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Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen?

07-09-2020 , 10:31 PM
Why do groceries stores have to be open? People can just order rice and beans or pasta, etc. from Amazon.
Or the military can just air-drop rations.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-09-2020 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Yes, all stand-alone food stores.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-09-2020 , 10:36 PM

You're becoming quite pedantic buddy.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-09-2020 , 10:52 PM
There was panic buying when this all started. It would have been insane to say hey we are closing everything down for 6 months get what you need now before you have to hunker down
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-09-2020 , 10:56 PM
Realistically, I realize that it would be infeasible for everyone in the country to just order staples off Amazon for a month.

Nevertheless, I’m surprised that more of the persistence of new infections hasn’t been ascribed to groceries stores, since in many cases they were the only indoor public spaces a lot of people were going to.

And whenever I’ve been to a grocery store recently, they’ve always struck me as waaaay more crowded than any other place I’ve been to in the last three months, including my office, my barber, other retail stores, carryout restaurants, doctor’s office, etc.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-09-2020 , 11:10 PM
I blame the Home improvement stores. Both the Lowe’s and Home Depor near me always have busier parking lots then any grocery store, except on maybe Friday Sat. The few times I’ve been to each one there were all kinds of employees and customers with no mask or masks on their chin. And no one was social distancing. At least the grocery stores near me are somewhat organized
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 02:41 AM
Everything should be pick up or delivery only. Masses of people going inside stores (especially without masks) should not be allowed. We could have already beaten this thing but there are just way too many stupid people out there.

Last edited by Shoe; 07-10-2020 at 02:46 AM.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
We could have already beaten this thing but there are just way too many stupid people out there.
Yeah, and they're in charge.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by Punker
North America accepts social distancing and semi to full lockdown for a couple of weeks because people have been told it lasts a couple of weeks.

There's a slowing or decrease in new cases. The full Mission Accomplished banner comes out and people try to go back to normal life. Cases flare up again.

The mantra moves from #flattenthecurve to #burnthroughit and the new mindset changes to basically "it's here, it's a thing, protect yourself if you're at risk and if you don't make it, it was your time".
I'll give myself partial credit here. People in USA accepted lockdown longer than I expected, but it's pretty much where I predicted - people have just moved to "if you get it, you get it."
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 08:56 AM
I say that was a good prediction, Punk. I'm still waiting for the reign of the Corona triplets...
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 11:23 AM
Prediction?: My Body, My Choice
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 12:18 PM
strip clubs were still open in AZ

heh, no idea why we are the most infected spot in the entire world
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
I'll give myself partial credit here. People in USA accepted lockdown longer than I expected, but it's pretty much where I predicted - people have just moved to "if you get it, you get it."
heh, i think it's going to 180 again tho, people who before didn't view it as anything real because it didn't affect them, are now starting to have people in their life die because of it, so it's going to swing back around from "You can't tell me to wear a mask!!!" to "how did our government let this happen?!?!"
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
heh, i think it's going to 180 again tho, people who before didn't view it as anything real because it didn't affect them, are now starting to have people in their life die because of it, so it's going to swing back around from "You can't tell me to wear a mask!!!" to "how did our government let this happen?!?!"
"Its the Democrats fault"!
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by VincentVega
"Its the Democrats fault"!

Democrats or protestors for sure
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-10-2020 , 02:20 PM
Basically, anyone's fault but mine.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-11-2020 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by WollyMammoth
Prediction?: My Body, My Choice
My prediction: enjoy your Darwin award.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-11-2020 , 12:50 PM
early august peak for newly infected in US, late aug peak in deaths []
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-11-2020 , 05:45 PM
usa is gonna get more than 100k dead in a single month, maybe this year
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-11-2020 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by hERESY
early august peak for newly infected in US, late aug peak in deaths []
Have these projections ever been right?
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-12-2020 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
usa is gonna get more than 100k dead in a single month, maybe this year

i'll take the under.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-13-2020 , 01:29 PM
is that a milk your wifes tits lock?
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 01:05 AM
Prediction: When USA#19 starts having kids go back to school, morbidly obese kids between 5-17 will be the deaths for the most part. And there will be a lot of them.

The amount of morbidly obese 5-17 year olds in USA#19 is quite staggering, for those who aren't familiar with how much we suck. I literally can't swing a dead cat with hitting 3 complete tubs of ****, and places like LA and MS put MA to shame.

After kids start dying, all teaching for this year will become remote. If you have a student, I would get them a laptop now, because if you need one in a month you are going to be SOL.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

The amount of morbidly obese 5-17 year olds in USA#19 is quite staggering, for those who aren't familiar with how much we suck. I literally can't swing a dead cat with hitting 3 complete tubs of ****, and places like LA and MS put MA to shame.
Very true. We're living in an age where every kid is the fat kid.

My wife's class has 12 students and all except one could be rolled down the street.

The kids dubbed one of their own "meatball" I guess because he's the short, fat one. But every time my wife shows me a picture of one of her students, I'll ask if that's Meatball and she laughs and says no. Could've fooled me. They're all meatballs.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 03:33 AM
I think JFK said it best

Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
