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ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities

07-27-2010 , 02:06 PM
Answered this in this post.
No, I don't think you did at all. The fact that Little Michelle comes on to you does not make it okay. Children sometimes (often) want things that are bad for them. That is why they have parents/caretakers that say "no" on their behalf.

Sexual abuse often feels physically good to the victim. It doesn't change the fact that it is abuse, or that the victim is not ready for it. It also can make dealing with the abuse more difficult psychologically because admitting it feels good makes the victim feel guilty.

What does her therapist think about the fact that you have sexual relations with LM? This is genuine curiosity, btw, because I can imagine an argument for doing it, but I'd really like to know what the therapist says.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:08 PM
This thread is amazing.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:11 PM
such a sick thread, such an interesting subject... thanks for doing this man, I dont have any questions for now but will def post them if/when they do come up
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:15 PM
which one will be most likely to kill you in your sleep (or is it one you haven't met yet)?

tough to bail when you're in love, but when monster matty comes after you with a can of gas and zippo...well, good luck bro.

Last edited by JustJ46671; 07-27-2010 at 02:17 PM. Reason: zomg...and a redhead! doomed, imo
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:17 PM
legal =/= relatively normal
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:19 PM
I am speechless. Just, I, well...I don't know what to say.

You need to take an airplane far away. FAR away.

"Little Michelle noms on a book, Normal Michelle does this or that..."

You realize that girl looks like she's 13 years old, right?

Also, this picture is downright scary:

ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:25 PM
Thanks for doing this thread, OP, its turning out great.

She looks way younger than 23 is some of those pictures, its kind of frightening.

Noah, No, I by default expected her to be a redhead. Hair color racist ban?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
I am speechless. Just, I, well...I don't know what to say.

You need to take an airplane far away. FAR away.

"Little Michelle noms on a book, Normal Michelle does this or that..."

You realize that girl looks like she's 13 years old, right?

Also, this picture is downright scary:

I take it you're a believer now then?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:30 PM
I read most of this but a lot of it actually started to disgust and upset me so I had to stop.

1) Were you introduced to all of her personalities all at once or did they develop over time?

2) Are you a "normal" dude? What do you do for a living?

Also, has anyone else noticed that most tiny/small girls are ****ing bonkers?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:36 PM
OP - first, this is a very interesting thread, so thanks for it.

Pulling out this quote because I think this may be a very good read of the relationship dynamic:

Originally Posted by ATAT
On a serious note, this smacks of really bad codependent dysfunction on your end. Your gf is cute and she may be wonderful when normal, but this is severe mental illness you've described itt--she's a danger to herself and others. Frankly, I don't see a normal person staying with this girl, although you are fairly young so maybe that factors in.

I may be wrong here, but I seem to detect a real pleasure in your descriptions of Little Michelle. I'm not accusing you of pedophilia or anything, but you seem to get off on some level to the caretaker/parent role that this aspect of her personality foists on you, or that's at least the way it reads to me.
I agree with alot of this, and have 2 questions around this idea:

Question 1 - have you carefully thought through / considered the notion that your being with her right now is actually hindering a potential full recovery? What do her therapists think about her being in an intense, romantic relationship at this stage?

Question 2 - I think it's pretty clear that you enjoy the part of the relationship where you take care of her. Save her. This isn't uncommon a driver for men and their attraction to women... but it's safe to say this is an extreme version of that impulse. My question is (and we haven't really heard alot about your own story) - why do you think this is for you?

Originally Posted by spoonitnow
Oh hey between answering questions, I just thought of a funny poker story. She's never really been into poker, but knows the rules and was playing play money with me and some of my friends one day. The action preflop was something like shove, shove, shove, shove, and then it's to her with pocket Aces and she folded because she was scared of losing. She didn't realize at the time how incredibly bad that was, etc. I thought it was neat.
I'm sorry - why is this "neat"? Just curious.

Thanks, OP!

ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:37 PM
I would also be interested to know what the therapist makes of you having sex with Michelle's nine-year-old self.

Even if Michelle Proper hadn't been molested, it seems a little bent to have sex with anyone who thinks they're a child.

How does this differ from molesting someone who is moderately ******ed?

****, if an actual nine-year-old came on to you, would you have sex with her? What do you think is a meaningful difference between having sex with a nine-year-old who knows she's nine, and a 23-year-old who only thinks she is?

You won't let her have ice cream for dinner, but you'll **** her?

Last edited by Poker Reference; 07-27-2010 at 02:56 PM.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by spoonitnow
do you want her to be "cured"? How would you feel about never meeting Little Michelle or Rebecca again?

I guess the cutting and seizures are intricately tied up with the multiple personalities, and it would be great to get rid of those, and that probably isn't possible as long as she has MPD/DID. But still, would you want her to go back to being just "Michelle" or would you prefer to see all the other personalities make peace with themselves but stick around?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:46 PM
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Aloysius
Originally Posted by spoonitnow
Oh hey between answering questions, I just thought of a funny poker story. She's never really been into poker, but knows the rules and was playing play money with me and some of my friends one day. The action preflop was something like shove, shove, shove, shove, and then it's to her with pocket Aces and she folded because she was scared of losing. She didn't realize at the time how incredibly bad that was, etc. I thought it was neat.
I'm sorry - why is this "neat"? Just curious.

Thanks, OP!

Wow, I didn't read that little blurb, but it just makes me think WTF. Maybe I just hate the way you worded that, but to me you really seem like you're her father/caretaker and not a boyfriend. You really speak about her as if she was a child.

The way you talk about her, I have a very hard time believing you can have an intense emotional and sexual relationship with her. Also, your reason for staying with her isn't even a reason! You're still avoiding the question.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:50 PM
very strange thread. will read more when I have time.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by YouWishFish
5 stars imo.

Originally Posted by ContactGSW

Engaged to a marvelous magical smart lawyer. But weird things happened soon. Turns out her brothers molested her at 5 0r 6 or so. This is when I learned about Borderline Personality Disorder.

Married a cute funny chick way before I should have. Back in the hippy days her mother let all her dope addled friends at her as much as they wanted. Here is where I learned about Bipolar Disorder and actually got to watch a person slowly have a nervous breakdown in Alaska as she broke me financially.

I am being very cautious with my new girlfriend. Bright funny cool, has own job, house car. But it has finally come out why she hates her older brother. Yep. So I am taking it very slow, I know some of these people recover and do well.

My question is, is it me attracting them, or is perverted sex with a child that common?
Probably both. Good luck.

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
What does Michelle think about all of this, OP?
I answered in this post where you asked the same thing.

Originally Posted by hard2tel
Reading about her jesus loving dad (and really her whole family) is making me rage pretty hard right now.

GL with everything man.
Yeah man.

Originally Posted by Don Melchor
do you think one of her multiple personalities have a MP??? as in rebecca #2 is a mp of rebecca?? makes sense???
I don't think it works like that.

Originally Posted by ChicagoCris
After reading this one has to wonder if it might be a "possession." How does she react when there is talk about "Jesus or the blood of Jesus?" I would assume that if this was a possession or form of possession, that she would react to this in some way.

I would assume that there would be many documented cases about people who have suffered with the same type of problems. Have you investigated this as a way to help?

Good luck my deserve all the luck in the world.
She'd probably think you were a f'ing ****** if you asked her if she was possessed, regardless of which personality you asked. Actually Little Michelle might just giggle and say you're silly since she doesn't cuss much.

Some of her doctors have dealt with similar cases, so that helps.


Originally Posted by wazz
Thanks for taking the time to write all this out. Your writing style is entertaining and could be developed further into a potential book.

My initial thoughts were also that this is likely just an act, or at least partially an act, but after reading more I've gone against that assumption. The sort of stuff you're talking about is so far outside the realm of my imagination. I'm absolutely fascinated and would implore you to keep on typing.
One time Lee.

Originally Posted by Pretzel
Can't believe this hasn't been asked yet

Do you watch United States of Tara? From your description it sounds like the show is pretty accurate. Are there any parts of the show that are just LOL unrealistic based on your real world experience. If you don't watch that show I think it is a must for you (or anyone who thinks this thred is fascinating)...
I've never watched it (I don't think Michelle has either), but I've read some plot summaries, etc. Michelle's therapist also mentioned the show once while I was sitting in with them. We were talking about how Michelle's family and friends and strangers perceive the situation, and how that show was the closest fiction she had ever seen to how it really works out, but that it was still a stretch on a lot of aspects. Thanks for mentioning it, I think a lot of people in OOT would enjoy it from what I've heard/read.

Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
does it make you a bad person if you're doing your MP girlfriend in the butt and she reverts to the 9 year old personality and you get super turned on?
I expected to get a lot of comments/questions about this particular subject since you're all a bunch of Internet pedo pervs, but I'll elaborate so hopefully I can just point people to this response when they ask in the future since my comments in this post haven't seemed to satisfy the group as a whole.

Sex with Little Michelle didn't happen until after she realized who she was and her real age, and even after it seemed like Michelle and Little Michelle had started to integrate. It was never like oh hey Chris Hansen time fapfapfap, if that makes sense.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by YouWishFish
I take it you're a believer now then?
I always was. I was just trying to expedite photos and videos.

Which, I would say, was effective.

I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.

J/K, of course.

Anyway, something sure ain't right about this whole thing with these people.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by acethiest
Does she know you are psoting all of this? Would be interesting to hear some of this from her firsthand if she is ok posting it. My apologies if you already answered this.

MPD is interesting. I'll shut my mouth about getting into an emprical debate about it though because so far the thread has been interesting and don't want to derail.

Once had a client who cliamed to be MPD brought in a note by their "best friend" saying that he was a liar and couldn't be trusted along with other things.
I asked her before I started the thread if she would be okay with me doing it. She said she was fine with it, but that she just didn't want to participate.

It's probably worth noting that she didn't seem to believe it was MPD or DID until after Rebecca showed up. Then it sort of sunk in and she started to accept it.

I mentioned this in an earlier answer, but there's an interesting timeline that could have happened if it's more along the lines of DID. The DID timeline seems to be something like Little Michelle was probably created before she was molested, then Rebecca was probably created after. Rebecca #2 was later created to house Michelle's guilt, and Matilda created to house her anger.

The MPD timeline is probably similar in how it looks, but different in how it would have actually played out, etc.

So who the eff knows?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 02:59 PM
Amazing stuff. Just read this entire thread, even that one ****ing long epic post of yours, OP. 5*
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
Thanks for doing this thread, OP, its turning out great.

She looks way younger than 23 is some of those pictures, its kind of frightening.

Noah, No, I by default expected her to be a redhead. Hair color racist ban?
I never expect anyone to be a redhead.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 03:04 PM
OP, can you describe what kind of therapy/treatment Michelle is getting in order to deal with this? All you've really mentioned is some one-on-one talks with a therapist/therapists - how often does she have these therapy sessions? Is she on any kind of medication?

Does the level of therapy that she's getting seem enough to you?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Dude. No ****ing way. No ****ing way.
hi5. She's done pranks on me too of similar degree.

Originally Posted by MicroBob
LOL at comparing this to cancer. Most people aren't potential dangers to themselves and others just because they have cancer. She tried to kill you at least one time, right?

It is not uncommon when one person tries to kill another person for that other person to decide, "maybe it's time to go."

Yes, if my fiance was going so nutso that I had to call 911 on her a couple of times and also make a concerted effort to keep her from killing me I think we might mutually decide that our relationship just isn't such a great idea right now.

Similarly, if I was losing it mentally and she had to call 911 on me because I was bouncing around the house with a machete and scaring the crap out of her...or she had to worry even in the slightest about whether I might turn like a switch and kill her tonight... then I would ABSOLUTELY expect her to take off.

This is not an indictment against the caring and love we have for each other in our relationship. She's supposed to not want to be killed or injured by me nor have to worry about that. I appreciate her more for the self respect she has and the knowledge that I have that she wouldn't stay with somebody (even me) who was that dangerous.
The cancer comparison isn't so far off. You might "waste" the rest of your life taking care of the person.

It might help to re-iterate that the attacks on me came very late in the game, and were very brief. Our struggle in the kitchen/bedroom areas were only because she was trying to hurt herself and I wasn't letting her. The car thing was a result of her not being able to control her impulses because of all of the emotion present when the personality first surfaced. These are the only times I've been in danger, even though it freaked me out for a little while after. I'm okay with that.

Originally Posted by TimM
It sounds like she is the victim of quite a bit of childhood trauma, not just the isolated molestation incident. But then I would consider a highly religious upbringing abuse in itself.

You might be interested in the following video series, starting with:

The Bomb in the Brain Part 1 - The Effects of Child Abuse

I am just watching it now myself. I originally skipped over this series because I watch this guy mostly for his political views. You may not agree with those, but he also has some interesting views on parenting and abuse.
Thanks for the recommendation. I agree with the religious upbringing, but welcome to the south.

Originally Posted by ATAT
I, for one, think being able to put your balls on your gf's forehead while she's passed out from a seizure is a pretty solid basis for marriage.
Well there's obviously more to it than that, but it's not a bad standard for comparison.

Originally Posted by ATAT
On a serious note, this smacks of really bad codependent dysfunction on your end. Your gf is cute and she may be wonderful when normal, but this is severe mental illness you've described itt--she's a danger to herself and others. Frankly, I don't see a normal person staying with this girl, although you are fairly young so maybe that factors in.

I may be wrong here, but I seem to detect a real pleasure in your descriptions of Little Michelle. I'm not accusing you of pedophilia or anything, but you seem to get off on some level to the caretaker/parent role that this aspect of her personality foists on you, or that's at least the way it reads to me.
@bold, it's actually not that bad relative to the other MPD/DID stuff I've read and seen. But yeah, it's definitely not something to be taken lightly I think. There are some people I've seen especially in the lobby at her psychiatrist that I would have ran for the hills from.

@italics, I don't disagree, though I wouldn't necessarily say "get off". I've always enjoyed this side of the mentor/pupil or caretaker/caretakee (lol want to say mentor/mental) dynamic, and that's what's lead me to study to be a math teacher (not high school, hopefully lower college/university math). I really like helping people in general, though I'm probably going to get crucified ITT for saying it.

Originally Posted by acethiest
Also kinda confused noticed people in this thread saying disociative identity disorder is different than mpd. Is there a reason for this belief?
Pretty much depends who you ask from what I've seen. AFAIK, one is more about created alters and the other is more about parts of the self breaking apart. I could be wrong, and wouldn't doubt if I am. Maybe there's an ask a shrink thread in OOT somewhere?

Originally Posted by hard2tel
Except that OP hasn't once mentioned that he was thinking of leaving her.
I've thought about it some, especially after the Matilda incident. I'm pretty happy with my decision to stay.

Originally Posted by NoahSD
Meh... of all the ****ed up **** in this thread, the fact that OP clearly gets off on taking care of this girl doesn't seem like the one to focus on.
Again, I wouldn't say "gets off", but I've thought a lot about this myself.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 03:08 PM
Do some of the personalities have abilities that the other's don't? Like can Little Michelle do things adults can do like drive and crap?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 03:12 PM
Chicks with multiple personalities are the nuts.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-27-2010 , 03:12 PM
kids can crap
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
