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The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.
View Poll Results: What are your coronavirus contingency plans?
I'm prepping, here's how.
90 36.14%
This coronavirus thing is not all that bad.
75 30.12%
OP is an idiot.
25 10.04%
59 23.69%

03-14-2020 , 08:11 PM
Please post good articles on why creating a vaccine takes a year+, why it might take longer with Covid-19 etc.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 08:12 PM
Not presently 41 US deaths, site shows 54 but I thought I just saw 57 on news.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The risk is you put out a vaccine that actually makes things worse somehow.

I agree; this is the risk. But we need to intelligently trade risks here rather than assume that our usual vaccine paradigms are correct.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Please post good articles on why creating a vaccine takes a year+, why it might take longer with Covid-19 etc.

Part of the issue is that vaccines need to be tested in very large clinical trials designed to test it against different demographics -- old, young, pregnant, other conditions, other meds, gender, etc. In theory I agree that's wise, and in a perfect world we would do that. But if the alternative is to lose 1 per cent of our population, then we need to seriously rethink that requirement.

my understanding is that testing efficacy is not so time-consuming; testing safety is. I looked for summary articles on this yesterday but didn't find anything really all that useful.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
No, but I did go to boarding school from the age of 9 and I'm pretty sure we were quite capable of looking after ourselves and even the younger kids if needs be...

We didn't burn the place down, nor try drinking bleach. We were quite capable of cooking our own food as the school food was mostly inedible. On the weekends we pretty much did whatever we wanted, other than a couple of hours of "prep" where they sat you down and forced you to do your homework.

You were at boarding school. I presume they had what the experts call "employees" at this school. Hardly the same as you watching yourself completely unattended for a full workday, even if they have you and your schoolmates some amount of privacy.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
There are 10M people in LA county. If this is really a 2% mortality rate and every single person gets infected and sick, then 200k are deep-sixed.

That number is meaningless because we don't know how many cases are asymptomatic, we don't know how many cases are people who got sick and didn't report, we don't know how many people never carried this virus, and we don't know how many of the people getting sick are in a high-risk group.

That's a ton of variables, so there's no way to say X amount of people will die. At best, we can use similar populations from other cities and do some ratios, but then again, it's not snowing here, so who can say what the transmission rate will be in our weather?

We currently have 53 confirmed cases and 1 death. Seven days ago, we had 11 deaths in the US and there are presently 41 deaths.

It's hard to say because, even last week, they were able to track the origins of a lot of cases. It's well into community spread now (unable to track the origin), so it's probably going to get pretty bad soon. It's just a question of how bad.

I'm a betting man (obv), but I'd be fool to take any over/under in LA.
It's lower than 2%....we can safely say that........but infection rate is all over the place.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
You were at boarding school. I presume they had what the experts call "employees" at this school. Hardly the same as you watching yourself completely unattended for a full workday, even if they have you and your schoolmates some amount of privacy.
Yeah, there was somebody to contact in an emergency. We didn't have what the experts call "mobile phones" back then though, so you actually had to go and find them. Unlike now where you can just dial up your parents in 3 seconds flat...

The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by waterwolves
It's lower than 2%....we can safely say that........but infection rate is all over the place.

I'm not yet convinced on the mortality rate either way. Korea is under 1 per cent still but Italy is 7 per cent or so. some of this difference doubtless relates to the face that Italy is demographically older than Korea and Italian hospitals are apparently triaging in favor of the young. But I'd be surprised if the mortality rate is below 2 per cent in places where the health system is overwhelmed.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 09:35 PM
I'm intrigued how countries might take advantage of this militarily. I'm sure Russia is scheming methods to further invade and infiltrate Ukraine.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 09:44 PM
PSA for aspiring comedians: You can start your routine w/ 'So I walked into Walgreens and asked for a thermometer............'

If the laugh I got is any indication you will be a hit.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 09:44 PM
Now I'm about 50% certain I've had covid-19 twice this winter. I've had cold/flu like systoms for 4 weeks now. Only this week it is clearing up. But had fevers and congestion and coughing for like 3 weeks straight. Had the same thing in January but even worse, and itlasted a month. Extreme congestion, headaches, hard to breath (I play trumpet and couldn't even blow air through for weeks). I've never had a cold for longer than 2 weeks before this, and only remember getting the flu once before in my life. Same with wife been sick last month, and kids off and on for last 2 months. I haven't been to the office in 3 weeks, and thankfully my work recommended everyone wfh last week.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 09:47 PM
Congestion is a rare symptom of covid-19.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by muttiah
Now I'm about 50% certain I've had covid-19 twice this winter.
Seems unlikely
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
PSA for aspiring comedians: You can start your routine w/ 'So I walked into Walgreens and asked for a thermometer............'

If the laugh I got is any indication you will be a hit.
I bet they fell to the floor when you asked for toilet paper.

I was at the local store the other day. Carts were loaded to the max with paper towels.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:04 PM
Walmart grocery delivery is backed up until Monday, usually can get within 4 or 5 if needed. But got an order in, will see how much of it is in stock when they collect the order on Monday.

Amazon Fresh showed only Tuesday delivery and put an order in but when I submit all delivery spots were taken. It's crazy.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:18 PM
Just spoke with my Dad. He is in his early 70s. They are the ones who just got back from the cruise.

He had asked me about wipes because they were out and hadnt found any in any stores, so I told him we had extras from months ago for when they ran out so they could stop going to stores.

My Mom had been to like 5 stores between Thurs and Fri. He went to a few stores today and also the library. They go to so many stores so they can get all the specials, cheese at this store, potatoes at this one, etc. I told him that maybe they could consolidate their shopping and make fewer trips out. He didnt understand why.

I also asked if they would be refraining from going to church. He said no, he was ushering tomorrow. But don't worry because they werent expecting too many, only a couple hundred.

He told me they wouldnt stop living their life. I told him that they literally would stop living if they kept it up. He didnt agree and said it is overhyped and everyone is dying is older and has other medical issues. I didnt point out that they are both in their 70s.

Sigh. My wife wanted me to call because we were hoping they would babysit one of the kids one day so we could get some work done. That is probably not happening now.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:23 PM
Why isn't Obama stepping up in a time of national crisis? You're an ex-president, act like it.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:31 PM
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

Amazon Fresh showed only Tuesday delivery and put an order in but when I submit all delivery spots were taken. It's crazy.
Finally got through yesterday for a delivery tonight. None of the fresh produce on my list was in stock. Ended up with strawberries, avocados and two bags of snap peas. Somebody thought jalapeno mac & cheese was a suitable replacement for cauliflower. Hopeful they get re-stocked and stuff dies down when everyone has what they need mid-week.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by waterwolves
It's lower than 2%....we can safely say that........but infection rate is all over the place.
we're only in the very beginning of the pandemic

so far only 1 country was overwhelmed by the virus and the death rate there is way over 2%

we also don't have a long-term outlook for the 20% who need ICU and eventually recover from the virus

if an otherwise healthy 60-year old man develops severe COPD and dies from subsequent pneumonia complications 2 years later should we count it as COVID death or something else?
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
...Somebody thought jalapeno mac & cheese was a suitable replacement for cauliflower...
That's a pretty generous upgrade.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
PSA for aspiring comedians: You can start your routine w/ 'So I walked into Walgreens and asked for a thermometer............'

If the laugh I got is any indication you will be a hit.
I thought it would be funny to high five people in the front row and then say I just flew in from Wuhan. That joke lasted about a month.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by muttiah
Now I'm about 50% certain I've had covid-19 twice this winter. I've had cold/flu like systoms for 4 weeks now. Only this week it is clearing up. But had fevers and congestion and coughing for like 3 weeks straight. Had the same thing in January but even worse, and itlasted a month. Extreme congestion, headaches, hard to breath (I play trumpet and couldn't even blow air through for weeks). I've never had a cold for longer than 2 weeks before this, and only remember getting the flu once before in my life. Same with wife been sick last month, and kids off and on for last 2 months. I haven't been to the office in 3 weeks, and thankfully my work recommended everyone wfh last week.
Me, my coworkers and tons of people I know got something similar. It lasts about 3-4 weeks. Although in most cases it started kind of mild then kicked into high gear with endless coughing at night and some coughing fits in the day. I heard a radio DJ describe it exactly and say his Dr. told him he had the croup.

Whatever it was there was definitely a weird cough going around. I got it in Vegas of course.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:48 PM

Good thread on the latest state of research and possible treatments.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-14-2020 , 10:51 PM
This could be coming to any town USA soon.

The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
