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Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015

12-18-2017 , 05:43 AM
Maybe Daisy Ridley is no RDJ and maybe Rey isn't Tony Stark, but I'm pretty well convinced if all three movies in this trilogy make a billion+ -- which seems like a lock -- and the audience grows in secondary markets (e.g., streaming, cable TV airings) just as happened with the OT...then any future movie with Rey and coupled with the Disney marketing machine across its huge tentacles will probably turn out audiences.

Put Rey on mothballs for 5 years or whatever and bring her back in circa 2025 for Star Wars Avengers Assembled wherein Rey leads the next 3 films heros in some adventure against bad guys and I'm pretty well convinced the tens of millions of people (maybe not us old guys, but today's kids and teens turning out for this generation's Star Wars) are going to be all in. You sort of deduced that 'lame' super heros like Captain America and Wonder Woman have huge commercial appeal despite not hitting the sweet spot with 30 and 40 year old guys who grew up on Luke Skywalker and Richard Donner's Superman or Indiana Jones or whatever. That's how it goes, but I think the commercial wisdom of MCU-izing the Star Wars universe is obvious. And I think Rey will probably be the or at least a character in the middle of it.

Or maybe they kill her off and pass the baton to whoever in the next one. But I doubt it.

Last edited by DVaut1; 12-18-2017 at 05:51 AM.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Maybe Daisy Ridley is no RDJ and maybe Rey isn't Tony Stark, but I'm pretty well convinced if all three movies in this trilogy make a billion+ -- which seems like a lock -- and the audience grows in secondary markets (e.g., streaming, cable TV airings) just as happened with the OT...then any future movie with Rey and coupled with the Disney marketing machine across its huge tentacles will probably turn out audiences.
I think you're over-estimating the streaming, cable TV airings - This isn't 1980 where someone gets Star Wars on video for Xmas and watches is endlessly on repeat for the next 12 months. The market is far more saturated. For this reason, I don't think Star Wars ever gets as big as it is now.

In terms of numbers, Dawn of Justice did nearly $900m so of course Star Wars is doing a billion. A Rey standalone right now, no matter how lame, is almost certain to make $750m. This does not mean that Rey is a strong character, Daisy is a good actress or that the movie will be any good.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
I think you're over-estimating the streaming, cable TV airings - This isn't 1980 where someone gets Star Wars on video for Xmas and watches is endlessly on repeat for the next 12 months. The market is far more saturated. For this reason, I don't think Star Wars ever gets as big as it is now.

In terms of numbers, Dawn of Justice did nearly $900m so of course Star Wars is doing a billion. A Rey standalone right now, no matter how lame, is almost certain to make $750m. This does not mean that Rey is a strong character, Daisy is a good actress or that the movie will be any good.
Maybe. I don't necessarily agree but, we both agree our qualitative perceptions of the character and acting doesn't matter.

I was predicting what Disney/Lucasfilm would do from this point and why -- from a commercial perspective. If they can do 750m+ by simply giving you a character audiences know, they are going to give you characters that audiences know. That's why I maintain my prediction is realistic. It gets expensive for studios to hire the same actor over and over, and audiences will eventually bore of Rey. That's why I think the MCU model is going to be exported here. Marvel has kept Iron Man et al fresh by moving them in and out of the universe, and they keep the production budgets 'cheap' over the long term (and build their character assets) by saving the A-list characters for once-every-few-years event films and giving you B-list and new characters for all the filler material in between.

I expect the same will happen with Star Wars, and I think all of the commercial feedback so far will have them pressing ahead with Rey for a while now even if you and I disagree on the artistic merits. I predict she's an anchor for the future beyond Episode IX where they ditch the episode numbers and strict continuity and pivot to a Marvel style universe where the timeline isn't so clear and the epic showdowns between good and evil have no finite beginning and end.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 06:37 AM
Also this isn't even some off the wall prediction and my bet here is just copy pastaing what Kathleen Kennedy has already said:

But how long can Lucasfilm keep this up? In their minds, they see no reason why the next decade shouldn’t be dominated by Star Wars. Studio president Kathleen Kennedy recently revealed that discussions are already under way on how to incorporate the new generation of characters (Rey, Finn, etc.) into films beyond the trilogy-capping Episode IX.

“We’re sitting down now, we’re talking about the next 10 years of Star Wars stories, and we’re looking at, narratively, where that might go,” Kennedy told the weekly Star Wars Show (video below). “Future stories beyond Episode IX with these new characters: Rey, Poe, Finn, BB-8—but we’re also looking at working with people who are interested in coming into the Star Wars world and taking us places we haven’t been yet. That’s exciting, too, because it’s a vast galaxy far, far away.”
MCU-ing Star Wars imo

Rey stand alone may or may not happen but that's honestly on the upper tier of what they might do. I'd be more worried about utter **** like a BB-8 standalone where it has to break Poe out of galactic prison or something like that.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Maybe. I don't necessarily agree but, we both agree our qualitative perceptions of the character and acting doesn't matter.
Fair point, but I was more thinking about how the standalone will perform post-Ep.9. There is still an awful lot of goodwill around for Star Wars that might not be around in 5 years time.

I mean, Katniss was a great character who did well at the box office, but after the conclusion of the Hunger Games arc, was there really any appetite for the further adventures of Katniss?
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 07:48 AM
Poe could be great for a standalone film or series of films if written correctly. Oscar Isaac is almost certainly the best actor of the bunch and up to the task--again if the writing cooperates.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 10:46 AM
Agree with most of what's been said so far. It had its moments, but they were overwhelmed by its length and eps 1-3ish stuff. Casino planet situation was very eps 1-3. It's like they tried to mix the two styles of movie together. Kylo/Rey stuff was pretty good. Some of the humor was good but they did it way way way too much. My son (9) loved it, but honestly I don't think he knew wtf was going on half the time.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 10:55 AM
My biggest beef is that they did an incredible job sowing doubt about Rey and her anger and Kylo and his possible redemption. Legit great tension. Then they spoil their own ending when
Yoda says "we lost Kylo we can't lose Rey." It's impossible for him to be wrong so it dashed all the doubt they had so excellently built up. A huge waste of really well done storytelling.

In addition I feel they ultimately underutilized and under developed Rey, which is amazing given she was so dominant in Ep 7
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 10:59 AM
Oh yeah, my girlfriend kind of enjoyed the movie (she gave it 7/10).

However, she was disappointed about one thing:

After seeing Darth Vader at the end of Rogue One, she fully expected him to turn up in this movie, and was "so disappointed" when he didn't
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:01 AM
I'm not that likely to see this movie, but i am intrigued by this casino planet. What kind of games do they play? Is it the same weird 19th century stuff we have here? It would be cool if they have Star Trek slots.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Allegorical thing to indicate to the audience that (presumably) Rey's parents are nobodies, gone, forgotten, just silhouttes at this point. She can't recover their memories. Her thoughts and focus on her parents are empty and circular, are really about herself, and that she IS alone in the universe.

I'm guessing the scene did go over the heads of people, which is why I think this film fails in a bunch of ways. When people say this is pulp popcorn film fun but then point to what I see as the main plot, the thing going on her, the contradiction becomes clear. This scene isn't really for kids and casuals who don't understand. But it's this part (and the continual interplay between her and Ren, and their relationship, and how Luke is potentially ambiguous as well) that I really liked. As I wrote earlier, Johnson is trying to do this deep moral probing of the Force and the Jedi, how they are morally ambiguous. It's a psychological noir.

This *is* in my mind the sort of gutsy, non-derivative, 'new' thing that critics, film snobs, maybe some fanbois, etc. demanded and wanted of Star Wars.

Too bad Johnson cluttered it up with CGI llamas, a different morally ambiguous sideplot about Haldo/Poe, another story arc about Finn/Rose, a thrilling chase movie that removes the thrill by going in slow motion and centers around running of out gas, etc.

There was a good movie in here that either Johnson or the Lucasfilm/Disney Film by Committee bloated out trying to check every box or that they didn't have the guts to edit down to something more tolerable. My initial post said there's a great 90 minute movie in here but instead it's a 150 minute long slog and I stand by that. The mirror scene and Rey's evolution and her contrast with Kylo Ren and how they interpret and relate to Luke is a great movie for adults and critics. I suppose the Canto Bright casino scenes and Finn/Rose/BB-8 charging through the First Order's ship on an AT-ST to escape just in the nick of time or whatever --that was is a great movie for kids. I'm guessing casuals just want to see light saber fights and stuff blow up.

Put it all together and you get dreck imo, but I can see perceptions are going to vary wildly here.
I agree with a lot of this, and think this is a good post.

a couple other thoughts (I'm mostly grunching here):

- there is a big downside to the trilogy being put together piecemeal, and that is that (presumed) major plot points like "who is Snoke", "Snoke is a big bad" and "who are Rey's parents" just end up petering out. the point ends up being "it doesn't matter" but are those really satisfactory arcs? if one person was writing the story, I don't think you end up with Snoke as a character

- how does Kylo know who Rey's parents were?

- Leah ghosting through space was Phantom Menace level bad
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I may get egg on my face for this prediction but I would not at all be surprised to see Star Wars evolve in the image of the MCU:

- the Jedi books or some trinkets described therein become like the Infinity Stones, some objects for everyone to grapple over for the next 10-20 years of movies starting with the next Rian Johnson trilogy
- Yoda and/or Luke can flit in and out as Force Ghosts like Nick Fury.
- Rey can be like Tony Stark of the new Jedi order or Force aware protagonist group or whatever where she can appear sometimes to help punch up a movie or introduce a new hero into the universe
- All of the good guys we now know (Rey, Finn, Poe) can assemble sometimes for a big movie with other new heros introduced later to take on an especially evil Force user
- post credit scenes or cameos or sideplots can be used for continuity in what are essentially stand-alone films
- they can use characters like Chewie and droids and other ancillary characters for cameos and to market the films for casual audiences who want connections to the universe ala Falcon in Ant Man

It won't play out exactly like this but it's sort of a commercially-successful model they'll probably try to adopt. You can see TLJ as Lucasfilm's attempt to get out of the Original Trilogy Joseph Campbell model, the "Hero's Journey" mythology which is inherently self-limited with a defined beginning and end, and move into a different space where anything can happen, continuity is limited, and justice is a perpetual struggle where the good guys never win conclusively. It's more like crime fighting. The Force has all these new tricks you didn't realize (you can float through space, even if you're simply Force aware and not a Jedi). Anyone can harness it; Rey is a lowly scavenger, that kid with the broom. Villains are not all powerful and necessarily disposable from film to film.

We've read in interviews with Disney and Lucas where they will admit, subtly, that they are deathly afraid of their episode numbers scaring off new audiences, young audiences, or intentional audiences who didn't grow up with Star Wars as part of the zeitgeist (check out the marketing and how they have almost dropped the episode numbers entirely). They see the continuity as a millstone. They don't want audiences to feel like they need to watch 25 hours of movies to jump in and get caught up, or to feel like you're watching one family's soap opera.

TLJ is bloated but if, if they can find their footing in future movies with more compelling, complete stories then I guess we can see this as an evolutionary milestone. Something that had to be done to keep the franchise going forever.
very prescient. I like your point about them getting away from the Hero's journey so they can ensure one billion episodes. Maybe we can get 24 NFL games now, too
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:34 AM
for all practical purposes, this is how you take a 5/10 movie and make it 7.5/10 in the editing room.

1) Eliminate all campy humor, no 'fourth wall' with a 2017 audience
2) edit Rose out, have Finn figure out they are being tracked via intuition/memory. Offer to sneak back onto the Star Destroyer. cut entire Space Monaco planet
3) let Leia die in space

those are minimal reshoot/rewrite fixes that would have made this move pretty good. treat Kylo/Luke/Rey like the interesting center of the movie it should be. for more extensive rewrites, I'd start with what dvaut implied: b-level plots for b-level characters. I think Finn grappling with his role as a purposeless and powerless piece is interesting enough. spend a little more time developing that and cut the whole casino planet and you're golden. Poe's conflict with the leadership is also workable but already stated they prematurely wrap that up, too.

there's a lot of really good here but the bad was just so horrible and offensive that I can't get past it. Then again, maybe there's nothing they could have done. maybe the Casino Level was non-negotiable and all the marvel-style jokes were a requirement from upper management. wouldn't surprise me
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:38 AM
Gf is not a Star wars fan. Took her to tfa and r1(she hasn't seen any others). She loved those and couldn't wait to see this one. She fell asleep around halfway through and said it was one of the worst/boring movies she can remember seeing. Def not just die hards that feel this was a bad movie.

As far as I'm concerned anyone giving this movie tons of praise gets moved into never pay attention to their review territory. Really curious to see what Andy greenwald/Chris Ryan say about it as they've been my go to for some time for finding great shows/movies I wouldn't have known about. Going to be supremely disappointed if they gush over it.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I've read some speculation on the internet that something like this happened but wtf. Do Kathleen Kennedy and the Lucasfilm Story Group people just let directors have carte blanche to do **** like that? Then they...give Episode IX back to JJ, and they're letting Rian Johnson have his own trilogy? That makes NO sense. Particularly given how Lucasfilm has moved directors on Rogue One, Solo and Episode IX. No way they would let Abrams try to do develop Rey's parents and Snoke in the story, and then let Jonhson dump on it.

Gotta think this was coordinated and understood. No way JJ is earnestly trying to tell a story about Rey's lineage and Snoke and Johnson shows up on set on Day 1 and is like lol **** this, get it outta my movie and everyone is just like welp, he's the director, he's calling the shots on this.

Way more plausible Kennedy, LSG, Abrams and Johnson planned it, e.g., we're gonna lead the audience on in TFA and then swerve in TLJ.

I wrote it up in my review on Friday that The Last Jedi actually retroactively wastes your times in The Force Awakens. Part of why the bad of The Last Jedi is really bad is that it exposes The Force Awakens as bloated with **** too.
though I disagree with this. Reys parentage and Snoke are just 2 examples of important plot points being handwaved away from movie to movie. others:

- Lukes lightsaber goes from being hugely important to...nothing
- Knights of Ren are created and then aren't even mentioned anymore
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by DuckSauce

As far as I'm concerned anyone giving this movie tons of praise gets moved into never pay attention to their review territory. Really curious to see what Andy greenwald/Chris Ryan say about it as they've been my go to for some time for finding great shows/movies I wouldn't have known about. Going to be supremely disappointed if they gush over it.
haha, same here. I'm especially interested because their colleagues were not exactly hesitant to share their enthusiasm:

(it's a must-skim. highlights include the entire panel leaving RoTJ out of their top 3)
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by GBP04
haha, same here. I'm especially interested because their colleagues were not exactly hesitant to share their enthusiasm:

(it's a must-skim. highlights include the entire panel leaving RoTJ out of their top 3)
Reading that now as well. Disgusted by the lack of disgust at Superman Leia.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:47 AM
Superman Leia is the worst scene in the history of Star Wars movies
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:52 AM
just had a thought - why the **** did they kill Admiral Ackbar offscreen when they could have made the conflict between Ackbar and Poe and then given Ackbar a heroic onscreen death. Jesus christ these hacks can't even do fan service right.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Kneel B4 Zod
Superman Leia is the worst scene in the history of Star Wars movies
I don't get why everyone is so up in arms about this? If she can do the force (and she can, "no...there is another") then she can force grab the remote control, her keys, her makeup compact, whatever and draw it close to her. So of course she can grab a starship and pull herself to it. That's just physics!
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
just had a thought - why the **** did they kill Admiral Ackbar offscreen when they could have made the conflict between Ackbar and Poe and then given Ackbar a heroic onscreen death. Jesus christ these hacks can't even do fan service right.
Purple haired lady action figures. literally

or they were embarrassed to give the plot to Ackbar because it was so stupid. Why didn't she tell anyone else of her plan? I would have mutinied too. More importantly, why did she wait until they blew up 90% of the ships before deciding to Kamikaze. I can't have been the only one in the theater who wait waiting for her to put two and two together.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
That's not why people love star wars. If that was why people loved star wars they would like the prequels better than the original films. People love star wars because they are good movies about characters the audiance find themselves invested in.

this movie was bad not because it lacked battles -- the whole movie was a battle of sorts. The movie was bad because it was boring af
That's fair. I was over simplifying things, but as you said- the movie was boring. There really was no big battle though, other than the first 5 mins. Just two ships that somehow go the exact same speed chasing each other. At the end of the film I was expecting some sort of battle, but other than the Falcon vs. a few tie fighters, there was nothing.

I just truly didn't care what happened to anyone in the film besides Rey/Kylo/Luke.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 12:22 PM
if Leia had the power to survive being out in outerspace and floating through space to bring herself to her spaceship it's a real shame she never bothered to use those powers in other ways
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 12:29 PM
everyone has the power to survive in space for as long as Leia did.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
12-18-2017 , 12:31 PM
Have they ever explained how Rey, an orphaned scavenger, got so good at flying the Millennium Falcon and learned/mastered her unknown Jedi skills to the point of besting Kylo Ren in battle (who was personally trained for years by Luke and a Sith Lord), and then 3-4 days later after doing some meditation and hiking, took out half a dozen of a Sith lord's elite guards using a light saber?
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
