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Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015

05-02-2017 , 09:24 PM
It is simply NOT REALISTIC that an apprentice magical space wizard could lose to a novice magical space wizard!
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-02-2017 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by HH
Kylo Ren stopping a laser bolt and holding it mid air for 2 minutes - something unseen before - and then he gets beaten by a girl and a storm trooper.

Yeah, yeah, yeah the previous pages explains that genetics > training when it comes down to the force but guess what, this wasn't alluded to in the previous 6 films, so gtfo.
So your logic is she's inferior because she's a girl?

We still don't know why she has as much power as she has. That's the cliffhanger of the movie.

I just re-watched the scene with Finn and Kylo. Finn got his ass kicked, he clearly had no control of the light saber.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
It is simply NOT REALISTIC that an apprentice magical space wizard could lose to a novice magical space wizard!
I see stuff like this mentioned a lot, and it always bothers me. On Conan the actor for Samwell Tarly mentioned a story about a fan complaining that Sam is still somehow fat despite living on the wall, doing a lot of physical activity and eating little food. The actor's super witty response was "There's magic, ice zombies and dragons and you're complaining about this?" to which he got applause.

Magic, dragons, the force etc. are added to the story, but that doesn't mean that things like thermodynamics or the difference between dexterity and knowing how to play the piano suddenly stop mattering. If instead of having to master the lightsaber within seconds, imagine whats-her-face was falling to her death... but fortunately gravity suddenly stopped working so she was ok... no explanation given. (or hell even give an explanation if you want). That's a deus ex machina and really breaks the immersion with the story. It doesn't matter that there's space wizards and space battles, gravity is still a thing which I expect to be taken into account. Just because we've added new elements to the story doesn't mean that suddenly anything is plausible. This problem is made even worse because there's been books, video games, and of course the movies which have already taught us what the rules are: hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours of practice required in order to be able to use a lightsaber.

Yes there's space wizards and battles in space, but there's still a believable threshold which needs to be maintained. It's expanded due to the added rules for this particular universe, but it's still there.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 02:37 AM
She's a woman AFAIK, not a "girl".
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 02:51 AM
Well, what we do know is she is a "young or relatively young woman".

So yes, she's a girl.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by HH
Kylo Ren stopping a laser bolt and holding it mid air for 2 minutes - something unseen before - and then he gets beaten by a girl and a storm trooper.

Yeah, yeah, yeah the previous pages explains that genetics > training when it comes down to the force but guess what, this wasn't alluded to in the previous 6 films, so gtfo.
Lol at anyone pretending that they have to follow the first 6 movies like a gospel when 123 are hot garbage ruining 456 with stupid details like mediclorians or pretending that they have to follow whatever random writer wrote in a novel that only hardcore nerds have read.
It's a movie that they can adapt however they want.
Kylo Ren sux ass that s why he couldn't handle a girl and a random storm trooper he know how to use the force but is a brat that cosplay his grandfather and throw tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants.

I loved episode 7 in theaters and hated rewatching it at home. Hopefully 8 will be a decent movie in theater and if it isn't it wont ruin my life and I can go back to my only 456 exist belief like after Lucas released 123.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
At least TFA can lead to something. Rogue 1 is a useless one shot that didn't deserve more than a cartoon imo.
It was a fun little back story I thought. Good filler while waiting for pt 8.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
Lol at anyone pretending that they have to follow the first 6 movies like a gospel when 123 are hot garbage ruining 456 with stupid details like mediclorians or pretending that they have to follow whatever random writer wrote in a novel that only hardcore nerds have read.
It's a movie that they can adapt however they want..
So you will be OK if she uses force lighting and has massive telekinesis powers in EP 8? The strength of Star Wars is the "canon" and not making up goofy stuff for the movie. Disney's Star Wars Rebels sticks to canon why can't their movies?
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I see stuff like this mentioned a lot, and it always bothers me. On Conan the actor for Samwell Tarly mentioned a story about a fan complaining that Sam is still somehow fat despite living on the wall, doing a lot of physical activity and eating little food. The actor's super witty response was "There's magic, ice zombies and dragons and you're complaining about this?" to which he got applause.

Magic, dragons, the force etc. are added to the story, but that doesn't mean that things like thermodynamics or the difference between dexterity and knowing how to play the piano suddenly stop mattering. If instead of having to master the lightsaber within seconds, imagine whats-her-face was falling to her death... but fortunately gravity suddenly stopped working so she was ok... no explanation given. (or hell even give an explanation if you want). That's a deus ex machina and really breaks the immersion with the story. It doesn't matter that there's space wizards and space battles, gravity is still a thing which I expect to be taken into account. Just because we've added new elements to the story doesn't mean that suddenly anything is plausible. This problem is made even worse because there's been books, video games, and of course the movies which have already taught us what the rules are: hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours of practice required in order to be able to use a lightsaber.

Yes there's space wizards and battles in space, but there's still a believable threshold which needs to be maintained. It's expanded due to the added rules for this particular universe, but it's still there.
Right but the only people who had any problems with Rey beating Kyle are hypernerds who are all IT TAKES 12-17 YEARS OF EXTENSIVE TRAINING TO BE ABLE TO WIELD A LIGHT SABER GUYS. NOT REALISTIC!!! They base this on Star Wars books they've read or obscure children's cartoons they watch.

When it's a made up weapon wielded by made up space wizards. Who the hell cares?
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by midas
So you will be OK if she uses force lighting and has massive telekinesis powers in EP 8? The strength of Star Wars is the "canon" and not making up goofy stuff for the movie. Disney's Star Wars Rebels sticks to canon why can't their movies?
Yeah bro, that sounds like it would be pretty cool! They should totally do that.

Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
It was a fun little back story I thought. Good filler while waiting for pt 8.
There s a simple fact why they shouldnt stick to the canon like fanatics , they are doing a movie for everybody and not only for starwars fans who know the canon, that s the same reason why superhero movies are based on comic books but not following exactly comic books.
That s why a cartoon can catter to hardcore fans while a blockbuster need a broader audience.

They could decide that rey is a super génius who natively master the force, if the script is decent and it makes sense for the script why not(usually that s a terrible choice ).
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
She's a woman AFAIK, not a "girl".
lol you insufferable ass

Daisy Ridley describing her character in an interview: “She’s a normal girl thrust into extraordinary circumstances.”
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 12:55 PM
I hope Rey gets in over her head and calls a dragon with the force. Instead of breathing fire it'll have a light saber.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 01:01 PM
Give Chewbacca a light saber, one time dealer!
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-03-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I see stuff like this mentioned a lot, and it always bothers me. On Conan the actor for Samwell Tarly mentioned a story about a fan complaining that Sam is still somehow fat despite living on the wall, doing a lot of physical activity and eating little food. The actor's super witty response was "There's magic, ice zombies and dragons and you're complaining about this?" to which he got applause.

Magic, dragons, the force etc. are added to the story, but that doesn't mean that things like thermodynamics or the difference between dexterity and knowing how to play the piano suddenly stop mattering. If instead of having to master the lightsaber within seconds, imagine whats-her-face was falling to her death... but fortunately gravity suddenly stopped working so she was ok... no explanation given. (or hell even give an explanation if you want). That's a deus ex machina and really breaks the immersion with the story. It doesn't matter that there's space wizards and space battles, gravity is still a thing which I expect to be taken into account. Just because we've added new elements to the story doesn't mean that suddenly anything is plausible. This problem is made even worse because there's been books, video games, and of course the movies which have already taught us what the rules are: hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours of practice required in order to be able to use a lightsaber.

Yes there's space wizards and battles in space, but there's still a believable threshold which needs to be maintained. It's expanded due to the added rules for this particular universe, but it's still there.
Great post. It'd be like giving Superman writers a free pass on any piece of world-building or story-telling because IT'S A MOVIE ABOUT AN INVINCIBLE ALIEN WHO CAN FLY. Very few movies are immersed with 100% realism. Writers/directors/actors create a universe that, hopefully, the audience is willing to accept. In Star Wars the audience is perfectly fine accepting that things like the force, Jedi's, etc, exist. That doesn't mean that they're allowed to therefore just do whatever they want wrt storytelling and the precedents they've already set. Anakin Skywalker was the strongest Jedi with the force in the history of this world, it would have been an absolute joke had 8 year old Anakin been wielding lightsabers in episode 1. Hell, it was even a little bit silly that he was so crucial in the space battle, despite the fact that a) they had developed him as an expert flyer and b) they def showed that luck (or the force) was on his side a number of times in said battle.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
There s a simple fact why they shouldnt stick to the canon like fanatics , they are doing a movie for everybody and not only for starwars fans who know the canon, that s the same reason why superhero movies are based on comic books but not following exactly comic books.
That s why a cartoon can catter to hardcore fans while a blockbuster need a broader audience.

They could decide that rey is a super génius who natively master the force, if the script is decent and it makes sense for the script why not(usually that s a terrible choice ).
I can accept that concept in comic books (written long ago) but if you are actually "creating it as you go" can't you adhere to your basic premises?
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 07:34 AM
You are overreacting about TFA they didn't break any hardcore rules. It was a soft reboot of a movie almost 40 years old that had his own issue.
I cannot imagine your outrage when they released 123 if you think TFA is that flawed.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
Great post. It'd be like giving Superman writers a free pass on any piece of world-building or story-telling because IT'S A MOVIE ABOUT AN INVINCIBLE ALIEN WHO CAN FLY. Very few movies are immersed with 100% realism. Writers/directors/actors create a universe that, hopefully, the audience is willing to accept. In Star Wars the audience is perfectly fine accepting that things like the force, Jedi's, etc, exist. That doesn't mean that they're allowed to therefore just do whatever they want wrt storytelling and the precedents they've already set. Anakin Skywalker was the strongest Jedi with the force in the history of this world, it would have been an absolute joke had 8 year old Anakin been wielding lightsabers in episode 1. Hell, it was even a little bit silly that he was so crucial in the space battle, despite the fact that a) they had developed him as an expert flyer and b) they def showed that luck (or the force) was on his side a number of times in said battle.
#Actually, the canon is that fighting with a lightsaber is not that difficult. In ANH, Luke is blocking blaster bolts with a lightsaber, while blindfolded, after no more than a couple days' practice. At the end of ESW, he puts up a creditable, although losing, defense in a 1v1 against Darth Vader, a monstrously powerful Sith Lord with decades of experience, including prolific experience of lightsaber duels. Keep in mind that, at this point, the only time Luke had ever used a lightsaber in combat was to slice open a panel on that AT-AT on Hoth and his total Jedi training amounts to maybe a month or two.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
#Actually, the canon is that fighting with a lightsaber is not that difficult. In ANH, Luke is blocking blaster bolts with a lightsaber, while blindfolded, after no more than a couple days' practice. At the end of ESW, he puts up a creditable, although losing, defense in a 1v1 against Darth Vader, a monstrously powerful Sith Lord with decades of experience, including prolific experience of lightsaber duels. Keep in mind that, at this point, the only time Luke had ever used a lightsaber in combat was to slice open a panel on that AT-AT on Hoth and his total Jedi training amounts to maybe a month or two.
In ANH Luke blocks a single bolt blindfolded and there is at least some question as to whether it was luck or the force. He then doesn't use the lightsaber the rest of the movie. Iirc 3 years take place between ANH and ESB (in which I think it's safe to presume he's practiced some) AND he spends a chunk of the movie training with Yoda. Now he doesn't complete his training but he also doesn't rly put up much of a fight vs Vader either. This is not remotely comparable to nor does it validate Rey's arc in TFA.

Just wanna make it clear I thoroughly enjoyed TFA on multiple viewings so I'm not intending to hate on the movie as a whole. I do think, however, that the movie works just as well if Rey loses that fight. Hell they even gave themselves an out with the ground splitting, when Kylo was trying to convince Rey to join the dark side they easily could have had her show inklings of her power and then have the ground split allowing her to escape. Kyle could have a) taken Finn or b) forgotten about Finn in frustration allowing Rey to still get him on the ship. Having her get the best of Kyle added absolutely nothing to the story or the characters.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 12:11 PM
Right but Kyle hasn't completed his training and hasn't had anyone to lightsaber duel with. He's also a novice! So if Luke can block blaster bolts blindfolded after an hour of practice and defeat a great Sith Lord on his second ever lightsaber duel I don't see why Rey can't beat fellow novice (and gravely wounded) lightsaberer Kyle on her first try. Also we have no idea who Rey is or if this actually is her first time touching a light saber.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
Iirc 3 years take place between ANH and ESB
Yeah, I mean there is the bit on Hoth where Luke pulls the lightsabre from the ice, with quite a lot of effort. Three years after discovering the force.

Then Rey does it after ~15 mins. It's not credible, and neither is "she had several years training as a child, but conveniently forgot".
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
In ANH Luke blocks a single bolt blindfolded and there is at least some question as to whether it was luck or the force. He then doesn't use the lightsaber the rest of the movie. Iirc 3 years take place between ANH and ESB (in which I think it's safe to presume he's practiced some) AND he spends a chunk of the movie training with Yoda. Now he doesn't complete his training but he also doesn't rly put up much of a fight vs Vader either. This is not remotely comparable to nor does it validate Rey's arc in TFA.

Just wanna make it clear I thoroughly enjoyed TFA on multiple viewings so I'm not intending to hate on the movie as a whole. I do think, however, that the movie works just as well if Rey loses that fight. Hell they even gave themselves an out with the ground splitting, when Kylo was trying to convince Rey to join the dark side they easily could have had her show inklings of her power and then have the ground split allowing her to escape. Kyle could have a) taken Finn or b) forgotten about Finn in frustration allowing Rey to still get him on the ship. Having her get the best of Kyle added absolutely nothing to the story or the characters.
Luke actually blocks three shots from the training remote, in rapid succession. Saying that it's luck is a highly strained, at best, reading of the scene. The consistent message is that lightsaber skill is mostly a function of Force ability, not practice.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
Having her get the best of Kyle added absolutely nothing to the story or the characters.
Ofc it add to the story: the brat wannabe dark sith got beat up by an untrained girl. It add depth to their relationship and we can see him cry on his kiddy bed under his Vader poster in the next movie
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Luke actually blocks three shots from the training remote, in rapid succession. Saying that it's luck is a highly strained, at best, reading of the scene. The consistent message is that lightsaber skill is mostly a function of Force ability, not practice.
I think its fair to say that the Star Wars World was not completely thought out when ANH was released in the 70s. I'm not sure it was totally thought out by ROTJ either. It is safe to say that movies 1, 2 and 3 and the animated Clone Wars series laid the foundation of the Star Wars Universe. Disney follows this in Rogue One and Star Wars Rebels but revises in Force Awakens.
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
05-04-2017 , 12:49 PM
I think it's safe to say that the mega popular first three movies seen by hundreds of millions of people laid the foundation of the Star Wars universe...
Disney buying LucasFilm, Releasing Star Wars episode 7 in 2015 Quote
