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Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now? Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?

08-06-2016 , 03:10 AM
I'm high af! Went to play darts again tonight, didn't go well, so now I'm home and stoned.
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08-06-2016 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
I'm high af! Went to play darts again tonight, didn't go well, so now I'm home and stoned.
I'm getting there. Going to watch Straight Outta Compton. Haven't seen it. When I'm high af I get so fascinated by different walks and ways of life. So I anticipate this to fascinate.
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08-06-2016 , 03:24 AM
that **** about your dad is cool Larry. people have been telling me more frequently that I look like mine. it's usually phrased "you must get this all the time..." I always answer 'no, never' and love people's reactions. feels good man.

the last couple days I had health care types asking me if I take any meds, any meds at all, any meds for anything ever, and I lol'd so hard inside every time I honestly answered 'no'. except for the weed that's kept me balanced the last 10 years but you guys arent ready to hear about that.
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08-06-2016 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Take the ABV, grind it fine.

Add granules to coconut oil in crockpot.

Cook on low for 6-12 hours.


You have canna oil!
Use the double boiler method by putting the oil/avb mix in an old fashioned glass inside the crockpot and fill the crockpot around the glass with water.

1/2 an old fashioned glass of 3:1 or 4:1 oil/avb is enough to keep you oblivious 24/7 for more than a month when prepared right. if you just put it into the crockpot you'll end up w/ too much volume and difficult to control dosage. Don't have avb? Just use flower after you decarb it by baking it in the oven on a cookie sheet at 220 for 15 minutes, then grind in a coffee grinder.

Simmer in crockpot for 18-24 hrs and you'll find a considerable difference in strength versus < 12 hrs.

Strain avb/oil through cheesecloth folded over 4-5 times while still hot enough to burn your hands. Use a large piece of cheesecloth so that you can twist it into a ball to squeeze out the oil.

Order a bag of '0' or '00' ( or size #4 if you think you're going to have one for breakfast, go to work, and still 1/2 way function) gelcaps on Amazon for <$10 and an eyedropper. While the oil is still hot/or reheated use the eyedropper to fill the capsules.
As soon as you fill the capsules put them in the freezer and store them there until use.

Thank me later
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08-06-2016 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Confirmed high af.

Had an interesting realization today. I do things and say things that remind me of my dad, and I realized it is because from this age on I remember what he was like when he was my current age.
Getting crossfaded for El sapo!

This post reminds me of something I thought about one time that really tripped me out.

I'm 29, but I still feel like I'm 17 in a lot of ways. Like I'm surprised that I'm allowed to work in a casino. Next month will be my 10th anniversary of first dealing job. JFC.

Anyways, that is to say that I am now essentially in the role of step-dad to a 13 year old and 7 year old girls. The 7 year old is very much like I was at that age, just wild as hell, fortunately she doesn't have the sometimes violent tendencies I had. When I'm sober, she drives me nuts, but when I'm high we get along great. She loves how boisterous and playful I can be. It's funny to me how she doesn't question why sometimes I'm just quiet and serious, and other times I'm just howling and making faces and singing bull**** songs and laughing my ass off. But I know she really likes the high me.

So all that to set up the train of thought I had that tripped me out. One of those occasions I started to think about when I was 7 years old, (once I was 7 years old!) and what life was like at home. And specifically the kind of people that were around, family, neighbors, my mom's friends, etc. And I was imagining the way 7 year old me perceived those adults and how I think they probably were from my current perspective. Then I realized that to this little girl, when she's a grown woman and she remembers what life was like at 7, she'll remember my crazy ass (that feels like an adolescent) laughing at nothing and making up stupid songs and watching sports in a recliner. That's ****ing crazy.
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08-06-2016 , 03:39 AM
cool story Bighurt. I've always thought there's a small population of people who function better in many parts of life with weed on the brain. and now we have our own thread
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08-06-2016 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by de captain
Use the double boiler method by putting the oil/avb mix in an old fashioned glass inside the crockpot and fill the crockpot around the glass with water.

1/2 an old fashioned glass of 3:1 or 4:1 oil/avb is enough to keep you oblivious 24/7 for more than a month when prepared right. if you just put it into the crockpot you'll end up w/ too much volume and difficult to control dosage. Don't have avb? Just use flower after you decarb it by baking it in the oven on a cookie sheet at 220 for 15 minutes, then grind in a coffee grinder.

Simmer in crockpot for 18-24 hrs and you'll find a considerable difference in strength versus < 12 hrs.

Strain avb/oil through cheesecloth folded over 4-5 times while still hot enough to burn your hands. Use a large piece of cheesecloth so that you can twist it into a ball to squeeze out the oil.

Order a bag of '0' or '00' ( or size #4 if you think you're going to have one for breakfast, go to work, and still 1/2 way function) gelcaps on Amazon for <$10 and an eyedropper. While the oil is still hot/or reheated use the eyedropper to fill the capsules.
As soon as you fill the capsules put them in the freezer and store them there until use.

Thank me later
Wow this sounds amazing. And complicated af.
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08-06-2016 , 03:47 AM
Nope. Super Simple.

The actual effort takes about an hour of labor to make up 100 or so capsules which is at minimum a 1 month supply that's strong enough to keep you blitzed 24/7.

Once you make the capsules just keep in mind that coconut oil is a liquid and you've got to store the pills cold or they'll melt. Keep them frozen and you've got an hour or so to take them with you. Just don't put them in your shirt pocket or leave them laying out. They'll melt.
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08-06-2016 , 03:48 AM
Oh man. That could be life changing. I'm sure it's because I'm high af it seems like something I couldn't do.
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08-06-2016 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
I'm getting there. Going to watch Straight Outta Compton. Haven't seen it. When I'm high af I get so fascinated by different walks and ways of life. So I anticipate this to fascinate.
Achieving desired effect
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08-06-2016 , 10:26 PM
I have a .5 L of quality that I haven't experienced in a few weeks, 5 episodes of Mr. Robot, and a very comfortable spot to sit. I declare victory for 8/6/2016, and we're gonna lick 'em tomorrow, too.
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08-06-2016 , 10:58 PM
confirmed on one

For the people playing along at home unsure of the meaning of the phrase "on one", see Khaled, DJ 'I'm on one'.

with my skin tan my hair long back to work but smell like a vacation
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08-06-2016 , 11:03 PM
I have only done the straight crockpot method and only cooked it on low for 6-7 hours. A tablespoon of this stuff lasts an entire day.

I should just do the double boiler method for 17-24 hours. Seems insane that it can get even stronger. As good as everyone says vaping and making edibles is, it is even better. It is really crazy.
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08-06-2016 , 11:03 PM
Cause **** it I'm on one. Pretty jelly. I just got done with an 8 hour shift and am now showering up to go to the next. I will claim victory tomorrow.
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08-06-2016 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I have only done the straight crockpot method and only cooked it on low for 6-7 hours. A tablespoon of this stuff lasts an entire day.

I should just do the double boiler method for 17-24 hours. Seems insane that it can get even stronger. As good as everyone says vaping and making edibles is, it is even better. It is really crazy.
Oh my goodness. I really need to do this. How much volume of AVB is needed?
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08-06-2016 , 11:08 PM
struggled pretty hard with an important question the last few weeks. high for the first time in days, the perfect obvious answer falls on me like a sheet from heaven. feels kinda bad man but real good too
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08-06-2016 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
Use the double boiler method by putting the oil/avb mix in an old fashioned glass inside the crockpot and fill the crockpot around the glass with water.

1/2 an old fashioned glass of 3:1 or 4:1 oil/avb is enough to keep you oblivious 24/7 for more than a month when prepared right. if you just put it into the crockpot you'll end up w/ too much volume and difficult to control dosage. Don't have avb? Just use flower after you decarb it by baking it in the oven on a cookie sheet at 220 for 15 minutes, then grind in a coffee grinder.

Simmer in crockpot for 18-24 hrs and you'll find a considerable difference in strength versus < 12 hrs.

Strain avb/oil through cheesecloth folded over 4-5 times while still hot enough to burn your hands. Use a large piece of cheesecloth so that you can twist it into a ball to squeeze out the oil.

Order a bag of '0' or '00' ( or size #4 if you think you're going to have one for breakfast, go to work, and still 1/2 way function) gelcaps on Amazon for <$10 and an eyedropper. While the oil is still hot/or reheated use the eyedropper to fill the capsules.
As soon as you fill the capsules put them in the freezer and store them there until use.

Thank me later
Why not just make a tincture?
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08-06-2016 , 11:45 PM
They were discussing making cannaoil. I was simply adding to that conversation. Most of the conversation had been around getting really high and tincture isn't really good for that. it's more of an anti anxiety, relaxing medication. If you're looking for the most bang for your buck and in a small package nothing holds a candle to cannaoil capsules.

Additionally tincture made from avb isn't particularly pleasant. It's best made from decarbed flower.
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08-06-2016 , 11:51 PM
Tinctures are mostly terrible imo.

I did have one from a dispensary in Colorado and it was almost like thick and swamp like with green almost algae looking strands in it. It was strong as **** for a tincture, but still ****ty.
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08-06-2016 , 11:53 PM
Well I just stroked my vape pen pretty good in the parking lot at work before going in. Hope it doesn't backfire on me.
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08-06-2016 , 11:55 PM
What could go wrong?
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08-07-2016 , 12:05 AM
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08-07-2016 , 12:08 AM

Tinctures are great when made properly and used for anti anxiety/mellowing out as opposed to getting really high. Nothing better than a couple eye droppers full in your morning coffee or diet coke to make the day, and people, tolerable. With tincture you can still go about your day and no one is the wiser.

Try this:

Start w/ good quality flower, decarb and grind it. Get a small glass jar and put equal amounts of your ground flower & vodka in so that the jar is almost full, with just enough space so the mixture will slosh around when you shake it.

Seal the jar and give it a good shake for a couple minutes. Store in a warm dark drawer or cabinet. Take the jar out once per week and give it a good shake for a couple minutes. The tincture is ready after 2 weeks but gets better the more weeks you repeat the process (up to about 1 month at which point it's as good as it's going to get).

Take the sludgy mixture and strain it through 7-8 layers of cheesecloth to really remove the particles and you're left with a nice green liquid and no solids. Store in an eye dropper bottle. 1 or 2 eye droppers full in your drink should set you right.
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08-07-2016 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by de captain
They were discussing making cannaoil. I was simply adding to that conversation. Most of the conversation had been around getting really high and tincture isn't really good for that. it's more of an anti anxiety, relaxing medication. If you're looking for the most bang for your buck and in a small package nothing holds a candle to cannaoil capsules.

Additionally tincture made from avb isn't particularly pleasant. It's best made from decarbed flower.
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Tinctures are mostly terrible imo.

I did have one from a dispensary in Colorado and it was almost like thick and swamp like with green almost algae looking strands in it. It was strong as **** for a tincture, but still ****ty.
Cool, got it.

On another note, some of this thread makes me want to get high again, but some of this thread makes me glad I don't anymore.
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08-07-2016 , 02:00 AM
alright so I solved life earlier, which was nice, but just now I found something I'd been looking for on-and-off around the house for 10-15 minutes. it was in the middle of the table in the middle of the house, and my first thought was 'how do you even wipe your own ass?'
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