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Carnivore vs vegan diet Carnivore vs vegan diet

07-04-2024 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
I'd guess it's probably fine. At least diametrically speaking, a diet of only fruits and veggies is linked to pancreatic disease. See: Steve Jobs.
Jobs specifically drank a shitload of carrot juice, even after doctors told him to chill on it.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-05-2024 , 10:51 AM
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-05-2024 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I will deny that carbs improve muscle growth.
My understanding is that it can however help with muscle glycogen recovery time post-lifting or other strenuous exercise. This could allow you to hit same groups slightly more often natty than you would otherwise which would then in essence help improve growth over time. Even if that isn't nearly as directly or as important as protein.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-05-2024 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
There is no doubt that a pure carnivore diet which includes plenty of animal fats is the absolute best diet for the human body (and mind).

Many tens of thousands of people have been cured from things like type 2 diabetes, depression and anxiety issues (within days), inflammation and even cancer by eating only animal foods and not eating any type of plant foods or anything else.
I think you mean to say "there is some evidence to suggest" and "may be the absolute best diet" - several thousand personal anecdotes certainly shouldn't be dismissed, but it's hardly irrefutable proof. We still have quite a ways to go scientifically before we can start comfortably making statements like that

I feel like when a lot of people switch to a radical diet like carnivore, they're switching from a "standard American diet" - which includes lots of processed foods and refined carbohydrates with too little fat and protein (and fiber). This will make your blood sugar yoyo all over the place, which isn't going to happen if you're not eating carbs. People who switch over to carnivore usually do so for health reasons, and as such, a majority of people on the diet will also begin an accompanying exercise regimen. I think that, as well as suddenly eating only nutrient-dense food (and possibly a decreased exposure to pesticides), goes a long way to explain why people might feel better once starting a carnivore diet, rather than that being a clear indicator that it's optimal for human nutrition
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-06-2024 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Isn't that the food pyramid from the 80s - have things not changed yet?
The Four Food Groups were the 80s thing. The Food Pyramid replaced it. And placed greater emphasis on carbs because it was published by the Ag Department, which regulates farmers and ranchers.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-06-2024 , 02:32 PM
This is the new guidance
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-25-2024 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
Fung is a quack.
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Yeah... Doctors and researchers are whack.
Dr. Oz has a far more stellar resume than Fung, and he's a quack, too.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-25-2024 , 11:45 AM
I lost 100 pounds on the carnivore diet a couple years ago and still maintain that diet and my lower weight. I occasionally eat a couple bites of fruits or vegetables but pretty much only carnivore.

I supplement my diet with a daily multivitamin washed down with a glass of sugar free Metamucil to add fiber. High protein diets can cause constipation.

I no longer snore, lowered my blood pressure to the point of no longer needing BP meds, have more energy, feel better, look better, and look younger.

The only downside (other than breads and sweets being super tasty and missing out on them) is I developed a kidney stone. That was horrible.

So carnivore diet is definitely best for me but it can be rough on the kidneys.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-26-2024 , 06:56 AM
Beer, whiskey, pizza! The food triad of happy people. It’s the sobbing do gooders that want to run/ruin your life that need to be blown up.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-26-2024 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I no longer snore, lowered my blood pressure to the point of no longer needing BP meds, have more energy, feel better, look better, and look younger.
I accomplished the exact same things by getting rid of my girlfriend!
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-26-2024 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Beer, whiskey, pizza! The food triad of happy people. It’s the sobbing do gooders that want to run/ruin your life that need to be blown up.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-26-2024 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I lost 100 pounds on the carnivore diet a couple years ago and still maintain that diet and my lower weight. I occasionally eat a couple bites of fruits or vegetables but pretty much only carnivore.

I supplement my diet with a daily multivitamin washed down with a glass of sugar free Metamucil to add fiber. High protein diets can cause constipation.

I no longer snore, lowered my blood pressure to the point of no longer needing BP meds, have more energy, feel better, look better, and look younger.

The only downside (other than breads and sweets being super tasty and missing out on them) is I developed a kidney stone. That was horrible.

So carnivore diet is definitely best for me but it can be rough on the kidneys.
Do you drink much coffee, and/or black tea, or do you sometimes like to eat vegetables, which are also high in oxalates, like spinach, beets or beans?
How much water do you drink per day?
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-26-2024 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Parasense
Do you drink much coffee, and/or black tea, or do you sometimes like to eat vegetables, which are also high in oxalates, like spinach, beets or beans?
How much water do you drink per day?
I don’t drink coffee or tea or soda. I’m allergic to beans. The only food high in oxalates I eat are nuts. So I’ve been limiting those and eating them unsalted, of course. Limiting salt on meat, too.

I’ve also upped my water intake a fair amount. I used to drink a good amount but now I’m always drinking water.

I most definitely do not want to go through having another stone and if more water will help flush the crystals before they turn to stones, I’m all for it.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-26-2024 , 09:33 PM
Did you know that roasting the nuts in a pan or in the oven can get rid of most of the oxalates?

Only walnuts should be soaked in water for 12 hours, and then get dried without too much heat, because of the fragile omega3 fatty acids.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-26-2024 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Parasense
Did you know that roasting the nuts in a pan or in the oven can get rid of most of the oxalates?

Only walnuts should be soaked in water for 12 hours, and then get dried without too much heat, because of the fragile omega3 fatty acids.
Really?? Sweet, thanks for the tip!
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I lost 100 pounds on the carnivore diet a couple years ago and still maintain that diet and my lower weight. I occasionally eat a couple bites of fruits or vegetables but pretty much only carnivore.

I supplement my diet with a daily multivitamin washed down with a glass of sugar free Metamucil to add fiber. High protein diets can cause constipation.

I no longer snore, lowered my blood pressure to the point of no longer needing BP meds, have more energy, feel better, look better, and look younger.

The only downside (other than breads and sweets being super tasty and missing out on them) is I developed a kidney stone. That was horrible.

So carnivore diet is definitely best for me but it can be rough on the kidneys.
I am curious about the diet you followed. Was it something that you can link to, or what is just a general "don't eat carbs" thing?"
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Really?? Sweet, thanks for the tip!
I did some more research. It doesnt get rid of most, but at least some oxalates.
And you can do the 12h soaking, then carefully drying method with all nuts.
Be carefull with roasting them, because it makes them taste even better, hahaha.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I am curious about the diet you followed. Was it something that you can link to, or what is just a general "don't eat carbs" thing?"
It was just a don’t eat sugar/carbs thing. Oh and I skip breakfast, too.

It’s all a mental game so I convinced myself I was allergic to sugar and carbs. In a way, it’s true because of the damage it does to your body.

The first week is rough but after that, it gets easier. Thanksgiving and Christmas are tough, too. But again, you get used to it.

Oh and I started lifting weights again. For weight loss, lifting weights is better than cardio. Cardio has benefits for cardiovascular health but weight training is better for losing weight. I was so overweight, I didn’t want to run or anything and damage my knees so I squeezed in some cardio by doing a punching bag routine. Easy on the joints and still a good workout.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
It was just a don’t eat sugar/carbs thing. Oh and I skip breakfast, too.

It’s all a mental game so I convinced myself I was allergic to sugar and carbs. In a way, it’s true because of the damage it does to your body.

The first week is rough but after that, it gets easier. Thanksgiving and Christmas are tough, too. But again, you get used to it.

Oh and I started lifting weights again. For weight loss, lifting weights is better than cardio. Cardio has benefits for cardiovascular health but weight training is better for losing weight. I was so overweight, I didn’t want to run or anything and damage my knees so I squeezed in some cardio by doing a punching bag routine. Easy on the joints and still a good workout.
Cool. Thank you!
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 11:03 AM
Long steady pace cardio training like running/jogging is bad for you, anyway. It causes hypertrophy of your heart. The reason why so many marathon runners and Football ("soccer"...) players etc die at a young age.

It's best to just take long walks, and lift weights and/or do calisthenics.
Short high intensity intervall training sessions are the way to go, if you wanna include running (or swimming, cycling or whatever)
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
It was just a don’t eat sugar/carbs thing. Oh and I skip breakfast, too.

It’s all a mental game so I convinced myself I was allergic to sugar and carbs. In a way, it’s true because of the damage it does to your body.

The first week is rough but after that, it gets easier. Thanksgiving and Christmas are tough, too. But again, you get used to it.

Oh and I started lifting weights again. For weight loss, lifting weights is better than cardio. Cardio has benefits for cardiovascular health but weight training is better for losing weight. I was so overweight, I didn’t want to run or anything and damage my knees so I squeezed in some cardio by doing a punching bag routine. Easy on the joints and still a good workout.
And this is very typical when one further inspects. You wanted to lose weight, so you did the necessary things to lose weight. You added cardio (punching bag), lifting weights, and most importantly, eating fewer calories. At the end of the day, it all comes down to calories (INB4 the TEF brahs).

There are no good and bad foods; one's goals and quantity consumed have to be considered when making that determination.

Good job on taking control of how much you eat and how much you exercise.

Originally Posted by Parasense
Long steady pace cardio training like running/jogging is bad for you, anyway. It causes hypertrophy of your heart. The reason why so many marathon runners and Football ("soccer"...) players etc die at a young age.
Oh, and don't forget to add that females shouldn't lift weights because they will look like Ronnie Coleman after a few months of doing bench and squats.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 07:21 PM
The CICO (calories in calories out) nonsense has been debunked long ago.

Of course there are good and bad foods, are you kidding me?

Try SAD (standard american diet), and see how morbidly obese you get from sugar, high fructose corn syrup, seed oils etc.

If you only eat beef, you can eat a lot more "calories" than usual, and still lose weight.

And by the way, you dont eat calories, you eat food. Try eating a gramm of uranium. You think you gain a million pounds? (LOL_calories)

Same with fat, if you dont combine it with carbs. (Google "randle cycle" to understand why carbs combined with fat are very bad)

You are obviously not up to date with science at all.

95% of the nutrition scientists in the USA are linked to the food industry that's selling you all the crap, anyway.

Check doctor Eric Berg or Professor Bart Kay on YouTube (or doctor Shawn Baker)
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 07:51 PM
You can pry my beans and rice from my cold, dead hands you ****ing savage.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 08:10 PM
Check "beans on toast" band with world gone crazy on youtube:
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
07-28-2024 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Parasense
The CICO (calories in calories out) nonsense has been debunked long ago.
It's still 100% the most important factor in losing weight. No matter how much you want to fight it, you can't argue with the laws of thermodynamics.

Originally Posted by Parasense
Of course there are good and bad foods, are you kidding me?

Try SAD (standard american diet), and see how morbidly obese you get from sugar, high fructose corn syrup, seed oils etc.
Good and bad just by themselves are moral questions. Food isn't a moral thing.

Once again, goals and quantity need to be considered. I could eat SAD for an entire month and not gain a single pound nor suffer any health consequences.

Originally Posted by Parasense
If you only eat beef, you can eat a lot more "calories" than usual, and still lose weight.
Pure bullshit.

The thermic effect of protein is higher than carbohydrates and fats, but not enough to have any meaningful effect on weight. In some individuals, high protein can curb appetite and may not make you eat as much, but that's an entirely different thing.

Dr Meh didn't lose 100 pounds by eating the same amount of calories when he switched to carnivore. He's expending more calories by exercising, and he's eating less by skipping breakfast everyday and all of that is encouraging him to eat less food when he does eat.

Originally Posted by Parasense
And by the way, you dont eat calories, you eat food. Try eating a gramm of uranium. You think you gain a million pounds? (LOL_calories)
Are you trying to assert food doesn't have calories? Really not sure what point you're trying to make here.

Originally Posted by Parasense
Same with fat, if you dont combine it with carbs. (Google "randle cycle" to understand why carbs combined with fat are very bad)

You are obviously not up to date with science at all.

95% of the nutrition scientists in the USA are linked to the food industry that's selling you all the crap, anyway.

Check doctor Eric Berg or Professor Bart Kay on YouTube (or doctor Shawn Baker)
Haven't heard of the other dudes, but Berg is a chiropractor, quack, and Scientologist.

But sure, if it's a choice between someone smashing Doritos, pizzas, and ice cream on their sofa all day long or eating less food due to quackery, then the latter is the healthier option.
Carnivore vs vegan diet Quote
