) and ran off into the night.

Now I'm old and have a big, toothy snowthrower., so on big snows I'll walk up and down the block clearing everyone's sidewalk.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-10-2025 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i'm guessing you live on the west coast?

in my more indiscriminate yut i lived in seattle for a spell and nothing entertained me more than finding the biggest possible chokepoint at a bar, usually walkway to go to a second room in the back or bathrooms and just firmly plant myself in the very middle of it

i got a huge kick out of this because people would silently crab walk along the wall instead of doing what would have happened back east "hey dumbass you're blocking everyone"
Since ‘99 and Santa Monica since 2015, so… worse now… lol

Looking back, I was a pretty big ******* back in the day in similar situations, so I think this might be me making up for it.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 04:20 AM
I always return .y shopping cart to the corral.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 12:46 PM
Not sure if either of these qualify.

I still get a couple of magazines by print, and the neighbors find them interesting, so I pass them on.

I'm also a pretty regular blood donor. Though told yesterday I had a take a little break due to a recent trip being in a malaria area.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by golddog
malaria area.
Say that five times quickly
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 04:30 PM
I donate blood every ~8 weeks, cause they told me my blood is good for newborns/infants. And there's always a shortage.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Munchies11
When someone buys me my coffee in the drive thru. I returned the Favour and buy for the guy behind me. This put a smile on my face starting the day.
circle jerks like this so people can pat themselves on the back for doing nothing are super obnoxious. buy food for a homeless person if you actually wanna help someone.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
That's a good one. I'm going to try to remember to take change with me next time I go.

I used to top off expired parking meters for strangers, but changeless meters pretty much put a stop to that.
I once saw an irate guy arguing with a meter maid about a ticket he was about to issue. Finally the meter maid has had enough and says to just move the car and he won't give the ticket.

That's when this guy informs the meter maid he has no idea who the car belongs to. What a legend.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 08:32 PM
wait wtf, people buy coffee for randos behind them in the drive thru? that's actually a thing?
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
wait wtf, people buy coffee for randos behind them in the drive thru? that's actually a thing?
I've done it, I've had it done for me. Definitely happens at Starbucks.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 11:43 PM
I tell hotel maids I don't need cleaning service but they are allowed to enter the room to get credit for one
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
I tell hotel maids I don't need cleaning service but they are allowed to enter the room to get credit for one
oh wow that's a thing? will definitely do that, had no idea
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-11-2025 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
I tell hotel maids I don't need cleaning service but they are allowed to enter the room to get credit for one
Why? They're not getting paid by the room, surely.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-12-2025 , 12:04 AM
they where where I stayed, it's not super uncommon

hotels that pay by the hour usually have a quota of the rooms and maids get reassigned if they don't hit it

Last edited by Alpha Fish; 01-12-2025 at 12:13 AM.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-13-2025 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
I just refrained from telling two autists to STFU despite the fact that they richly deserve it for ruining a thread in a different forum with a pedantic, pointless off topic argument.
If people going off-topic results in this strong a reaction for you, you might want to get tested yourself
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-13-2025 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
circle jerks like this so people can pat themselves on the back for doing nothing are super obnoxious. buy food for a homeless person if you actually wanna help someone.
Originally Posted by rickroll
wait wtf, people buy coffee for randos behind them in the drive thru? that's actually a thing?
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-13-2025 , 02:10 PM
As previously reported in this forum, I was the recipient of a charitable donation (was it?) at the Jack in The Box drive-thru some years ago during the holiday season. The cashier told me someone inside the restaurant had picked up my tab. I happily accepted the gift and had no issue whatsoever not "paying it forward" for the next guy in line.

You can argue that I'm a dick (might be!), but I didn't ask for the donation, and I don't like the idea of strings attached to me accepting it.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-13-2025 , 05:05 PM
I agree - you chose when you want be generous or helpful.

I picked up a bag of chips that was knocked on the floor, and put it back on the shelf at WM.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-13-2025 , 09:27 PM
A (small scale, no less) charitable deed, done without, presumably, anonymity, and with the expectation of reciprocity (even if not to the original donator) is hardly a charitable deed at all.

If someone gives me a compliment and then looks they want me to repay them with a similar compliment, no, I'm not going to do that and you just devalued the compliment you gave me
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-13-2025 , 09:31 PM
I often don't reply when someone says something massively stupid, I just give a heavy sign and roll my eyes.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-14-2025 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
wait wtf, people buy coffee for randos behind them in the drive thru? that's actually a thing?
Yes, it's a great way for middle-upper class people to pat themselves on the back for being noble and wonderful citizens, without having to do anything that would have a tangible impact on anyone less fortunate than themselves.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-14-2025 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by krunic
Yes, it's a great way for middle-upper class people to pat themselves on the back for being noble and wonderful citizens, without having to do anything that would have a tangible impact on anyone less fortunate than themselves.
i'm just loving that people that areas of california where only the wealthy could live with zoning rules to intentionally make zero affordable housing available are now complaining about supply and demand and how they are unable to afford their temp rentals and now there's so much outrage

same people who systematically ffed over the poors for decades suddenly getting a taste of getting priced out themselves, f them
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
01-14-2025 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
circle jerks like this so people can pat themselves on the back for doing nothing are super obnoxious. buy food for a homeless person if you actually wanna help someone.
I got back into poker recently and was doing well but I had this little losing stretch and it was largely due to some incredibly bad play on my part. This really bothered me because it seemed I'd leveled up and then I'm thinking back about a couple hands like, how is it possible for me to do something so stupid? How could I tank for 2 minutes and conclude, welp I guess 2+2 is 9? Are microplastics in my brain turning me ******ed or something? And a couple other things had me a bit down.

I get more comps than I can use especially when said comps have fattened me up and I'm trying to lose weight. And I've always thought I should give some food to people who'd appreciate it. I'd think, maybe I could bring a stack of pizzas to a women's shelter once a week, but then maybe there are some kind of legal issues with that. So finally I thought, instead of dreaming up elaborate plans you will never act on, why not just keep it simple and buy a sack of burritos and hand them out to the indigent? Part of my brain was coming up with reasons not to do it, but I shut it down. Several people gladly accepted their burritos and it was nice in the moment but not some overwhelming experience where I was filled with the divine spirit or anything. It was just kinda nice.

However, that little lift to my spirits stayed with me. I haven't been as down since. I find telling the story slightly embarrassing because it's nothing to brag about and more of a private matter. However, I think it was a useful lesson. I think part of the reason it picked me up is that I was correcting an error. As foolish as my dumb poker plays were, it was perhaps more foolish to just trash my unused comps when, with 10 minutes of minimal effort, I could take some food from especially venal corporations and give it to someone who would be quite happy to have it. The fact that this doesn't make me a saint is exactly the point. Most of us are in a position to help people out here and there very easily and we neglect to do so and invent reasons not to or forget about it and this is just foolish and it feels good to be less foolish.
Extremely small good deeds you perform because we live in a society Quote
