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06-27-2014 , 05:43 PM
This is a google sheets question, but it's still spreadsheet stuff and this is the best place I can think of for a good answer.

So I want to set individual permissions for multiple people, and my basic aim is to allow each individual to edit their own column of the sheet and nothing more. I'm struggling to find an efficient way of doing this for multiple users, so if anyone knows/ can think of a solution I'd be super grateful.

Here's what the master sheet looks like:

I want to give Player N permission to edit column N, Player P to edit column P etc.

My first step was to protect the entire area, thus preventing anyone from editing any of it. I then added individual permissions for each relevant column, but Player V sees this when he logs in:

So I guess I have to allow universal access to the whole area, and manage each individual's permissions so they're locked out of everything besides their own column? This seems hard work... Am I missing something?
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06-27-2014 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh

Awesome! Thanks a lot! Edit: I tried it again and it's working, but I can't sort the column with the returned values in it. No matter what I do, they're still spread about randomly. Any ideas?
Can you paste the exact formula here? Does the column with the sites have a formula also, or just text? Is there at least one blank column between the two lists of data?
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06-27-2014 , 09:49 PM
Is there at least one blank column between the two lists of data?
Yes, a few, which was the difference between my first trial and this one. I'm assuming this is the issue.
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06-28-2014 , 12:09 AM
That wasn't it, but I found a workaround which works better for what I needed at the moment. I need some additional help though if that's alright. I now have 2 additional columns with the results of the matching hard coded in.

The first column are the website results, the other are a separate metric (emails). I can sort these in my master sheet with them hardcoded, but they no longer reference or stay "attached" to the other columns to the left. Can I bind them somehow?
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06-28-2014 , 11:27 AM
You should be sorting the entire table, with that column as a key. It should keep the rows intact unless you're selecting just the single column before you sort. If I'm understanding you correctly.
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06-30-2014 , 07:27 AM
I got a question that I am a bit too lazy to google since it's not that big of a problem, but someone in here might know a quick fix.

I got an addin that I wrote with custom functions.
I use the addin on two computers. I got a file that uses my custom functions which I use on both machines.

Now my problem is, whenever I copy the file from one machine to the other it adds a reference to the absolute path of the addin so I cannot use the function unless I replace all instances of the path with "".

Is there a way to avoid this?
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07-01-2014 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by d10
Writing and running a macro is probably the best way:

Sub Start()
Call PutInNextRow(1)
End Sub

Might need to tweak that a bit unless you're only using it once or your data always starts in a single column and you want it split out to the right.
this worked pretty well for me . thanks .
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07-03-2014 , 12:14 AM
Let's say I have a table with 5 fields columns A-E, 100 records. I want to view a subset of this table on another page. I don't need any calcs/counts/sums. I want:

1) the subset to be linked so that data is refreshable; not just a copy
2) I don't want all fields, just columns A, C and D, for example
3) I will filter the records in some way

Suppose column A is a unique id for each record - should i create a pivot table using only col A as row label, whichever col I want as filter, and then just add vlookups as needed for the other columns I want to show? I don't have much pivot table experience so let me know if I've missed some basic functionality. Thanks.
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07-03-2014 , 06:39 AM
Pivot is basically a Lookup/Sum/Count/whatnot tool.
I would definitely use a pivot table in your case.
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07-03-2014 , 08:23 AM
Got another question:
Are there negative consequences to keeping iterative calculation on permanently?
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07-03-2014 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Pivot is basically a Lookup/Sum/Count/whatnot tool.
I would definitely use a pivot table in your case.
I figured out that I can change the layout from hierarchical to tabular and my problem is solved.
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07-03-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyEyez
I figured out that I can change the layout from hierarchical to tabular and my problem is solved.
Classic pivot table?
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07-03-2014 , 02:25 PM
ok how can i remove duplicates (and original value) from a column

lets say in one column i have


i want to eliminate both "two" values (when i use remove duplicates it eliminates one and keeps the other "

someone suggested to me to highlight the duplicates w/ color using conditional formatting and then deleting the color but havent figured out how to delete certain colors in a column . any thoughts ?
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07-03-2014 , 02:59 PM
I would do a helper column B with
(assuming there is not the actual value 1 in column A, if so then choose another value)

Then remove duplicates to remove all but one row and then manually delete the row that's left over.

Otherwise use VBA.
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07-03-2014 , 09:30 PM
Find replace two with blank cells, then remove duplicates should work also
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07-08-2014 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyEyez
You should be sorting the entire table, with that column as a key. It should keep the rows intact unless you're selecting just the single column before you sort. If I'm understanding you correctly.
This fixed it. I selected everything and went to Sort > Column O, which is where my MATCH function was. Why can I usually just select a single column and hit AZ/ZA and have it work?

Thanks again, Crazy. You've helped me tons ITT.
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07-08-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by phantom_lord
Just get a notification that there is a duplicate. At the moment I have conditional formatting that highlights them.

Basically I use a sheet to import data that doesn't have a unique key. What I'm doing at the moment is fairly crude. There's two timestamps though that go out to milliseconds, so I have an extra column where those two times are multiplied to create a unique number. So every time data is imported I've a macro that finds the last number in the calculated column, and then loops through multiplying the two time cells in the row.

I have a cell that uses sum frequency - count on the calculated column to see if there's any dupes.

The multiplying loop is slow though, so I'm either looking for a vba solution to finding duplicate rows, or a faster way to generate the id.
Not sure if you're still looking for an answer, but the following helped me a lot. It might not work for yours since you have the whole timestamp thing going on, but if other unique data is duplicate, this should help.

1. Select the column you want to hunt for duplicates in.
2. Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values > OK
3. Your duplicate values will be highlighted in red. Now you can sort that column by color, extract it to a new sheet or whatever, then massage your data.

This has helped me a lot lately!

Last edited by Phresh; 07-08-2014 at 05:14 PM.
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07-08-2014 , 05:59 PM
it's occurred to me recently (and no doubt to most of you a long time ago), that the one thing excel is really lacking is the ability to quickly do where statements. e.g. there's no reason why i shouldn't be able to permanently remove all rows where cell A is 2 by quickly bringing up a formula box and typing 'where A!=2'

i shouldn't have to screw around with filtering and then c/p the filtered info back in without the unwanted stuff. or is there a better way of doing stuff like this and i'm just being dumb?
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07-09-2014 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Why can I usually just select a single column and hit AZ/ZA and have it work?
You can select a single CELL in the column, just not the whole column. Assuming you don't have any blank columns within the entire table. (you can actually have empty columns, as long as they have a heading)

Originally Posted by Phresh
Now you can sort that column by color
Holy ****, you can sort by color? Nice.
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07-09-2014 , 09:17 AM
I find sorting and then deleting rows easier than filtering, but yeah a built-in functionality would be great.
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07-09-2014 , 01:38 PM

I select a single column and sort quite often, I just choose to "continue with the current selection" on the prompt.

Did you actually not know you can sort by color? It helps me a lot when I need to group cells in a column with matching keywords. Find > "whatever" Find All > Select All > Fill Bucket and then Sort On Cell Color is pretty nifty.
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07-09-2014 , 05:11 PM
I honestly didn't know. Very cool.
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07-09-2014 , 05:23 PM
Cool! Glad to have helped a little bit since you've helped me out tons. Great thread!
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07-09-2014 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyEyez
I find sorting and then deleting rows easier than filtering, but yeah a built-in functionality would be great.
for that example sure but for more complicated where statements it wouldn't work as well. but yeah it's really lacking.
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07-09-2014 , 07:11 PM
So what's the easiest way to run a mass search/replace at once? I have a bunch of different strings (words) that I want replaced with other strings, including numbers.

I'm basically converting a bunch of keywords to their corresponding ID. I have the "key" already written, which is corresponding A/B columns for keyword/ID. Would this need to be a VBA/plugin to do this?

There's about 60 words which will need to be found and replaced and probably 5k instances of them total. Any ideas?

Edit: I know I can manually do them, 60 isn't bad at all, but I was curious if there's an "easier" way to do this. Even non-Excel programs.

Last edited by Phresh; 07-09-2014 at 07:16 PM.
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