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The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.
View Poll Results: What are your coronavirus contingency plans?
I'm prepping, here's how.
90 36.00%
This coronavirus thing is not all that bad.
76 30.40%
OP is an idiot.
25 10.00%
59 23.60%

03-03-2020 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
This is literally contrary to everything I’ve seen and read. Please don’t spread misinformation.
So you think antibacterial handwash does anything against viruses?

Like I said it's good to encourage handwashing but a lot of folks are going to believe washing your frigging hands will kill the coronavirus.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
So you think antibacterial handwash does anything against viruses?

Like I said it's good to encourage handwashing but a lot of folks are going to believe washing your frigging hands will kill the coronavirus.
But it does. Would you feel better if they put anti-coronavirus on the packaging?
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 12:07 PM
What a weird thing to take issue with
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
So you think antibacterial handwash does anything against viruses?

Like I said it's good to encourage handwashing but a lot of folks are going to believe washing your frigging hands will kill the coronavirus.
Handwashing gets the virus off your skin before it can contact your face. The virus doesn't live in your skin.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
  • CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
  • Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
For information about handwashing, see CDC’s Handwashing website
Show Me the Science - Why Wash Your Hands?

  • Handwashing with soap removes germs from hands. This helps prevent infections because:
  • People frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realizing it. Germs can get into the body through the eyes, nose and mouth and make us sick.
  • Germs from unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people prepare or consume them. Germs can multiply in some types of foods or drinks, under certain conditions, and make people sick.
  • Germs from unwashed hands can be transferred to other objects, like handrails, table tops, or toys, and then transferred to another person’s hands.
  • Removing germs through handwashing therefore helps prevent diarrhea and respiratory infections and may even help prevent skin and eye infections.
Apparently you've done your own thought experiment on this. But your conclusion runs counter to literarily every major medical body's advice. Are you also an anti-vaxxer?
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 12:55 PM

6:22 for Vietnam's hand washing song.

Be great if someone can get Taylor Swift and Beyonce to collab on an American hand washing song.

Last edited by grizy; 03-03-2020 at 01:03 PM.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 01:01 PM
I will get some painkillers before they get sold out. Will come in handy if/when the Corona strikes. So guess it puts me in the prepping category.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 01:45 PM
Interesting thread on possible origins:

The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 02:56 PM
If by interesting, you mean conspiratard thread then sure.

People not in the field speculating based on pulling together a bunch of public info they don’t know how to properly digest and understand is how conspiracy theories are made.

A peer debunked paper that this non-knowledgeable person thinks shouldn’t be debunked being at the center of it is just chef’s kiss.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Just got this email from my sister:

I hope you're thinking ahead in case you're quarantined. It's unlikely, but you never know.

In Florida, the stores are selling out of certain items. If you haven't shopped yet, it might be a good idea.

I suggest the following:
At least a month's supply of mom's depends and pads
Lots of tissues
Lots of toilet paper
Bottled water
Any over the counter meds/creams she uses.

Food that you and mom could eat if you couldn't go out.

Make sure Andy doesn't starve.

I know this seems crazy but look at what's going on.

My mother has a caregiver, my sister called and told her all of the above, and the caregiver told her that I'd already done it.

Heading to Target right now.
Caregiver gets a big tip this week.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 05:47 PM
I spent the morning at a VA medical center. I counted exactly two people wearing masks. Neither looked like easy pickings for the virus.

Incidentally, two masks was one more than the number of people wearing Trump hats.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
I don't get all this hand washing advice. Sure it's good to be clean and everything but the WHO shouldn't be implying that washing hands helps prevent the spread of a virus, because it doesn't.
The operative word is "help" and not eliminate. I'd suggest too that showering every day helps prevent the spread of the virus too The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Interesting thread on possible origins:

Holy ****!

The virus broke out 20 miles from the Wuhan lab where they experimented for over a decade.

And now they say it's man made and it leaked.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 07:03 PM

When a 35-year-old man went to a New York City hospital with a fever, a cough, and aches, emergency-room staffers put him in isolation and suited up in gowns, gloves, and goggles. He'd recently returned from a business trip to Japan, where at least 230 people have tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Doctors at the NYU Langone Health—Cobble Hill emergency department in Brooklyn suspected he might have COVID-19, the illness caused by the new virus. Tests for 20 other viruses came back negative, including five strains of flu. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention denied the hospital's request to test for the novel coronavirus, the man told Business Insider, because his condition wasn't severe enough to hospitalize him.

Officials even told the hospital that the patient could resume life as normal, including taking the subway to his workplace in midtown Manhattan, he said.

"They kind of left me in this state which was kind of a choose-your-own-adventure," the man said. Business Insider confirmed his identity and reviewed paperwork from his hospital visit but is keeping the man anonymous for security reasons.

"If this turns into a pandemic or whatever this is, it shouldn't come down to individual decisions," he added.
The man said his doctor did not agree with the CDC's verdict and recommended ways the patient could quarantine himself at home. He's taking the advice, though he still doesn't know for sure whether he has COVID-19.
"In New York state, the [first] person who tested positive was only the 32nd test we've done in this state — that is a national scandal," Matthew McCarthy, a Manhattan physician and assistant professor of medicine at Cornell, told CNBC on Monday.

South Korea, by contrast, has implemented free coronavirus-testing drive-thrus and tested more than 109,000 people.
What in the hell? Why can S. Korea test so many and we've only got like 1500 tests for the whole country? Is it because China won't sell us the tests or something?
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 07:14 PM
tests cost money

but most importantly, tests reveal infected individuals, which is not ideal for the current administration

they still believe that this whole thing will blow over by April and if not, then we'll just all have to pray to a little baby Jesus
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 07:25 PM
This is the problem with the "green movement" - many bathrooms have these hand blowers to avoid using paper towels, but now you might not have anyway of getting out of the bathroom after washing your hands without touching the disgusting germ-infested door handle.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
tests cost money

but most importantly, tests reveal infected individuals, which is not ideal for the current administration

they still believe that this whole thing will blow over by April and if not, then we'll just all have to pray to a little baby Jesus
Pretty much this. Incentives aren't aligned at all.

U.S. is doubly incentivized to not test people. Stupid and irresponsible? Yes.

But this is the hand some of us were dealt.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 07:40 PM
never mind

Last edited by SiMor29; 03-03-2020 at 07:41 PM. Reason: forgot, no pol here
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by businessdude
This is the problem with the "green movement" - many bathrooms have these hand blowers to avoid using paper towels, but now you might not have anyway of getting out of the bathroom after washing your hands without touching the disgusting germ-infested door handle.
jesus christ, get an adult diaper then? wtf

also the climate change issues are much much worse than the coronavirus lmfao
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

What in the hell? Why can S. Korea test so many and we've only got like 1500 tests for the whole country? Is it because China won't sell us the tests or something?
No that's not why. It's because you have trump as president. And all administrations before did the same nonsense.

Grow grow grow make war... And *** up the whole planet by doing so. Who cares mentality.

This is what brought u this.

The testing is a joke.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 08:51 PM
Bird flue, swine flue, west nile, SARS, and I'm sure I'm missing a few other world-ending diseases as well. We haven't wiped out 10% of the world population yet.

I don't think this is the correct way to reduce panic in the population:

There are other videos you can find as well, but this is the extremes China is going through. If you look at the visuals, you would have to guess that the virus must have something closer to a 25% mortality rate than 2%. I don't know what the proper reaction is, but shutting down entire cities and raiding homes doesn't seem like a proper response short of an apocalypse.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by businessdude
This is the problem with the "green movement" - many bathrooms have these hand blowers to avoid using paper towels, but now you might not have anyway of getting out of the bathroom after washing your hands without touching the disgusting germ-infested door handle.
Just wait until someone opens the door to come in and then push him aside to get out before the door closes.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 09:49 PM
South Korea has drive thru testing. Meanwhile in the U.S. some people can't even be tested at the hospital.

Last edited by Mr Spyutastic; 03-03-2020 at 09:49 PM. Reason: USA #1
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
Bird flue, swine flue, west nile, SARS, and I'm sure I'm missing a few other world-ending diseases as well. We haven't wiped out 10% of the world population yet.

I don't think this is the correct way to reduce panic in the population:

There are other videos you can find as well, but this is the extremes China is going through. If you look at the visuals, you would have to guess that the virus must have something closer to a 25% mortality rate than 2%. I don't know what the proper reaction is, but shutting down entire cities and raiding homes doesn't seem like a proper response short of an apocalypse.
That lonely cyclist stroke me.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-03-2020 , 10:23 PM
Seems to me that when the Wuhan large-scale quarantines end then people will just go back to spreading the virus. Unless some kind of cure comes along.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
