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Cooking A Good Steak Cooking A Good Steak

08-29-2013 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Faluzure
What happened? Laying in with hands is super standard, just lay away from you...?
His hand was under the steak. I think.

MSPAINT to see what you did wrong.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-29-2013 , 10:18 PM
What are you flipping me off for?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-29-2013 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Faluzure
What happened? Laying in with hands is super standard, just lay away from you...?
Yeah, I had my flip off finger on the bottom of the 1st steak and tried to lay it gently in the oil and butter, but my cast iron skillet was probably pushing 450 degrees. Grease is gonna be grease in that situation and it got my finger.

I have done the exact same thing dozens of times with no problem. The stupid thing is, I immediately get the tongs out of the drawer to flip and do the edges. Why not just use them in the 1st place. Oh yeah, I am not that smart.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-29-2013 , 11:46 PM
Live and learn i suppose. If it makes you feel better I burnt the back of my hand cooking asparagus in the oven (trying to rotate spears without a glove and touching 400 or so degree metal rack above as i was removing my hand). I've also never cut myself with a knife, but cut fingers pretty good the first (and last) time I used an apple corer/slicer and first time I used an immersion blender attachment.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 12:03 AM
Please elaborate on cutting yourself with an immersion blender attachment. I don't see how that is even possible.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 12:07 AM
Grunching the last few months or so, but apparently the price of meat has spiked? I noticed yesterday the price of prime ribeye at Costco was about $15/lb instead of $7/lb I recall paying in the winter/spring.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 12:49 AM
I've been buying meat at costco for the last 9 months and I don't recall ever seeing prime ribeyes below $12.99/lb or so.

Paging Durango for costco price check.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 01:20 AM
you were probably buying choice if it was $7.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Bode-ist
9999 needs to add this to his steak chart!
I know I've chopped a neapolitan steak way back when...

Gonna go check my photobucket — too much work trying to find it in this monster of a thread...
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 04:05 AM
Ahhhhhhhhh... memory lane...

BTW nice looking meat LL.

As for me, I've cooked a few steaks over the summer but no pics.

Prolly be stepping it up in the fall.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
Please elaborate on cutting yourself with an immersion blender attachment. I don't see how that is even possible.
It was a food processing attachment I took out to clean after using for the first time and for some reason underestimated how razor sharp it was as I brushed my finger along the blade.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 09:28 AM
I don't think Costco choice ribeyes have been $7/lb but yes 13-15.99/lb seems about right for prime ribeyes. Prime sirloin is in the $7-8/lb
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 03:09 PM
Never seen costco prime ribeye under $12 per lb
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-30-2013 , 04:50 PM
Actually I looked at an old pic and I was wrong. All the prime two-steak packages must have been a bit heavier on my last visit. They didn't look very well marbled so I skipped. Odd because I got home and found articles on meat prices spiking on the google.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Faluzure
It was a food processing attachment I took out to clean after using for the first time and for some reason underestimated how razor sharp it was as I brushed my finger along the blade.
You can also try cleaning it or changing the attachment while it's plugged in for a nice cut.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
Please elaborate on cutting yourself with an immersion blender attachment. I don't see how that is even possible.
I personally know two separate women who have cut themselves so badly with these things they had to go to the hospital for stitches. In both cases they were using a finger to scrape blended mashed potatoes from the blade area, and hadn't unplugged the thing before doing so. Without realizing it, the hand still holding the main handle part squeezed, turning the blades back on, and the potato scraping finger was was promptly slashed.

It's one of those things that sounds utterly ******ed in the retelling, but honestly it makes perfect sense to me how it could happen, and I'm sure it's common.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 02:29 PM
Picked up a 3 pound large end choice rib roast from the grocery store (gasp!) on sale for 6.99/lb.

First smoked in my trusty Weber with soaked apple wood chips for 75 minutes

Then let rest for a half hour, browned over medium heat in a stainless steel pan with half a stick of butter

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 05:11 PM
That's gorgeous. I'm beginning to enjoy Ribeyes that are done just a tad more then the rare I usually eat. Filet and others are B&B, maybe a bit more, but Ribeyes at med-rare.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 05:16 PM
I think you maybe did yourself a disservice by taking the first cut pic too early, it looks like didn't have time to oxygenate yet and looks more done than it actually is.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 05:19 PM
That and the bright red cutting board. I didn't take a whole lot of care in my photography towards the end because it smelled so damn good. Smoked ribeye is amazing, highly highly recommend.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by ninetynine99
Ahhhhhhhhh... memory lane...

BTW nice looking meat LL.

As for me, I've cooked a few steaks over the summer but no pics.

Prolly be stepping it up in the fall.
I was crying again while looking at these pics. Why is this thread only 2 stars?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 07:55 PM
2 stars.... ???
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed

Then let rest for a half hour, browned over medium heat in a stainless steel pan with half a stick of butter

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 11:32 PM
I don't know that I've ever noticed how many stars a thread has
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
08-31-2013 , 11:42 PM
I visit it so often that I only have to type "coo" and it automatically goes to the latest unread post. Never go to it from the OOT page.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
