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Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015

08-26-2019 , 12:36 PM
The new trailer

A) really makes it seem like Adam Serwer was right:

B) Is JJ switching from doing a beat-for-beat New Hope soft reboot to a soft reboot of Episode ****ing 3? Rey turning bad can't be the end, that hasn't been set up at all, and what a tremendously unfulfilling story arc.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
08-26-2019 , 12:44 PM
The more I think about the prediction in the redlettermedia video above, the more I think that's the only way they can try to fix this cluster**** of a trilogy. Would still be awful but I swear it might be their best chance.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
08-26-2019 , 01:03 PM
Well, at least she won't be a Mary Sue any more.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
08-26-2019 , 02:20 PM
Yeah that Rey scene with the WOAT sabre is clearly a vision.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
08-26-2019 , 06:42 PM
Yeah that’s almost certainly a vision or something

Saber looked ridiculous and the shot itself seemed awkward, like it was some kind of fan made CG shot
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
08-27-2019 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by GMan42
"...that's the home planet of Mon Mothma." Like not everything has to connect to everything else dude.
I completely agree, although there’s a massive part of the fanbase, probably the majority, that eats it all up. It’s why all three live-action shows are prequels, with Obi-Wan, Rogue One Guy and (yet another) palette-swapped Boba Fett. Not clear what they’re doing with the future movies given the recent rumors, but I’m sure they won’t stray very far. Wish they would at least try.

Whatever though, a Disney streaming service still an easy sell despite already having Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Showtime and YouTubeTV. Far more decent content now than just a few years ago, Brown Boba Fett still better than some crappy NBC show
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
10-22-2019 , 01:13 AM

It makes me mad how much I don’t care about this.

Hope Palpatine just kills everyone.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
10-22-2019 , 03:15 AM
Hopefully someone has made a 60 minute version of Episode 8 with all the crap removed that I can watch to refresh on what happened. Prob will rewatch all of 7 though.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
10-22-2019 , 08:51 AM
hard to get excited about this. The Last Jedi trailers were all really good, they knew enough to not include the garbage in them. I honestly feel like TLJ trailers were stronger.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
10-22-2019 , 09:51 AM
Would love to see a scene where Chewbacca goes in disguise as a stormtrooper and them blows up the death star or something.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
10-22-2019 , 10:44 AM
It's hard to get excited about this as it's highly likely to be risk-free meh.

However, the lack of anything exciting in the trailers is the only thing that possibly bodes well for the film - for example, if Luke were being resurrected it's not like they would show it in the trailer, so maybe there will be some interesting plot developments, or at worst some shameless fan service.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
10-22-2019 , 10:54 AM
Read some supposed leaks about the general plot structure of the movie, which apparently were out before the trailer and many of which seemed to be confirmed by it. If it's true, the movie's gonna be a ****ing mess.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-14-2019 , 02:29 AM
The Mandalorian Ep1 was pretty great. Felt more like the original Star Wars trilogy than anything since Return of the Jedi. And that ending! I give it a solid A.
I have spoken.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-14-2019 , 11:52 AM
I have an amazing idea for a Star Wars show.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-23-2019 , 02:56 PM
The show is decent for what it is. The Mandalorians seem a little goofy as a group though, and Top Gun Salute Guy was cringey, but it all works well enough for a Star Wars serial and the music is perfect.

Bought the new game too, also okay aside from some very minor PC glitches. I wouldn’t put it in the top 3 this year or even call it a top-5 SW game all time.

Obi Wan show no surprise and I’m sure it will be equally okay. But—and I know this is being repetitive—another prequel.

Ep 9, whatever, already bought tickets. Already saw Palpatine is back and tbh I hope they all die. Not that it will matter, because they’ll all be back later in some other movie or show, probably fighting their former pupils and offspring.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-23-2019 , 03:23 PM
Meanwhile the Mrs is watching The Voice on DVR and I feel okay with my entertainment choices, imperfect as they are
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-23-2019 , 08:17 PM
Am loving the show. Feel like I enjoyed the first 3 eps more than episode 8.

Just love the story, simple as it is, and every episode so far has been packed with awesome action scenes.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-23-2019 , 09:09 PM
Mand set 5 years after 6 and 25? years before 7-9. Wonder if there be any connection in 9. Lots of theories online.

seriously if you have not watched the mandolarian yet do not read this.

Have asked Santa for a Baby Yoda. I’ve been a good boy this year.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-24-2019 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by Gonso
Ep 9, whatever, already bought tickets. Already saw Palpatine is back and tbh I hope they all die. Not that it will matter, because they’ll all be back later in some other movie or show, probably fighting their former pupils and offspring.
Bringing Palpatine back is truly awful.

The first time I ever saw a movie theatre explode in cheers was when Vader threw Palpatine down the shaft. There were probably friends high-fiving each other.

For many Star Wars fans, this really does ruin the ending of Return of the Jedi. And it only hurts the Palpatine character as well.

Of course, they'll probably just kill Palpatine again in Episode IX.

I'm not sure if bringing Palpatine back is worse than killing John Conner in Terminator: Dark Fate. It's close.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-24-2019 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
I'm not sure if bringing Palpatine back is worse than...
Thanks for the spoiler, jfc...

Last edited by Elrazor; 11-24-2019 at 04:01 AM.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-24-2019 , 03:53 AM
Um, yeah. That was kind of a dick move, Dynasty.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-24-2019 , 03:58 AM
Ep. 9. My expectations were so low, I decided to check out some alleged spoilers. Obviously I'm not going to share any plot details but the script I have read sounds bad, people have been walking out of test screenings, and they are apparently still working on post-production making fairly major changes to the film even at this late stage. George Lucas has allegedly been bought in to help with the final cut (minor detail about the edit)
which has apparently led to far more Palpetine than the version Kathleen Kennedy wanted, which had far less of him so the could focus on the new characters. I know.

Alleged being the key, as apparently prior to EP.8 the internet was in a frenzy about a supposed scene on Ahch-to between Luke and the Knights of Ren.

Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-24-2019 , 04:14 AM
The Mandalorian. It's okay. The episodes feel too short, and although it looks great, I cant believe it costs $15m per episode. It feels very low budget, which is not necessarily a bad thing as it does give it a gritty western feel.

My two main problems are The Mandalorian never removing his helmet feels very cool, but also feels like it will restrict character development - both his, and the people he interacts with.

Second, the series just doesn't feel like it will have any kind of longevity. The basic plot is dude is a lone bounty hunter who never removes his helmet - just how many series can this idea be sustained for? I guess we'll see,

Anyway, while the series is fine I'm currently watching on Kodi as I'm in the UK; however it is nowhere near good enough that I'd subscribe to Disney when it makes it's way over here next March (wtf).
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-24-2019 , 10:00 AM
Also enjoying the Mandalorian quite a lot. Can't believe it costs so much per episode, but I feel like they're the perfect length. I've given up on more shows than I'd like recently because there's just too much boring filler packed in so they can reach the 15 ep quota or whatever.

Originally Posted by Dynasty
Bringing Palpatine back is truly awful.
It's really the only thing they have though, since they've written themselves into such a corner where he'll be possibly the only interesting character in the whole movie.

I assume they'll bring back Hayden Christensen (play the hits!) for some sort of showdown Part 2.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
11-24-2019 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Thanks for the spoiler, jfc...
Originally Posted by whatthejish
Um, yeah. That was kind of a dick move, Dynasty.
As die hard Terminator fan I'd be pissed too, if Dark Fate didn't look like something that the director of the film just pushed out of his pooper. Who really cares, you know the film is gonna be AIDS lol.

I think if you have any high hopes for the new Terminator film, you can't be a real Terminator fan. Just like if you have high hopes for the new Star Wars film, your not a real Star Wars fan cuz the new films are like digging a bedroom set out of a landfill.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
