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The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.
View Poll Results: What are your coronavirus contingency plans?
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90 36.14%
This coronavirus thing is not all that bad.
75 30.12%
OP is an idiot.
25 10.04%
59 23.69%

12-19-2020 , 03:27 PM
It feels like some kind of negotiating thing where the US doesn't want to pay what Pfizer is asking. Also our vaccine czar seems to be in bed with Moderna.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-19-2020 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe
Into a new Tier 4. Supposedly new nastier strain across South of England. Xmas cancelled
Does the Chunnel have doors? I'm imagining some huge metal sliding doors to close it up. Maybe with giant padlocks and chains.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-19-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
The UK kind of banked on the Oxford vaccine, which is unfortunate given their crappy phase 3 data.
I don't think there was anything wrong with the Phase 3 trials. They ran two trials, in the UK and Brazil, and the UK trial, with a half-dose given first, showed the best results, 90% effective compared to 60%. It is not true that the half-dose regime was a mistake. The media coverage was stupid, but then media coverage of everything always is.

UK gov has bought the Oxford vaccine heavily (100m doses), but it's also bought 40m Pfizer and now 7m Moderna (the snag with Moderna is they don't have the manufacturing capacity, so it's got to be run up from somewhere somehow), plus 60m Novavax, also at Phase 3, and quite a few more at earlier stages, total 357m if I recall aright.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 12-19-2020 at 04:01 PM.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-19-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Pfizer claiming they have millions of doses in their warehouse with nowhere to send as they have been given no direction by the gov. I want to believe this is fake news.
Add to this many states not getting what they were told they would get. All D and battleground states and MA of course.

Last edited by 27offsuit; 12-19-2020 at 04:45 PM.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-19-2020 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by golddog
Does the Chunnel have doors? I'm imagining some huge metal sliding doors to close it up. Maybe with giant padlocks and chains.
The Eurostar trains are still running, but you have to fill in special forms and you're referred to government travel advice if you don't want to be told to go back where you came from.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-19-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
I don't think there was anything wrong with the Phase 3 trials. They ran two trials, in the UK and Brazil, and the UK trial, with a half-dose given first, showed the best results, 90% effective compared to 60%. It is not true that the half-dose regime was a mistake. The media coverage was stupid, but then media coverage of everything always is.
That's good news, I hope. I just hadn't seen anything until now to refute the apparent lie that they had accidentally run trials with different doses. So they were running two trials at deliberately different doses the whole time? That's a relief, as I had a lot of hope for the Oxford guys.

I still think this is a concern:

"Of the 11,636 volunteers in the UK and Brazil included in this initial analysis of efficacy, the majority are in the 18-55 age range (UK 87% and Brazil 90%), with those aged 56 or older contributing 12%. As only five cases included in the primary analysis occurred in those who were more than 55 years old, the vaccine efficacy in older age groups could not be assessed but will be determined in future analyses after more cases have accrued in this age range."

Fingers crossed it is just as efficacious in older age groups.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-19-2020 , 11:42 PM
Took a ride today with my wife to drop off some presents at her sister's house. Drove past a bunch of strip malls (Marshall's, Kohl's, Best Buy, etc.). Parking lots packed. Stores looked packed with huge crowds all over. Like pandemic isn't even a thing. I'm assuming most in the stores were wearing masks at least - although given that at least 50% of people seem to be unable to keep the mask over their nose, probably isn't helping that much.

This is in NJ where recent positivity rate is around 11%.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 12:43 AM
It's the same everywhere. People don't even know what positivity rate means.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 01:24 AM
Nurse in COVID-19 vaccine trial experiences '104.9 fever'
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 07:14 AM

(Linked from:

When one looks at Western countries’ reaction to the pandemic, one is struck by its stop-and-go character. Lockdown measures were imposed, often reluctantly, in the Spring when the epidemic seemed to be at the peak, just to be released as soon as there was an improvement. The improvement was perceived by the public as the end of the epidemic. The governments were happy to participate in that self-deception. Then, in the Fall, the epidemic came back with vengeance, and again the tough measures were imposed half-heartedly, under pressure, and with the (already once-chastened) hope that they could be rescinded for the holidays.

Why did not governments and the public go from the beginning for strong measures whose objective would not have been merely to “flatten the curve” but to either eradicate the virus or drive it out to such an extent, as it was done in East Asia, so that only sporadic bursts might remain? Those flare ups could be dealt again using drastic measures as in June when Beijing closed its largest open market, supplying several million people, after a few cases of covid were linked to it.

The public, and thus I think, the governments were unwilling to take the East Asian approach to the pandemic because of a culture of impatience, of desire to quickly solve all problems, to bear only very limited costs. That delusion however did not work with covid.
Not just East Asian countries either; Australia and New Zealand seem to have handled this way better too.

The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by jukofyork

(Linked from:

Not just East Asian countries either; Australia and New Zealand seem to have handled this way better too.

The Covid darling Thailand is in a world of **** right now. Let your guard down and this is bound to happen.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 10:28 AM
th5 south, do you pay tax in Thailand? The baht rate is mental for anyone getting paid in USD now... we're all thinking of relocating.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
I don't think there was anything wrong with the Phase 3 trials. They ran two trials, in the UK and Brazil, and the UK trial, with a half-dose given first, showed the best results, 90% effective compared to 60%. It is not true that the half-dose regime was a mistake. The media coverage was stupid, but then media coverage of everything always is.
It is true that Oxford is claiming that the lower dose was intentional (more on that later), but the mistake story is in no way the media’s fault. AstraZeneca's head of biopharmaceutical research, Dr Mene Pangalos, said they didn’t realize it was a half dose until midway through the trial and directly told the media it was “a mistake” and “serendipity.” So the media accurately reported what they were told by an extremely reliable source.

Even the new explanation from Oxford suggests it a bit of an accident. The knew there was a manufacturing error that produced batches too strong, so they diluted it. They did intentionally dilute it, but didn’t realize they diluted it to half strength until later. It doesn’t make the vaccine bad by any measure, but it was not planned in advance to give some participants half doses. If it was, the populations would have been assigned balanced demographics, which they weren’t. They were adapting to conditions on the fly. They knew there was a problem, proposed a solution, received approval and acted on it, so it wasn’t like they were shocked they ended up overdiluting, but it wasn’t the planned outcome.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Adrenocromo
Belgium, Austria, Italy, Netherlands halt UK flights, fearing new coronavirus variant

Thankfully decision makers are reading my posts.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
th5 south, do you pay tax in Thailand? The baht rate is mental for anyone getting paid in USD now... we're all thinking of relocating.
I get paid in USD and pay Thai taxes. How TF is this currency staying so strong!?!?!
And then what's the bs with them being accused of monetary manipulation? How does a strengthing currency help a country that relies on exports?
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-20-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
I get paid in USD and pay Thai taxes. How TF is this currency staying so strong!?!?!
And then what's the bs with them being accused of monetary manipulation? How does a strengthing currency help a country that relies on exports?
You are right. The Bank of Thailand has very much been trying to weaken the baht, but they have little control. There is absolutely no chance that the Thai government is manipulating the currency to strengthen it.

The primary factor driving it is foreign investors who perceive Thai stocks to be underpriced. There have been large inflows of US$ denominated investments which have strengthened the baht. Most economists expect this trend of a strengthening baht against the dollar to persist for 2021. I believe the consensus prediction is that the baht will climb another 5-10% next year.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 03:17 PM

experienced a life-threatening heart condition weeks after recovering from a mild case of Covid-19

"I was feeling completely normal and was able to put my COVID
experience behind me, After all, I am a twenty year old girl in good health.
I am the subset of the population that is supposed to be best equipped to able to handle COVID."

"I experienced such intense chest pain, shortness of breath, and a slew of other horrible symptoms"

diagnosis she received from doctors was myocarditis, a swelling of the heart muscle that has been linked to Covid-19.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 04:32 PM
That happened to a LLSNL reg who contracted he disease. He didn't get hospitalized for Covid, but did for heart issues a few weeks later.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 04:49 PM
I'm sure myocarditis is a total nothing-burger if you're young/healthy.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 05:01 PM

White House task force kept airport Covid screeners in place despite known risk of infection

three- to four-dozen personnel were infected by the end of May.

To compare, nine travelers out of hundreds of thousands screened in
the program were detected to have been infected by the end of September.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
I'm sure myocarditis is a total nothing-burger if you're young/healthy.
After all, I am a twenty year old girl in good health.
I am the subset of the population that is supposed to be best equipped to able to handle COVID.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 05:16 PM
Sorry, I thought I was in the "corona is a nothing-burger" thread
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 06:05 PM
I've heard your heart is important if you care about living.

But I'm no doctor so idk.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 07:32 PM
It seems epidemiologists are saying there is now a new mutant strain in the UK that is more deadly and causes the lungs to partially liquefy, like with ebola.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
12-21-2020 , 07:58 PM
That seems like a reasonable end to the year.

Last edited by de captain; 12-21-2020 at 08:00 PM. Reason: Headed to a Covid party tonight so I can get the non-liquifying strain
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
