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The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread

02-11-2012 , 08:02 PM
What is one of the funniest calls you have encountered?
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 08:10 PM
K9 question for you:

Would it be theoretically possible for someone you sent a dog after to avoid being bit and possibly even gain control of the dog (I'm assuming there's a good bit of distance between the handler and the dog/suspect in this hypothetical). I know practically, the situation is always going to be someone running away or someone hiding, or someone worked up into a frenzy. But if a dog found a guy and he was just standing there calm and confident and told the dog to sit, would the dog still be 100% to bite/tackle the guy? What if the suspect had some kind of dog treats or a tennis ball?
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 08:17 PM
Define implied consent please.

So you have never dealt with anybody who has overdosed on weed?
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieKelly
Define implied consent please.

So you have never dealt with anybody who has overdosed on weed?
Implied consent is a GA law that you as a Georgia licensed driver are consenting to submit to a chemical test if you are stopped for driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. If you refuse, you can face harsh consequences.

Since driving is viewed as a privledge and not a right, failing to submit to blood/urine/breath test is considered an admission of guilt.

No I've never dealt with anyone who od'd on weed. I assume you have? Or you have a frivolous non-point to make about weed?
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Next time just ask him if you're being detained. If he says no, walk away.

For future reference, I've done uniform security at The Players Championship the past several years and I, along with every other cop out there was off duty.

I would've asked him if he was operating as a law enforcement officer or as security personnel at that moment. Just because he ran you for warrants doesn't mean he's on duty.

I know in many places LEO's are considered "on duty" under the law 24/7 but law and dept policy are two different things. I know where I come from, if I'm gonna hook someone while on an off duty security job, I better have a damn good (Felony) reason. Sure in a legal sense I could arrest you off duty for public intoxication, but I'll catch hell for it internally.

Obviously on a gas station robbery or something of that nature it's all good.
So in the U.S it's illegal for someone under 21 to be under the influence of alcohol? If true that's crazy. In the U.K it's illegal to possess say cocaine but not to be under the influence of it cos then they would have to charge people who had been spiked etc.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by evilmonke
What is one of the funniest calls you have encountered?
I haven't missed this, but I'm on my phone ATM.

I'll give you guys three choices though as a little teaser:

A) Dbl meets the naked MILF with a knife

B) Dbl and the self implicating redneck woman

C) Dbl meets the county slut

You guys vote I'll post when I get home.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 09:18 PM
B, I love the cops episodes when they tell on themselves. lol
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Teebor
So in the U.S it's illegal for someone under 21 to be under the influence of alcohol? If true that's crazy. In the U.K it's illegal to possess say cocaine but not to be under the influence of it cos then they would have to charge people who had been spiked etc.
Well you don't have to arrest just because they're high/drunk. That's why Ofcs have discretion.

And the situations where you can arrest a legal adult for being drunk are somewhat limited although the var based on jurisdiction.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Next time just ask him if you're being detained. If he says no, walk away.

For future reference, I've done uniform security at The Players Championship the past several years and I, along with every other cop out there was off duty.

I would've asked him if he was operating as a law enforcement officer or as security personnel at that moment. Just because he ran you for warrants doesn't mean he's on duty.

I know in many places LEO's are considered "on duty" under the law 24/7 but law and dept policy are two different things. I know where I come from, if I'm gonna hook someone while on an off duty security job, I better have a damn good (Felony) reason. Sure in a legal sense I could arrest you off duty for public intoxication, but I'll catch hell for it internally.

Obviously on a gas station robbery or something of that nature it's all good.

Ya he said I was being detained because he had sufficient evidence I was drinking. Yes he was on duty for sure.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by evilmonke
B, I love the cops episodes when they tell on themselves. lol
LirvA would actually like B. I was out doing something special and encountered her. I tried like hell to stop her too. You wanna talk about making sure someone knew their rights? I did that day, because I DID NOT wanna deal with that situation.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:02 PM
I was gonna say B

The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Implied consent is a GA law that you as a Georgia licensed driver are consenting to submit to a chemical test if you are stopped for driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. If you refuse, you can face harsh consequences.

Since driving is viewed as a privledge and not a right, failing to submit to blood/urine/breath test is considered an admission of guilt.

This is absolutely ridiculous imo.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
K9 question for you:

Would it be theoretically possible for someone you sent a dog after to avoid being bit and possibly even gain control of the dog (I'm assuming there's a good bit of distance between the handler and the dog/suspect in this hypothetical). I know practically, the situation is always going to be someone running away or someone hiding, or someone worked up into a frenzy. But if a dog found a guy and he was just standing there calm and confident and told the dog to sit, would the dog still be 100% to bite/tackle the guy? What if the suspect had some kind of dog treats or a tennis ball?
It's possible, although highly unlikely. You would have to know the rest command, and it's highly unlikely the dog would listen to you anyway.

Pretty much any dog who ever did this would be retired as unfit as a service dog.

The distractions aren't going to matter.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Taser probably would have. I think I actually said that in the other thread tbh. OC not so much. You don't really wanna use OC in a confined area like a bus with that many other people in it of you can at all help it.
Great we agree a taser can get people comply. Now I just need to convince you punching a person in the face does not get them to comply, but instead pisses them off and causes them to punch you in your face.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:07 PM
What do you think of the Stanford Prison Trial?(I assume this is still one of the basic psychology cases presented in Undergrad).
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:11 PM
In general in an encounter between myself and LE I would be inclined to keep my mouth shut and possibly ask for a lawyer. 5th and 6th Amendments, you know. The possible exception being, suppose I was driving and had had one beer, really just one, and the officer asks me, did you have anything to drink tonight? If I say I had one beer he won't believe me, everybody says that, and at best I'll be doing a Field Sobriety Test. If I lie and say I had nothing at all I might get away with it, but I'm not in the habit of lying nor am I very good at it. If I sit there in stony silence, or if I duck the question somehow (Was I speeding, officer?) again, I'll be on the pavement doing the FST. My wife and mother-in-law are in the car and we just want to go home. What to answer?
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ

No I've never dealt with anyone who od'd on weed. I assume you have? Or you have a frivolous non-point to make about weed?
Frivolous non-point.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by smooth101
What do you think of the Stanford Prison Trial?(I assume this is still one of the basic psychology cases presented in Undergrad).
I'm glad you brought this up.

I've had many lively debates with a few professors regarding these experiments, and what they teach us.

Just painting with broad strokes here, because I am on a phone, the Stanford experiments display the harm a lack of training can cause. No one in the Stanford experiment really knew anything about being in a prison or maintaining control in a prison, thus, everyone went to animal instincts.
Of course the dehumanization is horrible, but I believe the cause is fear and anxiety on both sides in the experiment. I've always had a desire to test my theory, to recreate the stanford prison experiment except this time take the guards and recreate a training academy identical to a standard CO academy, minus the guns and defensive tactics, and observe the differences. I believe that having one side (guards) trained will reduce fear and apprehension for the inmates as well, creating a different outcome.

You must humanize the inmates. Training does that. Experience does that.

ETA: From my LE training, we as LE learned the peace that a daily pattern creates for inmates. The general practice in most US prisons today is to maintain consistency, which creates comfort.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by eobmtns
In general in an encounter between myself and LE I would be inclined to keep my mouth shut and possibly ask for a lawyer. 5th and 6th Amendments, you know. The possible exception being, suppose I was driving and had had one beer, really just one, and the officer asks me, did you have anything to drink tonight? If I say I had one beer he won't believe me, everybody says that, and at best I'll be doing a Field Sobriety Test. If I lie and say I had nothing at all I might get away with it, but I'm not in the habit of lying nor am I very good at it. If I sit there in stony silence, or if I duck the question somehow (Was I speeding, officer?) again, I'll be on the pavement doing the FST. My wife and mother-in-law are in the car and we just want to go home. What to answer?
Well, I'm not sure where you live, but if the one beer story is true refuse the FST and go for the breathalyzer.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:49 PM
Is there ever any reason to comply with the FST?

Seems to me it can only get you in trouble.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Hoagie
Is there ever any reason to comply with the FST?

Seems to me it can only get you in trouble.
The only possible time I can see it being in your best interests to do is if you're a freak with a huge alcohol tolerance and you know you've drank enough to put you over the limit but you also know you can pass a FST with that level of alcohol in you.

That's a true rarity though. In general if you know you've drank over the legal limit you're not going to pass a FST, so your best interests are to shut up, refuse all tests and give the state the least possible amount of evidence.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Well, I'm not sure where you live, but if the one beer story is true refuse the FST and go for the breathalyzer.
Not sure on the laws everywhere else but here there have been people arrested for dui while being under the legal BAC limit based on "officer discretion" that they were too intoxicated to drive. Are there similar laws in your area? IMO that is complete bull ****. What do you think?
Also, lol @ duds the mod cop.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 12:45 AM
We have DUI "Less Safe" here, which means I can articulate to a jury why you were a danger to others on the road.

And no, I don't have a problem with it. DUI isn't some moneymaking racket like going after gas stations that pay off on their slot machines, DUI is a serious public safety threat and if you're unsafe to drive because of your consumption of alcohol or weed or vicotin or whatever, you're a serious threat to all motorists.

The point is that you were too drunk to be driving, and that is proven through evidence provided in a court of law, not that you drank your last round just long enough to blow a .07.

Obviously if you are innocent of such charges the evidence will show that, and you will be found Not guilty
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
Obviously if you are innocent of such charges the evidence will show that, and you will be found Not guilty
While I generally support enforcement of DUI laws, it's far from obvious that innocent people automatically walk. It takes thousands of dollars and untold amounts of time and aggravation on the part of defendants to fight criminal charges, to do so is a gamble, and many defendants who could theoretically beat the charges on the facts choose to plead out for these reasons.
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 01:56 AM
DblBarrelJ And The Self Implicating Redneck Woman

I'm working as the K9 handler attached to the fugitive unit at the time, and our whole team gets brought in along with most of the rest of the Criminal Investigations Division to assist the local probation office with a "Sex Offender Roundup" which is basically one big party to go verify the residences of sex offenders, take new pictures for the website, and handle the administrative notices sex offenders are required to sign yearly etc.

I'm working with a guy named Matt for this operation. *Because I do fugitive work, I have a green unmarked Yukon with blacked out windows and a K9 kennel in the rear. Matt is also on the fugitive unit. Both of us are dressed in 5.11 tactical pants and are wearing ballistic vests that have "SHERIFF" across the back in huge letters.

Matt and I are heading out to these sex offenders house, we'll call him "James". *James lives on a street called Duncan St which is a small st with approximately 14 houses on it, all of which are owned by this old slumlord named Raymond Jenkins. *Mr Jenkins rents these places out by the room to a wide array of vagrants, hookers and lowlifes.

As Matt and I are approaching the house, we both could immediately sense we'd driven into the middle I'd something, we just didn't know what. This normally lively neighborhood was dead still, everyone was out on their front porch, staring at us. *As we get out, we're just looking around trying to figure out just why exactly everyone is stating at us. *Around that time a small woman who looks about half tweaked out from meth comes walking up to me and goes "Y'all lookin for me?". *I said "No ma'am, I don't believe we are" and went on about my business.

She continues to pester me, and finally I say "I'm looking for James *******" she says "Oh, well he's right down there!" as she points to the other end of the approximately 1/8 mile street.

As she says this, I see this fat balding guy hop off his porch and run across the road to James, handing him a Dixie cup. *James then proceeds to pour a can of Natural Ice into his newly acquired Dixie cup and starts to stumble toward us. *

I yell back at him "James, pick your beer can up before I cite you for littering" to which he staggeringly complies. *I watch James and the woman eyeing one another angrily as he approaches. *James walks up to me and immediately says "I didn't hit that bitch, it's a goddamned lie!" I immediately attempt to shut this down, saying "Mr ********, I just need to take your picture and for you to sign this form." As I say this, Tina screams "So what if I did hit him, yea, I hit his drunk ass!"*

Matt goes "Maam, shut up and go inside" to which she screams "**** you *******!" and then pulls a small amount of meth and throws it at James and screams "here's the rest of the ice you were trying to take from me!"

At this point I grabbed her as she rushed toward him and said "Maam, I'm going to pretend none of this happened, but you're going inside NOW. *The next law I see you break, I'm taking you to jail. *Now shut up, go inside and cool down."

She proceeds to walk toward the door turns around, and screams "I'LL KILL YOU! I'll KILL ALL OF YOU"

For those of you keeping score, at this point we have Family Violence/Battery, Possession of Meth, Terroristic Threats x3, Disorderly Conduct and Misd Obstruction, all on a woman I not only did not approach, but have attempted repeatedly to get to go away.

As she screams this, I finally have had enough and move behind her, taking her wrists and telling her she's under arrest. *She pulls one of her wrists out of my hand and as I grab for it she stabs me in the thigh with a small 1" gas station knife she had clutched in her hand, at which point Matt tazes her and I cuff her.

I put her on the sidewalk and go back to my truck to grab my first aid kit, while Matt watches her.

She sits there for a minute, with Matt looking directly at her and takes off. Matt tackles her approximately six steps into her escape attempt, at which point he's bit by her.

As this is wrapping up, our transport unit arrives, it's an old Sgt. *He gets out, looks at her, goes "Hey little lady" and goes "what you boys got on her, active warrant?"

I said "nope, 2 counts Felony Obstruction, 2 counts Misdemeanor Obstruction, 1 count Aggravated Assault, 3 counts of Terroristic Threats, 1 count Possession of Meth, 1 count Family Violence - Battery" and Matt goes "You forgot disorderly conduct"

He looks at her with a quizzical look and she says "It's their fault. They wouldn't LEAVE ME ALONE!"
The Ask A security guard and scammer Thread Quote
