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Boss is Mind ****ing Me Boss is Mind ****ing Me

08-17-2016 , 09:09 PM
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-17-2016 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
to give him a taste of his own medicine.
woah, that really snowballed
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-17-2016 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
woah, that really snowballed
How do you know which acts were performed
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-17-2016 , 09:29 PM

MLYLT has been pretty open about what acts she does with her tinder guys and with code.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-17-2016 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
How do you know which acts were performed
Not sure about all of them, but she's def a reverse cowgirl
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-17-2016 , 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Couldn't you have just claimed you ****ed a guy without actually doing it?

Mlylt does plenty of stuff that justifies making fun of, but not this IMO.

He cheated on her, they broke up, and she started banging some dudes from tinder. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Was it the most mature thing to post details about her encounters specifically to get a rise out of code? Probably not, but that's a whole different thing.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-17-2016 , 10:16 PM
I would not have guessed she talked about snowballing

I stand corrected
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-17-2016 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Mlylt does plenty of stuff that justifies making fun of, but not this IMO.

He cheated on her, they broke up, and she started banging some dudes from tinder. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Was it the most mature thing to post details about her encounters specifically to get a rise out of code? Probably not, but that's a whole different thing.
There is nothing wrong with sleeping with whoever she wants to sleep with.
The problem is with her reasoning. She said she ****ed random guys just "to give code a taste of his own medicine."
Not only is that incredibly childish, but it shows a complete lack of self respect, and extremely poor decision making. She compromised herself in several ways just to make her ex jealous. Which just reinforces what everyone here already knows about her.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 12:21 AM
I mainly did it for sexual gratification. What's me wanting to get off have anything to do with self respect? I think you have some gender bias issues.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 12:29 AM

stop slut-shaming, code sis
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I mainly did it for sexual gratification. What's me wanting to get off have anything to do with self respect? I think you have some gender bias issues.
sounded like you did it "to give [Code3] a taste of his own medicine."
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I mainly did it for sexual gratification. What's me wanting to get off have anything to do with self respect? I think you have some gender bias issues.
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
he cheated on me while we were still together and making plans on our next move. I ****ed tinder guys after the fact(and after we broke up) to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 12:53 AM
Ya, that can't be a convenient narrative after she got off. Nor do they have to be mutually exclusive, I'm sure they're not.

She straight up said she was done once he stopped ****ing her and quickly started finding new dick. Said that was her one deal-breaker. I think those are the words that more mirror her actions.

All I can remember her saying that she like(s/d) about code was physically/sex related. I'm sure that's not literally all, but if you're going to take her at her word - do it when the story adds up.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 02:09 AM
well he is tall, thin & angular, you cretins
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Who is Emily g?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 06:34 PM

So what's going on?

Did you speak with the company you really want to work for?

Do you have a lease on a new place?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-18-2016 , 06:36 PM
I couldn't get ahold of the hiring manager; he's out of the country. My contact in HR hasn't gotten back with me either. I'll sign the lease on sat when I move. It looks like it will be east Texas
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I couldn't get ahold of the hiring manager; he's out of the country. My contact in HR hasn't gotten back with me either. I'll sign the lease on sat when I move. It looks like it will be east Texas

Do as George does.

In this instance, if you want to stay in Dallas, you should move away from Dallas. So congrats on accidentally making the correct decision.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I couldn't get ahold of the hiring manager; he's out of the country. My contact in HR hasn't gotten back with me either. I'll sign the lease on sat when I move. It looks like it will be east Texas
Man! I am so happy for you. That is really the best thing you can do now. Post something about this east Texas, where you will be moving. I mean what interesting is in this city? How you will be making new friends? How is about the school fo your daughter? I mean life has so much more facets than job and a guy, post something about it.

Don't be frowny face. Get excited about all this good news. You really have all reasons to get excited.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by lapka
Man! I am so happy for you. That is really the best thing you can do now. Post something about this east Texas, where you will be moving. I mean what interesting is in this city? How you will be making new friends? How is about the school fo your daughter? I mean life has so much more facets than job and a guy, post something about it.

Don't be frowny face. Get excited about all this good news. You really have all reasons to get excited.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by lapka
Man! I am so happy for you. That is really the best thing you can do now. Post something about this east Texas, where you will be moving. I mean what interesting is in this city? How you will be making new friends? How is about the school fo your daughter? I mean life has so much more facets than job and a guy, post something about it.

Don't be frowny face. Get excited about all this good news. You really have all reasons to get excited.
What's great about this move is Code 3 will be sleeping on an air mattress.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
What's great about this move is Code 3 will be sleeping on an air mattress.


Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
What's great about this move is Code 3 will be sleeping on an air mattress.
I believe that people, also MLYLT, can learn. I believe that all that **** was painful enough, that she has learned from it and won't repeat another cycle.
At least I want to believe it.
Really, seriously. Come on MLYLT.

Gosh! I am so torn on that. But I mean, MLYLT has an engineering degree. At some point brain must switch on. I so want that she has reached this point.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
A lot of guys like Sean Connery there?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
08-19-2016 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by lapka
I believe that people, also MLYLT, can learn. I believe that all that **** was painful enough, that she has learned from it and won't repeat another cycle.
At least I want to believe it.
Really, seriously. Come on MLYLT.

Gosh! I am so torn on that. But I mean, MLYLT has an engineering degree. At some point brain must switch on. I so want that she has reached this point.
As someone who has had a long term relationship with someone with BPD and an engineering degree, being intelligent in certain ways doesn't automatically translate itself to every aspect of their life. She was one of the smartest people I've ever known in some ways, and the most emotionally stunted person I've ever known in other ways (like interpersonal relationships with everyone in their life). Their emotions that swell up are very real chemical things that are happening in their brain and they can't just rationalize their feelings away. It takes time for it all to physically calm down.

I don't know if it's because of a total lack of self awareness, or if it's just denying what they already know, it seems like it's really hard for someone like this to admit that they're not wired the way they wish they could be and that sometimes they are very irrational. I'd imagine that if they could just freely admit these things, they wouldn't be like that in the first place. I never researched how to handle BPD stuff because I didn't really know about the actual diagnosis until after the relationship was long over.

You guys think "this has to be a level" but what I see is a very real thing and I think the most frustrating part is that for most people with this problem, the people around them that truly care and try to help are the ones that end up getting hurt the most. All their efforts feel wasted when the person lapses back into this downward spiral of behavior, and there is very seldom a time where help is actually acknowledged and any gratitude is shown. Tomorrow after she cools down, she can be back to telling everyone how she's ready to move on and that she's done with the whole thing, and it's GENUINE to her. It's truth. She's not lying. She's not trying to convince everyone (and herself) that it's the truth. It's just the current state of things for her. The problem though is that the next day, something triggers a thought and WHAM, we're back into defcon 1 and the whole world is ending. It's kinda scary to watch if you know what you're really watching.


there are people here that are genuinely trying to help. I know you know that's true and that you're not posting all of this just for the attention. Of course there's a couple trolls just here for the entertainment, and of course there are people that don't understand what it's like and have given up after the countless times you've flipflopped on this stuff. You can't really blame them either. They have no vested interest other than just being decent people trying to help and once they feel like their efforts are pointless, it'd be silly for them to continue.

Obviously you need to keep making steps forward. Your destination is FAR from where you are right now. Every step forward brings you closer to being able to truly distance yourself from this mess...but as much as you can and should be celebrating each step you take, you have to understand that you're not at your destination yet and that you have a long way to go. In fact, I wouldn't even worry about where the final step is. I know it's easy to say "YES!, I worked so hard and it finally paid off!" every time you take one of those steps, but you can't stop trying every time you make any visible progress. There is always going to be a step after the one you just took. It's great to feel that sense of accomplishment, but you can't rest on it. You need to keep moving forward. You need to take the next step.

Distance yourself from this situation as soon as you can and stop looking for the apology or validation or whatever it is you're looking for from this code3 guy. It's not going to help. What he thinks doesn't affect you. Let him think he did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter. I don't know if he did or he didn't. Honestly, it's some mix of both. If you can admit that, you can grow and be better for the next time. Think about your daughter. Do what's right for her.

It's time to move on.
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