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ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities

07-28-2010 , 04:13 PM
thread going downhillll
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:24 PM
I am absolutely speechless.

This is the most astounding thing ever.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
And mostly it's because I have already said that if people want to have the "is DiD real" conversation, to have it elsewhere. If you have a question like "OP are you willing to believe that this might all be faked by her," that is ok. But I don't want this thread turning into some SMP version of a politics nit-a-thon on if the disease is real or not. This thread is not about if it is real, this thread is about someone discussing his experiences of being with someone who is diagnosed with it (again, real or not is irrelevant).

I don't understand this at all. Seems to me like this would be the ideal place to discuss whether the underlying condition is "real" (whatever that means).
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:32 PM
It makes sense on the surface but the problem is once you give a green light to that it would inevitably turn into hundreds of posts long convoluted cycle of people repeating the same things over and over again without anyone changing anyones mind. And the OP and his stories, which are far more interesting to most people, would get piled under.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:38 PM
Speaking as "some people," I wasn't trying to troll, and I wasn't trying to impose my morality*. The situation is difficult to process as described and I feel invited further discussion -- paternal yet sexually active with her, she knows she's 23 when she's "nine" but also has total lapses into the other personalities on other occasions. I wanted to know how that worked: the gone-but-not-really feature with the young one that only sometimes happens with the others.

*(Although I resolutely maintain that it's wrong to sex a nine-year-old, and am not certain about the responsibility of getting down with someone who believes they're nine, considering her history of sexual abuse around that age. Just seems like whacking a hornet's nest to me.)
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
It makes sense on the surface but the problem is once you give a green light to that it would inevitably turn into hundreds of posts long convoluted cycle of people repeating the same things over and over again without anyone changing anyones mind. And the OP and his stories, which are far more interesting to most people, would get piled under.
Yeah, that make sense I guess. And fwiw, OP's doing a good job dealing with the sidetracks.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:42 PM
He is.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
It makes sense on the surface but the problem is once you give a green light to that it would inevitably turn into hundreds of posts long convoluted cycle of people repeating the same things over and over again without anyone changing anyones mind. And the OP and his stories, which are far more interesting to most people, would get piled under.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:33 PM
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:48 PM
Love. This. Thread.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Apathy
(slightly unrelated)I would guess on some level he doesn't want her or is scared to have her fully recover.

Originally Posted by spoonitnow
If you had the option of curing her permanently, would you take it? Or would you consider it morally bad cuz eliminating four personalities is like killing off four being?
I'd do it in a heart-beat.
pretty sure he'd be happy for his girl.

Originally Posted by spoonitnow
I have to get into my side of things a little to explain this. When this started, she lost her job and her insurance. My bills went way up, and my ability to play the hours I was playing at poker and to play as well as I was went down. As a result, I was bleeding money and quickly went from making more than my parents and her parents combined to being lucky if I could FPP Pro it.

So we moved into my parents' spare bedroom (which also worked b/c my dad had lost his job and I was going to help them with bills). Michelle's dad is legitimately unable to work after 5 heart attacks and a stroke, so he doesn't work. This means he has a lot more free time to drive an hour each way to her many doctors appointments, keep an eye on her 24/7, and things of that nature, which frees me up to do the things I need to do. I simply have no one else to turn to for that level of crap that needs to be done. I hate it a lot, but I'm convinced it's my best play right now.

For what it's worth, after they got chewed out, they've done a lot better job taking care of her. So maybe there's some guilt for them working in our favor or something, or maybe they've decided to act responsible for once.
ohh okay. i understand it better now. i thought you kept them in her life cuz you felt you had to cuz they're her family but that makes more sense now.

Originally Posted by MicroBob
My fiance is a nurse at a hospital and every once in awhile ends up with some mental dude or really drugged out person (or both) who walks around trying to shake everyone's hand and introducing themselves as Michael Jackson or President Clinton or something. So yeah...some people are kind of weird and it comes in varying degrees.
lol thats already weird to you?
thats kinda standard. i bet even drunk people do that once in a while.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:49 PM
I can not believe you are so interested in humans.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:51 PM
During her amnesia, did you make up some fake new stories just to see how she is reacting ?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
Ah OK. I have been following this thread but I somehow missed that.

It makes sense really, and your decision was correct. I was just posting something that was on my mind after other people had mentioned it and then answering when people quoted me.
And perhaps, if you hadn't posted in such a firm/absolute/flame-type manner, it might have flown under the radar.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference

*(Although I resolutely maintain that it's wrong to sex a nine-year-old, and am not certain about the responsibility of getting down with someone who believes they're nine, considering her history of sexual abuse around that age. Just seems like whacking a hornet's nest to me.)
Yeah, I'm having a bit of trouble with this part of it as well. I can't think it's "healthy" for someone, reportedly abused as a child, to be expressing herself sexually in a 9yo mentality.

My gut says this isn't a "healing" path....
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:57 PM
Im halfway through my new favorite thread ever but just wanted to make a point.

Even if OP completely gets off on her being crazy so what? At least they are both happy.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Uh, lol, no. im only a second year law student but my understanding is a) there is no court protected confidentiality between two people engaging in a therapy session... As I understand it therapists themselves in most jurisdictions are bound by an ethical not legal duty... Although he is not a therapist so that is irrelevant b) even if he is under some legal duty I have never heard of before if she told him independently of the session then I assume any pre existing privilege is lifted and c) renderinIg all this moot she gave him full permission to discuss everything. Then again I'm just a law student so maybe noah or a practicing therapist can give more insight

Edit - to be clear there maty be some legal duty I am unaware of or naive to I just don't see how op would be unable to answer that question if he wanted to given her full permission to discuss anything added onto her telling him about it independently... Just would really be curious to hear about the process
Because you're a lawyer it doesn't surprise me that you assumed me saying it was completely inappropriate had anything/much to do with legal issues.

The "illegal" fyp was facetious.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 06:28 PM
Grunching so sry if these have been asked yet...
1) If one of her next personalities would turn out to be a guy who only wanted to give head and receive anal would you still hit it?
2) Do you think you should be prosecuted for sex with a minor if not why not?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 06:31 PM
Anything about grunching in the rules yet?

Anyway, cool thread OP, I enjoyed it a lot.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 06:49 PM
Oh hey!
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 07:02 PM
I guess both have been asked yet, too lazy to search but it would be really strange if you'd sex the guy and not think you should be persecuted (unless I suppose you're bisexual)
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
I guess both have been asked yet, too lazy to search but it would be really strange if you'd sex the guy and not think you should be persecuted (unless I suppose you're bisexual)
thanks for your input!!!!!
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 07:20 PM
Amazing thread OP. I think it would be interesting if you wrote a little more about the mom. It seems that she's bat**** insane herself, but I'm specifically interested in the time you had the "uncle discussion" with her. Does she feel horrible for letting the uncle molest her daughter or did she try to rationalize it?

Also, is most of the uncle's family aware that he molested Michelle and her mom?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 08:23 PM
How do her personalities manifest themselves when she dreams? I ask because this thread creeps me out, I've had repressed memories of abuse (nothing sexual) that came out several years ago, from a dream I had about the experience. I've also had weird personality experiences, but mostly when I'm dreaming. Thanks.

That reminds me of another question, not really relating to myself but did she repress the memory of her uncle's abuse?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Just in a "convincing herself" kind of way is all I mean really. There actually is some debate regarding the legitimacy of what this chick supposedly has and how common it is. This has been brought up earlier in the thread. So my observation isn't completely outrageous or anything.

I'm kind of thinking of something sort of similar to that coma kid who was able to communicate via a facilitator and everyone involved. The mom, the doctor and even the facilitator herself had all been able to convince themselves that the communication from the coma kid was indeed genuine. And this is evidently not uncommon at all...where the coma kid's IQ just happens to end up roughly matching the IQ of the facilitator after they had been not communicating for 10+ years or whatever.
Yes, I agree with this perspective, and wrote a little about it earlier in the thread. It's kind of like a mutual fiction that builds between her and the people around her. That's why I feel like OP should consider the effect of his participation in her fantasy so to speak.

OP: Do the two of you have a goal of re-integrating her into one person or do you both just accept that there will always be many personalities?

Originally Posted by NoahSD
Meh.. I think that the sentence "DID does not exist" doesn't really mean anything. There are people who behave like Michelle. Trying to explain why they behave like that and seeing about changing how they behave seems like a good idea.
There is a difference between a mental illness which happens without the patient's participation, and one that requires the patient to create the fictional narrative which is the disorder in this case.

Originally Posted by sharpyetblunt
If its real to her and shes convinced of it then doesnt that make it real? if she believes she has split personalities then she actually does have split personalities so what exactly is your point? Of course she has mental issues and her brain is trying to deal with them. Not mumbo jumbo really.
It's kind of like a self-fullfilling prophesy. The flip side of that is that they may have the power to minimize this condition if they choose to start interpreting her thoughts and behaviors in a different way.

What about amnesia? another example of a bs drama queen illness? It just seems cos you cant understand it and have never encountered it you choose to believe that they must be making it up cos you cant comprehend it.
The amnesia is almost certainly psychogenic, and not "real" in the sense of being neurologically caused. Temporary and complete retrograde amnesia (forgetting past events) like the one described by OP (and by cartoons and movies) almost never happens, mostly because of the way memories are stored in distributed patterns throughout the brain. It's quite common to lose the ability to form new memories from a neurological condition, but the way this amnesia is described is 100% psychogenic.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
