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Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer?
View Poll Results: Is Amanda Knox innocent or guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher in Perugia Italy?
There is reasonable doubt here and should be found not guilty.
381 26.87%
She is guilty as can be and should be found guilty.
551 38.86%
She is completely innocent and should be acquitted.
168 11.85%
318 22.43%

12-22-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
I don't think this is true, because I think he understands probability well enough to know that if a lot of the pieces of evidence are weak enough (still indicate a high probability of non-involvement) you can still get a number well under ~99%, ~95%, or whatever cutoff you want when you combine them. I mean, you can actually prove it if you want, but it's common sense if you know how to multiply.
Weak evidence does not indicate a high probability of non-involvement. That would be the definition of exculpatory evidence.

Weak evidence indicates involvement but not very strongly.

At this point I don't really care if you are just engaging in this ******ed argument just to cover up that you don't understand math or if you truly and mistakenly believed that weak evidence can include 95% comparability with non-involvement. I obviously think it is the former but whatever.

We aren't talking about the Knox case, remember? We're talking about my basic math error! Why do you keep shifting the goal posts? Is it because everyone knows you are wrong and you don't want to admit it?
I'm not the one desperately trying to justify a position that no one else holds by mental gymnastics that are not even close to convincing.

Oh, you mean the prosecutor under indictment who originally thought the murder was a drug fueled satanic sex orgy gone wrong?
Again you reveal your ignorance of the facts. In detail what was the legal issue the prosecutor faced? How was it resolved? How common are these issues?

So, Henry, are you saying that with this new information available that he was only "playing terrorist", the P=guilty for all the information combined dropped below the threshold for "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt"? Even when, before, they had multiple pieces of relatively "strong" evidence (or are those other pieces of evidence just "facts" now? Did you ever source your definition of "weak evidence" by the way? No?)? May want to think about the implications of this for a minute! (Hint: it means you've been horribly, horribly wrong about probability this ENTIRE time! Pretty pretty hilarious, right?)
I don't think you should continue to try to discuss probability. You seem confused by the idea that having new information can change probability calculations.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Henry, what do you do for a living again? Why don't you answer this question? It's as direct can be. Is it because if you give the answer you would look like a complete joke to everyone after you keep attacking the credentials of scientists, professors, and heads of forensics organizations?
Unlike yourself I did not lie about being a geneticists so my employment if of no relevance since with the exception of law none of my education is relevant here.

Since you keep insisting and since it is no secret I do nothing. I was fortunate enough to make enough money that I live a really good life without having to work. Yeah I can see how that would be really embarrassing. I'm going to hop in my Porsche and cry about it.

As for my credentials I have a science background but undergrads are meaningless so I don't actually use my own experience to attack the credentials of scientists. Rather I find examples of them lying and then impeach their credibility. That doesn't actually require any expertise or science background.

The paper is a review, Henry. Do you understand what a review is?
I do and that isn't a review of the literature. I'm curious do you not know what a review is or are you hoping that if you just say it was one people will believe your lie?

I mean we have the link and it is easy to look at.

The 25 published scientific sources that you keep attacking like a frenzied mad man. Without actually reading them.
I already demonstrated that the first three sources had nothing to do with the thesis of the paper.

You claimed the scientists' work at the Forensics Institute regarding LCN was not based on a thorough review of the scientific literature. I proved you wrong by posting the review.
No. You linked to a paper on a corporate website. It is not a review of the literature. It is not even a study in a peer-reviewed journal.

Further, the chronology of your posting implies you read all of those papers and understood them well enough to dismiss and discredit them in approximately 3 minutes.
No. It means I recognized that the article is not in a journal and that the bibliography of a paper is not necessarily a support of the thesis of a paper. This is something anyone with any university education could figure out just as fast. That you continue to desperately cling to this argument is rather pathetic. What you should be doing is finding a review of the literature in a respected journal that proves me wrong. Instead you keep trying to insist that a turd is a diamond and no one including yourself actually believes that.

Henry, did you actually read those papers? No? You're saying you DIDN'T actually read all 25 papers within 3 minutes?
No I did not read them. They are a bibliography they are not the endorsement of the thesis of the paper. Let me explain how sourcing works. When you make a statement for something that is not obvious you source it. The source is used only to support that individual claim. It is not used to support the thesis of the paper as a whole. You seem to believe that if I find a paper that says X and that paper has a hundred sources in the bibliography that all hundred sources also say X which is comically wrong.

Furthermore, do you understand the articles in the bibliography of a review paper would tend to support the points raised in the review paper?
Except it isn't a review paper / meta-study.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
People who lie constantly being adamant about something means nothing. I'll stick with the coroner's report.
I agree, that's why you have no credibility.

To be a hack I'd need to express an opinion of my own and I'm not. My position is very simple -- a prosecution expert and an independent expert both testified that it was a Asics female running shoe --
You seem to be totally confused. The print your talking about was a partial print on the edge of the pillow case. Let's test your objectivity. Would you agree that the photo I posted is indicative of match of the tread in the picture to the print on the pillow?

the defence countered that it is a make Nike show 5 sizes larger. The only opinion I've expressed is that it is pretty hard to imagine how there can be confusion over something like this. I'm not a print expert so I'm not going to try to do my own analysis and I'm making fun of you for you believing that your opinion matters.
You may want to start with the photograph that proves that print is Rudy's tread. That might save you some time. And don't sell yourself short, you're a tremendous hack.

239 says single knife

Court documents says two different knives.

Tough choice who I should go with.
I guess it's easier to say this than admit you're lying.

You know the only defensive would was a small cut to the thumb of the right hand and a second small cut. Those are not defensive woulds that you'd expect given the number of injuries to the rest of her body. It wasn't like Meredith was killed fast and so two small cuts are a lack of defensive wounds.
There were defensive wounds where her hand came into contact with the knife. You said there was a complete lack. You lied. And she was killed fast that much is clear.

Here is the part you did not quote from Massie

Eh wtf are you talking about, that's the same thing I quoted. You've gone mad. You said there was a complete lack of defensive wounds. You lied.

She was punched and hit from both sides, she had marks from being restrained from behind on both elbows, she had a cut to her right side neck that was 3-4 inches, the mortal wound was to the left side of the neck, she had multiple slices to her neck in a even pattern, and she had marks indicating her head was restrained, there were busing in the legs, some other stuff I can't remember. The total number of wounds was around 60 from what I remember.
Again, you have no reasonable narrative of the attack you simply have talking points designed to confuse the issue. The slices on the right side are consistent with him holding the knife to her throat. Your contention is that she was being restrained and tortured in sadistic manner yet in the same breath you want to claim this was just an argument over money that escalated, yada yada yada, they all killed her.

Also, all of this talk of restraining was disputed at the trial by the different experts and you can read all about it in the Massei report. Her head was and face were clearly ripped back and the mortal wound was likely inflicted once Guede wrestled her to the ground and was behind and above her.

The reason the variety of wounds matter is because if you restrain someone you have limited areas you can hit. To change position and hit them from somewhere else you need to release them temporarily allowing themselves to defend and get defensive wounds which we don't have. Further, the number also increases the length of the attack again increasing the defensive wounds. Lastly, there is no way to inflict parallel cuts on someone without restraining them. After the first cut they move. Meredith's head was restrained and she had parallel cuts on her neck -- that requires two people.
Again, none of the experts could rule out Guede did it alone. That does mean something. I think it's pretty clear that for at least part Meredith didn't fight back, most likely as she rightly feared for her life. Once Guede inflicts the wounds on the right side of her neck her natural reaction would be to bring her hands up which is consistent with her hand coming into contact with the knife. After that the evidence suggests it was a short time until the mortal wound was inflicted. The trauma was severe but you're overstating the amount of wounds in an attempt to strengthen the idea that Guede couldn't have done it alone.

There was a fight and a struggle, but once the knifing started in earnest it was fast.

Almost any guy can overpower a girl and even though Rudy is short and skinny I have no doubt he could overpower a girl on his own. Thing is are not talking about overpowering just overpowering. Rudy would need more arms than he has to accomplish restraining Meredith's head, arms, and hold a knife so he could make multiple superficial parallel cuts on her neck. There is absolutely no way for a single person to do this. If you hold the arms and head you have no knife. If you hold the head and knife you leave her hands free to attack you. If you restrain the arms with one hand and cut with the other her neck moves from the pain and you don't get these nice parallel cuts. There simply is no way to do this and this is assuming Rudy could restrain both of Meredith's arms with one hand -- something that I highly doubt.
You're simply wrong which is why none of the experts could rule out him doing it alone. The wounds and bruises all happened over the course of the fight. There is no reason to believe it had to have happened all at once. Further the defense experts explained why the injuries to her left elbow weren't the same as the ones to her right. We can go through the report if you'd like to.
If not you can explain exactly how, why and where Amanda and Raf were during this struggle and why the evidence doesn't reveal it. I'm especially interested in hearing the motive of why they are now apparently sadistically torturing her.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
It wasn't a jacket. It was one of those wool things you wear over t-shirts. You keep calling it a jacket because you want to imply she was attacked before she had time to remove her coat but what she was wearing is something people wear at home.
Do you know what color it was and if it had a hood?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:20 AM
I was really looking forward a bastard option on this one
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Hi Fabian,
Yeah, I meant to say all of the pieces. I kind of agree with the rest of what you wrote, I think. However, I also think it is an oversimplification. Consider what would happen to your probabilities if you find a piece of evidence that completely exonerates Amanda. I don't think the model you are proposing allows you to adjust the probability down towards not guilty.
This is the same issue you are having with the role-playing terrorist. New information can change things.

You also need to balance your evidence with the evidence that she is actually not guilty. The balance does not just need to exceed the evidence of "not guilty", it needs to exceed it so much that it's "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" (i.e. at least ~98% or ~99% in favor of guilt).
No. This isn't two ledgers getting points. Your post doesn't even make sense when you consider we're discussing a binary event.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:31 AM
How the hell are you people still arguing this?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by 239
You seem to be totally confused. The print your talking about was a partial print on the edge of the pillow case. Let's test your objectivity. Would you agree that the photo I posted is indicative of match of the tread in the picture to the print on the pillow?
My opinion on the matter is irrelevant. Further, if I was to give an opinion I would need to read the all three expert opinions -- I have their reports but have not bothered to read them. I might do that in the next few days since I actually want to go back to the bathmat footprint.

There were defensive wounds where her hand came into contact with the knife. You said there was a complete lack. You lied. And she was killed fast that much is clear.
A lack of defensive wounds does not mean zero defensive wounds. If you expect a certain range but have considerable less than that range then you have a lack of something.

She wasn't killed fast.

The slices on the right side are consistent with him holding the knife to her throat.
So he cut her and she just stood there? For those cuts to be parallel like that her head had to be immobilized but there is no way to immobilize a head, restrain two arms, and hold a knife.

Also, all of this talk of restraining was disputed at the trial by the different experts and you can read all about it in the Massei report. Her head was and face were clearly ripped back and the mortal wound was likely inflicted once Guede wrestled her to the ground and was behind and above her.
Disputed does not mean anything. All evidence that implies guilt is disputed. So find the quote and we can then evaluate how much sense an argument that she stood there and allowed herself to be cut makes.

Again, none of the experts could rule out Guede did it alone. That does mean something.
Not being able to rule something out just means you can't say it is impossible. That doesn't change the fact that they said it is extremely. unlikely that one person would be able to do this

The trauma was severe but you're overstating the amount of wounds in an attempt to strengthen the idea that Guede couldn't have done it alone.
No I'm not. It was somewhere between mid-50s and mid-60s. This is covered in detail in at least four court documents so if I'm exaggerating then go look it up and quote a number.

There was a fight and a struggle, but once the knifing started in earnest it was fast.
No. She had a serious cut on the right side of her neck as weel as the series of parallel cuts, some additional small cuts and then the big fatal wound. There is a low double digit number of cuts. That isn't quick especially since the two biggest wounds are to opposite sides of the neck.

We can go through the report if you'd like to.
Ok. Post the report and your interpretation of what it says -- in your own words.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by 239
Do you know what color it was and if it had a hood?
It was light blue but parts of it were dark blue. No idea if it had a hood. Don't see how any of this is relevant.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
It was light blue but parts of it were dark blue. No idea if it had a hood. Don't see how any of this is relevant.
You called it a hoodie and it's clearly an Addidas track jacket that had blood all over it and Guede's DNA. You got the "woolen thing" from Guede's Skype call and I think it's pretty obvious given your failure to accurately describe it in the past that you've never seen the crime scene photos showing it.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
My opinion on the matter is irrelevant. Further, if I was to give an opinion I would need to read the all three expert opinions -- I have their reports but have not bothered to read them. I might do that in the next few days since I actually want to go back to the bathmat footprint.
So your head is buried in the sand. This is a shocking development.

A lack of defensive wounds does not mean zero defensive wounds. If you expect a certain range but have considerable less than that range then you have a lack of something.
Let's be clear you said there was a complete lack, not just a lack.

The definition of lack is: Deficiency or absence:

What would a complete deficiency or complete absence indicate to you?

She wasn't killed fast.
The attack clearly did not last long nor was it prolonged. That's what the evidence shows.

So he cut her and she just stood there? For those cuts to be parallel like that her head had to be immobilized but there is no way to immobilize a head, restrain two arms, and hold a knife.
No, you've decided that has to be and are forming an argument based on the conclusion you decided has to be true. I think it's clear he had the knife to her throat at that point.

Disputed does not mean anything. All evidence that implies guilt is disputed. So find the quote and we can then evaluate how much sense an argument that she stood there and allowed herself to be cut makes.
Again, you ardently state a talking point as fact. I will do a summary of that section when I have time.

Not being able to rule something out just means you can't say it is impossible. That doesn't change the fact that they said it is extremely. unlikely that one person would be able to do this
And the appeal judge found otherwise based on all of the testimony at the first trial. What did you expect the people Mignini put on the stand to say?

No I'm not. It was somewhere between mid-50s and mid-60s. This is covered in detail in at least four court documents so if I'm exaggerating then go look it up and quote a number.
You're treating each and every spot as an individual item that couldn't have been connected to a single act. If you grab someone by the face and hair and rip them across the room and attack them, that is going to cause a lot of trauma. You're trying to say there were so many wounds it must have lasted a long time and been done by multiple people but the amount of trauma doesn't prove that.

No. She had a serious cut on the right side of her neck as weel as the series of parallel cuts, some additional small cuts and then the big fatal wound. There is a low double digit number of cuts. That isn't quick especially since the two biggest wounds are to opposite sides of the neck.
This all happened in the same general area of the room as evidenced by the blood on the floor. If you are so sure of the length and movement then just lay out what happened and where everyone was. This should be simple with your advanced knowledge of the wound patterns. Also is your argument that you couldn't cut someone in an escalated attack knifing less than times in a manner that would be deemed quick? What are you even talking about at this point.

Ok. Post the report and your interpretation of what it says -- in your own words.
I've already posted my basic understanding of what happened in the room. When I get a chance I'll review the relevant documents and bring something forward. Considering you purport to have this advanced knowledge of what happened in there feel free in the meantime to lay out where Guede, Amanda, and Raf where and how the evidence reveals to us what happened.

I know you won't, because you didn't in your mega-mess, but maybe you'll give it a go.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by samsonh
How the hell are you people still arguing this?
Why are you still reading it?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 12:46 PM
239: you never answered this:

Not necessarily. If they leave soon after they're seen at 8:40, they could get to the cottage before Meredith got home as well. It's only a 6 or 7 minute walk. <br />
<br />
That's if you discount everything from the defense like computer interaction shortly after nine and the one they say the can prove at 9:26, not to mention the screensaver log they say shows activity of and on all night.
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<br />
Why would it matter what they were doing? Under your scenario it was a one person job. Are you suggesting the evidence is open to interpretation leading to a conclusion that more than one person was involved?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
It wasn't a jacket. It was one of those wool things you wear over t-shirts. You keep calling it a jacket because you want to imply she was attacked before she had time to remove her coat but what she was wearing is something people wear at home.
Oct 2011:
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
Sweatshirt ≠ Jacket or coat. Calling it a coat implies she was attacked the second she walked through the door.

239, honest question: You must remember that all your arguments have failed. So why don't you develop new arguments (or stop arguing) instead of using the exact same lines which prompt the exact same responses, which leads to the exact same dead end for you?

I mean, you tried it with rep 199 last year and this year as well, got caught both times, and I suppose in March you'll do it again. You know we know all the flaws in your arguments, but you don't change or evolve at all: After all this time, you are still on break-in authentic, false positive Luminol, etc., but because you don't develop arguments beyond just insistence, I don't think anyone (including you) is any clearer on why you believe this.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Oski
239: you never answered this:

<br />
<br />
Why would it matter what they were doing? Under your scenario it was a one person job. Are you suggesting the evidence is open to interpretation leading to a conclusion that more than one person was involved?
It matters because they were charged with murder? The evidence in the murder room suggests Guede did it alone, yes. You're free to interpret the evidence anyway you'd like to.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
Oct 2011:

239, honest question: You must remember that all your arguments have failed. So why don't you develop new arguments (or stop arguing) instead of using the exact same lines which prompt the exact same responses, which leads to the exact same dead end for you?
ORLY, all of my arguments have failed while your Money stolen, yada, yada, murder, lies, guilty! is winning the day, eh? You must be joking, right? The best argument you've brought to the table is posting the Kastle-Meyer picture and saying nothing pretending it means something. I think it's clear that Henry doesn't know what he's talking about because he called that Addidas track jacket a woolen hoody. It's also amusing that you posted the pictures of where it was found 46 days later which boggles the mind as to why it wasn't collected the day the body was discovered by the LOLforensic police.

I mean, you tried it with rep 199 last year and this year as well, got caught both times, and I suppose in March you'll do it again. You know we know all the flaws in your arguments, but you don't change or evolve at all: After all this time, you are still on break-in authentic, false positive Luminol, etc., but because you don't develop arguments beyond just insistence, I don't think anyone (including you) is any clearer on why you believe this.
Yes I'm still on the truth, the same truth that ultimately was confirmed in their acquittals. Rep 198 and Rep 199 are very curious even still as it isn't clear why more attention wasn't paid to them.

Please go back to posting misleading pictures as that is your best chance of making a substantive point in this discussion!
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by 239
ORLY, all of my arguments have failed while your Money stolen, yada, yada, murder, lies, guilty! is winning the day, eh? You must be joking, right?
You do repeat the same failed arguments over and over again. You know they are not valid arguments. You know what is wrong with them. You know that we know what is wrong with them. This topic is like Groundhog Day because of you.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
You do repeat the same failed arguments over and over again. You know they are not valid arguments. You know what is wrong with them. You know that we know what is wrong with them. This topic is like Groundhog Day because of you.
Project much? Just because I know you're going to continue putting forth the same BS talking point meme spew that is typical of the guilt horde doesn't mean I should stop pointing out that which is obvious and true.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by 239
It matters because they were charged with murder? The evidence in the murder room suggests Guede did it alone, yes. You're free to interpret the evidence anyway you'd like to.
Your theory of the case, is your theory. If you want to hold out your theory as the prevailing one here, you should be open to answering questions about it. Indeed, now that you've finally provided your theory, here is your chance to dispose of the smoke and mirrors and dive into it - this is your chance to prove your case to all the doubters.

So, I merely pointed out that it seems like under your theory, AK and RS don't need an alibi.

However, you disagreed. So, since you disagreed, it seems you are interpreting the evidence in a way which leaves open the possibility of more than one participant.

So, under your theory, do AK and RS need an alibi?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Oski
Your theory of the case, is your theory. If you want to hold out your theory as the prevailing one here, you should be open to answering questions about it. Indeed, now that you've finally provided your theory, here is your chance to dispose of the smoke and mirrors and dive into it - this is your chance to prove your case to all the doubters.

So, I merely pointed out that it seems like under your theory, AK and RS don't need an alibi.

However, you disagreed. So, since you disagreed, it seems you are interpreting the evidence in a way which leaves open the possibility of more than one participant.

So, under your theory, do AK and RS need an alibi?
I honestly don't understand your question. You need an alibi if we choose to suspect you of the crime as does anyone. My position is that the evidence indicates Guede was the only person in the murder room and I've clearly laid out why. It's clear he was involved in a bloody mess in there including near the area where the knife was laid down. I've never said it was impossible that there could have been other actors, but the evidence doesn't indicate there was.

I merely mentioned that due to the timing, if we accept the last time they are seen in person as the end of their alibi, they theoretically could have gotten to the cottage before Meredith got home.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by 239
I honestly don't understand your question. You need an alibi if we choose to suspect you of the crime as does anyone. My position is that the evidence indicates Guede was the only person in the murder room and I've clearly laid out why. It's clear he was involved in a bloody mess in there including near the area where the knife was laid down. I've never said it was impossible that there could have been other actors, but the evidence doesn't indicate there was.

I merely mentioned that due to the timing, if we accept the last time they are seen in person as the end of their alibi, they theoretically could have gotten to the cottage before Meredith got home.
That's fine. So, under your theory, AK and RS need alibis on order to rule them out (if others participated).

Since, you state that under your theory that it is not impossible (based on the evidence) that more than one person was involved, what evidence leads you to conclude this?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by 239
It's already in this thread. But this is what I think happened. ...

He gets ready to leave taking Meredith's phones, her keys, her credit cards, and her money. He knew she kept her money in a specific drawer so he may also have done a brief search of her room.
How does Rudy know Meredith keeps her money in a "specific drawer?"
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 03:35 PM
All of the available evidence leads us to believe that it's not impossible.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 03:36 PM
I'd say he either forced her to tell him or he found it. We only know that he made a point to make it part of his story. We don't actually know if money was there and it was stolen or not, but it seems likely it was given the story.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-22-2012 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Oski
How does Rudy know Meredith keeps her money in a "specific drawer?"
He's ****ing magic.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
