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Cooking a Good Everything Else Cooking a Good Everything Else

08-13-2021 , 02:36 PM
Sorry if the above was TLDR or too off topic, feel free to delete if so

here's the simple roasted potatoes with no fat greek yogurt ranch. This is easy, filling, tastes great and only about 150 cals and a few fat grams

ingredients for ranch (I wing it and add to taste, couldn't tell you the amounts of each, thats dill and chopped garlic chives btw):

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-13-2021 , 03:08 PM
Don’t delete please, my wife made a menu for this week but I plan on following something similar the following week.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-13-2021 , 03:08 PM
^^Those potatoes look perfectly cool, I want to do this.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-13-2021 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
(hopefully the grammar and spelling isn't so bad the above is unreadable, I'm too lazy to proof read)

Originally Posted by yimyammer
jambalaya (add can of rotten, chicken shrimp** and an ounce or 2 of smoked sausage)
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-13-2021 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
LOL, effin' autocorrect is worthless!


Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-13-2021 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
^^Those potatoes look perfectly cool, I want to do this.
they're damn good, some days I'll knock off an entire pound

the cool thing about the ranch dressing is I played with versions using full fat, 2%, 5% and then no fat and was completely satisfied with the no fat option because the fresh herbs really dominate the flavor allowing me to save my fat grams for other foods. Pretty sure you need fresh dill though as I doubt dried would have the same impact
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-13-2021 , 06:57 PM
lol delete
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-14-2021 , 10:51 AM
delete this man's next 70 lbs is more like it
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-14-2021 , 12:40 PM
That was like sticky worthy posting there, lol at you wanting to delete yim. Will definitely be applying a lot this to my routine. My main issue is probably drinking, need to limit the drinking particularly during the week.

We’re behind you meeting these eight loss goals, keep us updated.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-14-2021 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
Sure, below is what I'm doing, feel free to ask any questions you have.

I'm doing If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) and eat proteins, carbs & fats according to the chart in the image below based on training day vs rest. I train 4 days a week lifting heavy weights (see below). I also attempt to walk 10,000 steps daily plus on rest days I ride my recumbent bike for 30 minutes first thing out of bed. I'm on day 123 and have lost 30 lbs (losing approx 1.7lbs/week), walked almost 800 miles and my indigestion disappeared after 3 days.

I also fast every Sunday so I try to adhere pretty tightly to the macro goals Monday through Friday, then I use Saturday as a free for all where I dont count anything or worry about what I eat. Thats the day I always spend with the girlfriend so its nice to go out and not sweat calories. Even when I try to pig out, my stomach has shrunk so I cant eat as much as I could prior to starting this plan. My last meal is Saturday night and I don't eat again until Monday after my workout (I workout in the morning).

The Sunday fast has been an interesting experiment as I've discovered its 99% mental and when I get the intense urge to eat, I stop and think about what I am feeling and 9 times out of 10 its in my head and not my stomach so I fight through it and wake up Monday feeling great and surprisingly not hungry. Oftentimes I won't eat until lunch so I've fasted 36+ hours. This habit is like meditation for me and helps me really understand when I am hungry and when I'm not plus the practice of not eating is like a rep in weight lifting that makes my discipline stronger during the week when I have to fight the urge to eat more than I should. The fast also compensates for eating over budget on Saturday and the fast has gotten easier over time. Oddly, I lose exactly 5.1 lbs after virtually every fast, its strange how exact the amount is but its been damn consistent.

I dont drink any more so that's not an urge I fight plus I naturally drink a ton of water (probably 6-10 twenty ounce bottles of water daily). I also LOVE walking as its low impact, I blow throw 3-5 podcasts (primarily Joe Reagan Experience) per week so I learn as I walk and the time flies.

I'm working with Andy Morgan at and paid him to lay everything out on a silver platter for me, we meet 2 times a month and review progress, measurements, bi-monthly pictures, goals etc. He's great and provides a ton of great, free info on his site. He's not some BS artist tying to sell some quick fix solution and abhors those that do. Our plan is going to take around 18 months and that seems like a great way to go about it, especially if I develop a way of eating that can last a lifetime and I think I have because this doesnt feel like a diet at all, just a strategic, mindful way of eating and the food tastes great. Its honestly better than when I was showing no restraint so my fingers are crossed I can make this a permanent lifestyle change and have some shocking physique results in the process. Time will tell, I have a long way to go.

hope this helps.

Here's some screenshots of spreadsheets, etc you may find helpful, Good luck!

Awesome Yim!

Love love love Andy Morgan.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-14-2021 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by JL514
delete this man's next 70 lbs is more like it
fingers crossed I dont crap out, get injured, etc!

Originally Posted by Da_Nit
That was like sticky worthy posting there, lol at you wanting to delete yim. Will definitely be applying a lot this to my routine. My main issue is probably drinking, need to limit the drinking particularly during the week.

We’re behind you meeting these eight loss goals, keep us updated.
Tyvm, I tend to get long winded (especially for internet attention spans, thus yimyammer) so I never know when my schtick gives folks tired head.

I have a long way to go but I'm committing time & money to making this happen, I cant screw around & procrastinate any longer at my age. Fall and winter when it gets dark early and the weather turns cold is my achilles heal so I'm trying to think now how to deal with it. I'm shopping used treadmills since the prices seem lower in the summer. Even considering moving some place warm for a month or two because when its dark at 8am and again at 5:30pm plus cold, my fat arse doesnt want to do squat and my motivation drops

Originally Posted by Malucci
Awesome Yim!

Love love love Andy Morgan.
Agreed, he's refreshing in his honesty, knowledge, work ethic and experience. I hope to prove to be one of his best clients for my age (55)

I'm sure I heard about him somewhere on this forum proving once again what a valuable source of info and great humans this place is
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-14-2021 , 05:47 PM
Pork shoulder on sale for $.97 per lb and the store was roasting Hatch chilis, we bought 25lbs, lol. So, I forsee a batch of that chili verde in the near future for us. Would do it in the pressure cooker tonight but I didn't look at the recipe and we don't have tomatillos on hand.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-14-2021 , 06:22 PM
hell yeah
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Pork shoulder on sale for $.97 per lb and the store was roasting Hatch chilis, we bought 25lbs, lol. So, I forsee a batch of that chili verde in the near future for us. Would do it in the pressure cooker tonight but I didn't look at the recipe and we don't have tomatillos on hand.
FYI-Momofuku has some tasty, easy recipes for pork shoulder online (linked titles):

Spicy BBQ-Glazed Bo Ssäm

Savory Bo Ssäm with Chili Crunch Honey Glaze

Tingly Honey & Herb Glazed Bo Ssäm

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 11:12 AM
Those look pretty damned good. I went with the Kenji method last time and it's going to be pretty hard to top that, but I'm game to try some new things, I guess, although I'm pretty bad about finding something I like and just doing the same thing over and over.

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 11:31 AM
Nothing wrong with that, I do that all the time, especially at restaurants I frequent a lot.

That looks good (his go pro makes me dizzy at times tho).

Are you cooking in your pellet grill and can set and forget it?
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 12:01 PM
Yeah, when I did it last I threw it on at 7:30am, went to work, came home and pulled it off at 5:30pm. Only thing I did different was use the pellet instead of charcoal and I made his rub and put it on 24hrs ahead of time instead of right before.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Pork shoulder on sale for $.97 per lb and the store was roasting Hatch chilis, we bought 25lbs, lol. So, I forsee a batch of that chili verde in the near future for us. Would do it in the pressure cooker tonight but I didn't look at the recipe and we don't have tomatillos on hand.

Roast and peel? I did about 12 or so on the grill last night. They peel relatively easy but still a pain.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 12:16 PM
I love that, I really dont like to have to babysit a fire all day (or night)
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Roast and peel? I did about 12 or so on the grill last night. They peel relatively easy but still a pain.
They roasted them all at Albertsons for us, so all we had to do was bag and freeze. I guess we'll peel as we go? My gf is from NM and has been messing with chilis all her life so I'm just following her lead on this one.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 03:23 PM
Does she have a good stacked enchilada recipe?

My family is from New Mexico so we grew up on taquitos and stacked enchiladas. I make them with powdered red New Mexico chili peppers and throw a fried egg on top

right out of a hot oven after being stacked to get the cheese fully melted with crispy bits:

then I make a salad with tomatoes, onions, lettuce, red wine vinegar, olive oil, S&P. Then top it with a fried egg and some guacamole on the side

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 03:26 PM
Good grief! I have never seen anything like that. It looks like a scrumptious mess (?)
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 03:32 PM
They're fantastic!
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-15-2021 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
Those look pretty damned good. I went with the Kenji method last time and it's going to be pretty hard to top that, but I'm game to try some new things, I guess, although I'm pretty bad about finding something I like and just doing the same thing over and over.
spouse and i typically find things to cook in bulk either sunday or monday and eat for the rest of the week. not ashamed to say i've had the same bowls for dinner every monday thru thursday for three straight weeks. heavily seasoned 95% lean ground beef, black beans, saffron rice, queso, salsa, avocado, and crema with corn chips crumbled on top; with a few nights of mixing things up and using the same ingredients in corn tortillas.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
08-16-2021 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
Does she have a good stacked enchilada recipe?
No, not really. Sometimes she does stacked, sometimes rolled, but we DO have them at least once every few weeks if not every week. She uses red chilis by a company called Bueno, they're in the frozen food section of most grocery stores, I think. She claims they're the closest to "home" she's found. I've tried and tried to get her to make her own homemade sauce but it's not happening. Pretty sure I would much rather eat yours than hers yim!

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
