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ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities

09-07-2010 , 05:20 PM
wow this is an amazing read. Must be tough dealing.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-14-2010 , 04:00 AM
Would you ever miss any of the other personalities?

How much progress is she making in therapy? Is she satisfied with it? Are you?

Michelle would be a wreck without you. Despite all of the questions about all of the hangups and questioning your motives and all that, which may be perfectly right, she would be a wreck without you. And I hope everyone in this thread knows that.

Also, nice job picking the two best shows of basically all time to watch while depressed. How did watching the Wire and the Sopranos make you feel there?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-14-2010 , 05:04 AM
the coolest thing is that u have so much to write. i dont have that much to write about anybody.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-16-2010 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by lastchance
Would you ever miss any of the other personalities?

How much progress is she making in therapy? Is she satisfied with it? Are you?

Michelle would be a wreck without you. Despite all of the questions about all of the hangups and questioning your motives and all that, which may be perfectly right, she would be a wreck without you. And I hope everyone in this thread knows that.

Also, nice job picking the two best shows of basically all time to watch while depressed. How did watching the Wire and the Sopranos make you feel there?
I don't think I would, but that's the kind of thing that's hard to be accurate about I guess. With that having been said, I do miss how Michelle was before all of this happened. She was much more outgoing and, for lack of a better word, mouthy, which was a part of her demeanor that I really liked because it made her a lot of fun to be around.

She feels like her therapy has helped, and I have to agree. There have been some minor annoyances with her therapist, but she's a woman so she can't help but be annoying I guess.

Yeah... I don't want this to sound like I'm glorifying anything I've done or will do in the future or anything like that when I say this, but I'm pretty sure she would have killed herself by now if she went through this without me or someone like me.

I don't watch TV hardly at all. Since I met Michelle, I've probably watched about as much TV inside of hospitals and waiting rooms as I have outside of hospitals. I'd heard lots of good things about the Sopranos, so when she was in the hospital the first time and I had a pretty serious emotional downswong I decided to kill a week and a half watching that pretty much 24/7 when I wasn't sleeping or visiting Michelle. I was pretty much hooked from the first 5 minutes, and aside from how good it was in general, it was also very much an escape from everything that was going on at the time since that was the first time I'd ever really felt like maybe I was getting in over my head. She got out of the hospital the day before I finished the last season.

It's also worth noting that I spent 4-5 days in an ER waiting room thing waiting around for a bed to open up in the behavior health unit at the hospital. I didn't do much but sit there keeping an eye on Michelle with the occasional nap. I went directly from that to starting the Sopranos for about 9 or 10 days straight, so I had a pretty interesting mental state I guess. By the time I was half-way through the Sopranos, I'd gotten my head back on straight for the most part and knew I could handle whatever happened. I probably would have just stopped watching then if it wasn't so damn good, so I decided to go ahead and try to finish it before she got home.

The Wire happened similarly the other time she was in the hospital for longer than a day or two. I'd basically decided to repeat what I did with the Sopranos. The Wire was different because Season 1 was really good, then the first half of Season 2 was boring as **** in comparison, so that sucked and made me feel like total crap about my plan to knock out the whole show while Michelle was in the hospital. Also wtf at Stringer getting killed. Besides Omar he was my favorite character I think.

Random piece of advice. If you've never seen The Sopranos or The Wire, watch The Wire first. The Sopranos is so good that everything you watch will seem like **** afterwards.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-16-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by ferrarisnowday
when she was raped by her high school boyfriend,

and the fact that her high school boyfriend had committed suicide
If guy #1 and guy #2 are the same guy...... good riddance.

If "raped" is in any way in doubt, it's different.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:51 PM
Don't they all have more than one?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-17-2010 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
If guy #1 and guy #2 are the same guy...... good riddance.

If "raped" is in any way in doubt, it's different.
Same guy. Not in doubt.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-19-2010 , 03:18 AM
First, big ups to you my man for standing by your women.

Ever thought about writing a book or making a documentary about your lives?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
09-20-2010 , 03:37 AM
How I never saw this thread until now is beyond me. Amazing stuff. Good luck to you and Michelle OP.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-13-2011 , 11:53 AM
epic thread bump

OP, how are you and your girls doing?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-13-2011 , 08:11 PM
pretty glad this thread got bumped... would love to hear what's new.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 02:15 AM
Unfortunately, I just discovered this thread. All I'm going to say is, wow. This was very, very interesting. I wish you the best of luck in your life and hers. I'm not sure if you still check or not, but I'm going to ask a question, and I apologize if this has been addressed.

If her condition just popped out of nowhere after you met her, is it possible for it to end just as spontaneously? I would think that this would last forever imho.

I commend you on your persistence with her and your loyalty. From what I can decipher in your posts, you seem like a good guy who has a pretty normal head on his shoulders, (even the balls on forehead thing...)
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 03:17 AM
This is unreal. I have with one wife, imagine six.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 03:24 AM
This is by far the best thread Ive ever read.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 06:21 AM
What a bizzare yet intriguing thread. Would love an update.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 09:35 AM
Stopped at page 6, will finish later, cant help but ask.

This reads like romantic sequel to Sybil. Mind blown.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by AQhearts

nice bump , just finished reading this thread definetely not a level .

OP updates plz .
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 12:21 PM
sick thread.
GL sir, update would be great.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-14-2011 , 03:46 PM
Fantastic thread, I admire you OP.

Hope you and your girl are doing good, gl with your lives.

Also, Michelle looks a bit like the pornstar Nikki Rhodes.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-15-2011 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
Also, Michelle is also the pornstar Nikki Rhodes.
ridic obv fyp
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-15-2011 , 11:59 AM
Wow just read the thread, well most of it anyway.

Really interesting, Just wanted to say gl to you both and an update would be great.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-16-2011 , 08:14 PM
Hey guys. So I got PMs from Michaelson and HotzenplOdds saying this thread was bumped and you guys wanted an update. So much has happened in the past 9-10 months that there's no way I can cover it all without staying up for like a day straight, so I'm going to try to hit the highlights. I doubt I'll be able to do a question and answer thing right now because I'm so busy IRL, but I hope this satisfies everyone who was wanting to know more.

As best as I remember, we were at the point of having something like 7-8 known alters when I last posted in this thread. It stayed like that until around late January of this year. Something sort of clicked and a lot more starting showing themselves, almost all of which were child alters, anywhere from 3 to 17 years old or so. We ended up with a total of 29, not counting her normal self, but that number is lower now. There were two that were older, one male and one female. A few of the teenagers were also male. Only two of them tried to kick my ass, which I think is running slightly good. Haven't ended up in the hospital any more though.

To clarify: these alters were already there, but sort of dormant. As far as we know, there have been no "new" alters created via dissociation for quite a while.

We've learned soooooo much about this stuff since this thread was posted, and she has actually started the process of integration, which is basically like putting the pieces back together to form one personality instead of having a bunch of pieces floating around. Integration and maintaining the integrated state is about as "fixed" as you can get with this. Something like 6 or 7 of them have integrated so far. We have it in a notebook but I don't want to drag this out with too many details.

There are a lot of child alters, which we've learned is typical for people who have this disorder from a very young age. Each of them have their own little quirks, and I get to do a bit of coloring and putting together puzzles with them. Many of them seem to have specific purposes. For example, Michelle was picked on a lot in school because of how small she was. She's pretty small anyway, plus her birthday made her one of the youngest people in her class. As a result, we have the four year old Anna alter is very apt to "beat people up" who pick on her.

There are also a number of teenage alters. Most of the females are very fearful of me simply because I'm a male, and that leads to some problem scenarios that have required a lot of work. There are also a couple of males, both of which have been integrated at this point. When people brought up questions like, "What would you do if she had a male alter and he wanted to have sex with you?" I mostly ignored them, but as it turned out, it happened once. One of the teenage alters was a gay boy, and like with all of the male alters, and that led to some weird situations when they realize they're in a female's body.

At this point, we peaked at 29 and we're down to something like 23. It takes a bit of preparation to integrate, and the alter has to want to, which is going to be a bit tricky in itself once we inevitably run into a scenario where none of the alters want to integrate.

Actually as I type this, I'm reminded of the first integration. We were stuck with all of them being too afraid to integrate, and I gave one of those Al Pacino-inspired pep talks to Rebecca (#1 obv) since they all looked to her as a sort of leader figure. The alters are generally afraid to integrate because they're scared that they die. In reality, it's more like they're there all the time without having the barrier of needing to switch back and forth. Michelle has described it as feeling like someone took two puzzle pieces and put them together so that she can access a wider range of feeling without feeling like there is a gap that has to be crossed. This is also the analogy I use with the little ones to explain everything, and it seems to work well.

I'm trying to think of what else to write about.

Michelle's psychiatrist thought DID was fake until something happened in her office. I won't go into detail about what it was, but she psychiatrist is a believer now.

A good friend of mine tried to kill herself with pills a couple of months ago, and ended up in the same psych unit as Michelle was in once. The first time we went to visit, Michelle wanted to stay in the lobby because it scared her to go in there. The second time we went to visit, she got her balls up and went in to visit for a while. It was an interesting experience.

There hasn't been much drama with Michelle's family at all, mostly because we just avoid them as much as possible, except her brother and his family. He actually had a baby girl yesterday morning, and we went to see them last night. Michelle's face is a little swollen because she had her wisdom teeth taken out a few days ago in the pic of it below.

As far as everyday life goes, she still can't really be left by herself for a really long time, but she can cook and do stuff like that, and she very rarely has seizures any more. I think she's had two in the past four months, and she's able to hold them off for a few moments to get herself somewhere safe when they do start. It's incredible to think at one point she was having 6-8 a day uncontrollably.

She's been going out with friends and has a much better social life now. She used to flip out and have seizures at all kinds of random noises and flashing lights and stuff a while back, but now she's going to clubs with her friends and all kinds of cool stuff.

I still need some help watching her, but my financial situation is better. We're going to continue to live with my parents while I finish school starting spring 2012 since they need help with their bills and I need help with someone watching Michelle. I would start this fall but there is a series of three classes I need that are a prereq for each other because I apparently sucked at planning out my course work years back, and the first class is only offered in the spring, and I need something like 36 hours to get my degree. If I transfer to another school, then I'll have to take a bunch more classes, so I'm just going to roll with it and do three semesters starting this coming spring.

That's all I really know to write about. At this point we're making really clear progress and I can start to see some light at the end of the tunnel. I've found some pictures for you guys too, and they're below. We really appreciate all of the support from you guys, and I wish you all the best.

The pictures:

This is her brother's daughter who was born yesterday morning. Michelle's face is a little swollen because she had her wisdom teeth taken out a few days ago.

This is from about 5-6 weeks ago I think. I had taken one of the little dooters to a playground so she could play while I got some work done. The color's a little weird, and I'm not sure why.

The chick on the right is my best friend and is a lesbian, and took Michelle to some gay club with a few friends. I'm not about to try to fix the red eye since I suck at that sort of thing.

From September or October of 2010 at Emerald Isle, NC. Went to the beach with her parents. I'd hurt my wrist, as you can tell with my awesome wrist brace thingy.

Well guys that's all I've got until next time.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-17-2011 , 03:45 AM
29? Holy ****. More kid and teenager alters? One of them being a male gay? W.T.F.

Awesome update, man. Looks like even though stuff got more complicated you both seem to be on your way to get everything worked out. Glad to hear that.

But, seriously, 29?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-17-2011 , 04:37 AM
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
06-18-2011 , 03:38 AM
Which one was DID?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
