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ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities

08-01-2010 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by rpm
i tilted so hard when i read that her mum was asked if chelle had had any severely traumatic incidents in her life and replied no. i'm not sure exactly how religious mum is, but it reminds me of so many religious people i know who seem to adopt a kind of self-righteous "dont want people to think there's anything wrong with my family" image maintenance attitude. may be barking up the wrong tree here, regardless - very fascinating read, thanks spoon. i wish both you and chelle all the best.
I'm sure the denial is as much to herself as it is to other people.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-01-2010 , 03:28 AM
I admire you for sticking with her. Before I ask my questions I want to thank you for the most interesting thread on 2+2 (imo).

- Tell a little bit about her social life. How does her friends feel about her condition? Isn't it weird as hell if she is with her friends and suddenly Little Michelle comes forth and she wants to go the playground/draw pictures etc?
- Very interested in hearing about you confronting her parents about her abuse, one time please (the more detailed the better).

gl to you both
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-01-2010 , 01:51 PM
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-01-2010 , 01:53 PM
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities

this can rephrased as "ask me what it's like dating a chick"
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-01-2010 , 02:00 PM
I was linked to this and have been totally absorbed into over your story the last few days .

I think you are the one thing that will get her through this and you are doing a great job , keeping your head straight along the way . You chose the point when you opted for all in and not a fold . No pressure , right ? lol .

No questions from me just best wishes to you both for the future . She deserves something good in life .

Epic thread for my 1st post .
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-01-2010 , 03:03 PM
Unreal thread. Best wishes in future!

+1 to people that assumed she was a redhead before pictures.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-01-2010 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
spoon, fascinating read.

I've met some abuse victims, and the effects can be devastating. The one thing I really hope for her, is that she can get away from the parents. So frustrating seeing a victim still under the influence of the people who perpetrated or enabled the abuse.

My questions:
Does she have a realistic view of her family of origin?
Who they are as people and parents?
Have you asked the brother what he saw/experienced in regards to abuse?
Do you believe the abuse was limited to the Uncle?
Have other family members joined her in therapy sessions?
Is she able stand up for herself, toward you and her relatives? How does she do it? Do certain personalities not do it?
What sort of work/future endeavors does she look forward to?

If we had specific questions for Michelle, would you act as a go between?
Would be interesting to see pictures of the different personalities. Try to guess which was which. (little Michelle looked eerily young)
There's some feeling there like she owes them something (ie being around them some of the time) because they're her parents, but she also realizes that some of the things they've done could probably qualify them as giant pieces of **** too. The brother vaguely found out about it much later, and thinks it's BS how it was handled. I believe the abuse was limited to the uncle, but I'm scared to know how many others he abused.

Her father went in with her to see her psychiatrist once. The first thing out of his mouth, without it being brought up by either Michelle or the doctor, was "I don't think she's possessed." Later he exited the room, and the doctor made a sarcastic comment about his statement. Other than this, I don't think they have.

At one point she couldn't/wouldn't stand up for herself almost at all. In the past idk 3-5 months she's gotten much better at it. I talked about similar in my previous post, but I think she's finally starting to be able to harness (for lack of a better word) feelings like confidence and self-worth. Previously only Rebecca would do it.

She wants to become a therapist or counselor. Good questions, thanks.

Originally Posted by Hobb
dude good luck man, i am only on page 6 out of 27 so far, but i very much respect that you're letting us read this. clearly she needs you, and i bet you need her too. there's someone for everyone.

Originally Posted by Hobb
i like that someone wrote that the whole thing is "beautiful" as well as weird. it is that.
I agree.

Originally Posted by I_am_BOOM
spoon, this is a tremendous thread, thanks to you and Michelle for putting yourselves out there.
I suspect it must be very difficult for both of you to find other people outside of your families and medical professionals who would make much of an effort to understand and accept what's going on. My question - is this thread becoming a cathartic experience for you? If so, what are your feelings about sharing all this and the responses/advice/support you've received?
I've only talked about all of this with any kind of depth to maybe 2-3 people before. I don't know about cathartic, per se, but it's definitely had an impact on me as far as realizing how skewed my perspective of everyday life has become from what's "normal". Sometimes you get in so deep you forget which way is up.

I'm glad for the support I've gotten in this thread. I don't get too much support IRL outside of something like "lol gl" because most people just have the attitude that it's my problem.

Originally Posted by theBruiser500
OP i just read your 6,000 word long post, and have a couple of questions. If they have already been answered just ignore... i am going to link this thread to my friend who is a PHD student in psychology, am curious what her reaction will be. anyway,

when matilda came the first couple of times, and you didn't resist her, what do you think would have happened?

what if matilda came now and you encouraged her to do something destructive, what do you think will happen?

over the last couple years, on average, what percent of time do you spend with normal michelle? (i have a hard time seeing if its like 95% or 50%)
I think she would have hurt herself pretty severely.

That's a good question, and I'm not really sure. Most of the time when she comes out now it's after Michelle's been trying to deal with things like what I mentioned in my previous post, and so when she shows up she's kind of pissed but is usually just as concerned that she didn't stop herself from changing to feel that anger/frustration. She's much more in control these days when she's in that state, so I'd be inclined to think it would take a lot to get her to do something too crazy.

In the first 3 months after the first time Little Michelle popped up, I'd say it was about 2/5 to 1/2 of the time I was with 'normal' Michelle, and it's gradually gotten to be a higher % of the time. In the past 3 months, it's probably been closer to 85%.

On a related subject, the frequency of her seizures has also changed. At first I was keeping a journal of every one that happened, but there would be like 7-8 a day sometimes and I would miss them. I eventually got frustrated and stopped trying to keep up with them individually. It was at least 4-5 months after her first seizure before she had a full day without one. Last summer I told her that if she went a week without having one that we'd get engaged, and I the most she made it to was like 5 days, and that only happened once. The individual severity has ramped down a bit on average after working so long on dealing with anxiety and stress in real time, but she still has them every other day or so. I don't think she's went a week without having one yet, but I could be wrong.

Originally Posted by theBruiser500
i think there must be some type of job that can take her. are you trying a wide enough variety of jobs? with all the people in this thread would be cool if someone could help OP's fiancee get a job.
Maybe I should clarify on something. It's not the multiple personalities that seems to be the problem, it's the seizures. When prospective employers hear that she can eat the floor at any moment over random stuff, they shy away like omfg. And it's super frustrating. I talked about how her job at the time screwed her over in the same way, and she was just working in a call center.

Originally Posted by Bovvaboy
I have not read all posts but you having sex with Little Michelle disturbs me for some reason. You said that her doctors and therapists have not told you to stop this . Did they give you a reason why they think a sexual relationship with someone who thinks they are 9 years old is OK.?
FFS read the thread.

Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
this is really interesting. from the first paragraph of the wiki article on DID:

"DID diagnoses appear to be almost entirely confined to the North American continent; reports from other continents are at significantly lower rates."

This has been addressed too.

Originally Posted by Subfallen
Eminent cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett has argued that clinical psychologists tend to project a false "sharpness" onto the separate personalities of DID sufferers.
Yeah man.

Originally Posted by MUPokerPlayer
didn't read all 28 pages, so forgive me if this was asked.

does only "michelle" get the seizures? how about the other personalities?
They all have.

Originally Posted by MikeBucks
Thanks for sharing OP, and OP's fiance, so interesting! Matilda sounds hot, I like em feisty!
Yeah it was real hot fishing out a broken piece of fingernail out of my back in the car on the way to the hospital. :P Thanks though.

Originally Posted by jjbish
Great posting spoon. I know from elsewhere about this, but still find it fascinating.

And I still think it's great that Chelle is a great sport and seems "normal" and fun when she's posted.

Originally Posted by SaulPaul
Want to post to wish you both the best.

Also, when Michelle post onlines, do different personalities show?
Thanks. I doubt you could tell in text.

Originally Posted by tripledraw
just read through the whole thread in one sitting. I'm glad you both (well, six) found each other! All the best!

Originally Posted by TMLMS13

Q from there

Question: Have you ever been at the playground with little michelle and all of the sudden Michelle comes back. If so, is she like 'what the **** are we doing on this teeter totter' ?
Not really. She's done things like that with her amnesia spells though.

Originally Posted by antchev
If you haven't watched this movie, please do.


Hint: Beware of little Michelle
I saw that movie (long before I met Michelle) and it is amazing. I 100% recommend it to anyone who loves good movies.

Originally Posted by Flushtrated17
Just read through all the pages...hard to comprehend a lot of many times i found myself saying "WOW" OP, it seems like you are happy in this relationship, that from the outside seems so crazy, and its admirable that u are so caring and understanding to stick with her after all of this...thats really 1 in a million...also, u MUST watch united states of tara and 50 first dates bc they both relate to ur situation

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

Great stuff and I think you should try and get something published.

I've read through everything but I still don't have a clear idea of exactly what its like for you being with Michele on a day-to-day basis, and was hoping you could fill us in a little more. Like, the last time you saw her.....what state was she in, any changes, etc. Give us the mundane details.

I know you said that your relationship with Matilda wasn't as developed as it was the rest, and was hoping you could elaborate on that a little more as well. Do you feel like thats something you should try to work on that would help improve Michele overall in some sort of way?
Thanks. I probably will at some point.

I answered your question about Matilda sort of in my last post (which was made after you posted but before I posted this one). As far as day to day life goes, it's probably surprisingly boring and normal-ish considering what's been talked about in this thread. We just have to pay a little more attention to certain kinds of things (like her emotional state) and be prepared to handle the abnormal parts the best we can.

Note to self, through post 424.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-01-2010 , 10:09 PM
at least youre getting pussy man
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-02-2010 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by spoonitnow
Maybe I should clarify on something. It's not the multiple personalities that seems to be the problem, it's the seizures. When prospective employers hear that she can eat the floor at any moment over random stuff, they shy away like omfg. And it's super frustrating. I talked about how her job at the time screwed her over in the same way, and she was just working in a call center.
Sounds like she needs a more independent job, working from home or something that isn't time-dependant. So, if she's working and a seizure hits, she just continues where she left off when she's back. Kinda hard to do when dealing with phone calls but there has to be lots of work-from-home kinda things that would work out.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-02-2010 , 07:33 AM
have you ever considered exploiting your unique situation for monetary gain to pay for better treatment with better specialists? just by this thread it's apparently this is a story people are engrossed with, a certain age group with your relationship with one of your fiancées alters, another who have probably passed on numerous women for complicating their life with things far less stressful.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-02-2010 , 08:03 AM
Lovers gonna love
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-02-2010 , 04:27 PM

f***ing gingers
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-02-2010 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by spoonitnow

I lol'd. She makes homemade soap, .
I'm picking up on a pattern. This may be an early warning sign.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-02-2010 , 11:52 PM
Just made my way through the thread, thanks for posting this.
From reading your replies, doesn't it worry you that her dad might have another heart attack while driving her? The well-being of her dad aside, and assuming he doesn't crash the car in the process, I cant imagine being in that situation would be good for her

That feels like a rhetorical question, so instead - what steps have you taken on improving your poker game so you can make more monies and make new living arrangements?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:45 AM
Ok, some questions after reading this whole thread.

Which of the characters agreed with this thread? It seems to me that you would need alot of self confidence to have your friend post the story of your life, including pics.

Have you had different personalities read this thread? I wonder how different matilda/rebecca's responses would be.

Do you think it would help if her uncle would confess to her and tells her he's sorry before he dies? Could that help her in moving forward?

Do you think Michelle will change for the good as soon as the uncle passed away? Will this bring some sort of 'relief' for her?

Most of the time only the good people get cancer. Good to see her uncle got it. God is punishing him after all?

BTW, i'm in the lol jezus camp as well

Thanks for sharing this OP and I wish you and Michelle all the best in your prusuit for happyness together!
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 02:52 AM
If the roles were reversed, do you think shed stick with you? Have you had this discussion? If so, what'd she say and how sincere was she?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:41 AM
holy ****
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:37 AM


But seriously, great thread - thanks for sharing.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by RTHR

Did Matilda return and knock off OP?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 06:00 PM
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:10 PM
anyone that says they wouldnt stay hasnt been in true love.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:21 PM
just finished watching sybil. pretty damn disturbing. worse than saw imo

Originally Posted by MicroSNGDonkey
anyone that says they wouldnt stay hasnt been in true love.
way to gay up the thread
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by spoonitnow

Why I Stick Around

After Michelle's seizures she often stays passed out for a while, and it's extremely difficult to wake her up. This lasts anywhere from a few moments to 45 minutes, occasionally longer. Sometimes I do funny things like make a video of moving her mouth open and closed like she's talking to me (while I impersonate her voice) asking me to put my balls on her forehead. Then, while continuing to record a video, I put my balls on her forehead. Afterward I show her the video, and she thinks it's funny. That's a pretty good reason why. She's just awesome.
you're both pretty ****ed up imo.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
08-05-2010 , 04:08 AM
Still around guys, just been busy.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
