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*** Augustus 'Caesar Salad Days' of Summer LC/NC thread *** *** Augustus 'Caesar Salad Days' of Summer LC/NC thread ***

08-10-2010 , 11:39 PM
you shut your whore mouth
08-11-2010 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Tony_P

Giuliani "took care" of all the squeegee guys. It's not a problem any more.
What, are they trying to change NYC's charm? Next thing you know ppl will be polite, Times Square will look like Disney Land and Olive Garden will be the best Italian restaurant in town.
08-11-2010 , 08:32 AM
You would have to get rid of every other Italian restaurant in a town for Olive Garden to be the best. It is not possible to make worse Italian food, at best Olive Garden would be in a tie for 'best'.
08-11-2010 , 10:41 AM

While nobody is pretending the Olive Garden is great food, or maybe even good- it's over the top to suggest that it's bad. What's laughable about The OG is that there's a segment of people who consider it to be "a nice place". Beyond it being overprice, I will always love The Olive Garden for what it is.
08-11-2010 , 10:49 AM
Actually dined at Olive Garden once because g/f got a gift certificate. It wasn't bad, it was just "meh". There are certainly worse Italian places in Manhattan, but very few and anyone here would be better off picking a random place.
08-11-2010 , 11:12 AM
If G10 can take his woman there before getting on the nightly SNE grizzy, it's good enough for me.
08-11-2010 , 11:14 AM
Just hope kyle doesn't notice then. Then you ****ers will have an angry roided out Chinaman show up and hate squat you OG hatin' ass bitches to death.
08-11-2010 , 11:16 AM
You down with OFG?..
08-11-2010 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
maybe this thread is on the second page because of the terribleness it has descended into. i don't think the kittens and legal compliance thread is taking off any time soon.
at the end of the day there is just to much 27 offsuit, garcia, and kkcountry to overcome
08-11-2010 , 11:42 AM
omg drop the hammer


08-11-2010 , 12:15 PM
even though that post jAcKhOle quoted is pretty old, i think it had more to do with there being some actual discussion points in the regular threads for a change, which led to less lc activity.

jackhole, you really do suck pretty hard
08-11-2010 , 12:36 PM
No, OG is absolutely god awful food that's worth about $2.50 but costs 5 times that. I would rather eat at McD's. OG is a great way to spend 40 minutes waiting to eat something you could've made much better at home in 30 minutes.

I absolutely hate that place. Pizza Hut is better Italian food. Healthier, too.
08-11-2010 , 12:51 PM
I haven't been to Olive Garden in like 10 years but their commercials make me hungry :/
08-11-2010 , 01:16 PM
Speaking of commercials if I see the trailer for that owl movie one more time I'm going to lose it and start suitcasing bitches.

As far as OG goes it is ok. I eat there once every year or two and it delivers about what I expect each time. Sometimes you just don't want to spend $40-$50 a person for the good italian place in town and we don't have the range of italian choices in Seattle that other areas do.

OG fits the bill quite well "I just want some breadsticks, more salad on the table than i'd ever eat and enough ravioli to take a year off my life".
08-11-2010 , 01:19 PM
Owl movie?
08-11-2010 , 01:22 PM
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
08-11-2010 , 01:33 PM
That movie looks awesome. I love owls.
08-11-2010 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
at the end of the day there is just to much 27 offsuit, garcia, and kkcountry to overcome
08-11-2010 , 01:36 PM
I have somehow managed to see the exact same god damn trailer at least 10-15 times now. I am not expressing an opinion on the movie just on how annoying the ****ing trailer is when seen that many times. I might have to skip the previews for any movie i see between now and its release date.
08-11-2010 , 01:44 PM
I usually just change the channel during commercials. I'm not sure, but I don't even think they have commercials here, just programming and ads for the station you're watching.
08-11-2010 , 02:14 PM
I was just explaining to a female customer of mine why a certain part I quoted was going to be so expensive, to which she replied:

Dan, that's a tough nut to swallow.
08-11-2010 , 02:16 PM
Nice large sack brag post Dan.
08-11-2010 , 02:19 PM
It's even better if your name's not Dan.
08-11-2010 , 02:24 PM
The part that was quoted was a large box too.
08-11-2010 , 04:09 PM
LIKE A VAGINA!!!!!!!!!
