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Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer?
View Poll Results: Is Amanda Knox innocent or guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher in Perugia Italy?
There is reasonable doubt here and should be found not guilty.
381 26.87%
She is guilty as can be and should be found guilty.
551 38.86%
She is completely innocent and should be acquitted.
168 11.85%
318 22.43%

12-03-2009 , 05:55 PM
There is a lot of speculation about whenther Amanda Knox is innocent or guilty. She is on trial for her life and the conclusion of the trial is near. What do you think the vedict will be? Do you think she is truly innocent or guilty, why or why not?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 05:57 PM
Italy's legal system is ridiculous.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 05:58 PM
Not guilty, the judge was crying today in court, it's his call.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 05:59 PM
Mickey Knox's sister. Guilty, imo.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:05 PM
Nov. 1, 2007 with the help of two men, ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito and Ivory Coast native Rudy Guede.
why exactly is this story all about her? dudes committing murder too boring? i am assuming they confessed or something so its a lock they are guilty? still both of them and the victim are both story worthy. all the headlines i am seeing a pretty much all amanda with a couple meredith + amanda's thrown in there...

don't really know anything about this story so excuse my ignorance if i am way off base..
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:06 PM
What a fundamentally ******ed thread.

How the **** are any of us supposed to know if she's guilty or not?

The girl is from around here, so even though I try to avoid the news, I've read too much, which likely means I've read more than any of you- and I have no idea what the **** to think beyond "lol Italy's court system".
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:09 PM
The forensics are definitely questionable:

The knife was sprayed with chemicals for the presence of blood of which it did not test positive. They found trace amounts of DNA on the handle (Knox's) and trace amounts of DNA on the blade (Kercher's). They know it isn't blood DNA but something else (as few as 20 cells). It hasn't really been suggested yet but couldn't this be explained away with some other reason we don't know about seeing as it's not blood? One forensic expert on the news suggested laboratory contamination. Additionally the blade doesn't match the murder victims wounds or a supposed impression of the knife on the bed.

The investigators found a bra clasp 45 days after the murder with Rafael Sollecito's DNA on it after the had originally processed ther crime scene. In an enclosed space none the less. How do you miss that? The forensics here are questionable at best. How do you verify anything with bad forensics in this case?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
What a fundamentally ******ed thread.

How the **** are any of us supposed to know if she's guilty or not?

The girl is from around here, so even though I try to avoid the news, I've read too much, which likely means I've read more than any of you- and I have no idea what the **** to think beyond "lol Italy's court system".
Sorry you don't like the thread. It is about what people think not necessarily what everyone is supposed to know for an absolute fact. Just curious about other's feelings. Please don't flame me for it.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:13 PM
The prosecutor is pretty insane too. Not to mention corrupt. He shouldn't even be prosecuting any cases until he deals with his own ****.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:16 PM
I thought that the Italians didn't have the death penalty. In 2007, Article 27 of Italian Constitution was changed to fully ban the death penalty.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:19 PM
I'm going to need to see Amanda Knox naked before I can draw any conclusions.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by *******
Sorry you don't like the thread. It is about what people think not necessarily what everyone is supposed to know for an absolute fact. Just curious about other's feelings. Please don't flame me for it.
I'm sorry- but I can think of few things more flameworthy than "Hey guys, let's talk out our asses about something we can't possibly know enough about in this thread."

Ignorant blathering about current events is best left for soccer moms waiting for elevators.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Grasshopp3r
I thought that the Italians didn't have the death penalty. In 2007, Article 27 of Italian Constitution was changed to fully ban the death penalty.
They may not believe in killing offenders, but they also have very few laws that protect citizens from bad police work. It's really easy to get railroaded by their ****ty legal system.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:25 PM
no way a girl that hot gets convicted, regardless of guilt/innocence
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:25 PM
Just reading the wikipedia article about this case, and came across this:

"Under Italian law, a defendant who testifies is not required to tell the truth. Defendants are permitted to lie and will not face perjury charges if they do so."

I mean, defendants certainly lie in the US, but what's the point of even calling them to the stand if there isn't even a pretense of truth?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:30 PM
I wanted to see how hot she was so hit play on the video. You have to sit through a 1 MINUTE ad to see a 2 minute news blurb. Insane. This is what we have to look forward to in 5 years when the newspapers go out of business.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:34 PM
thread is usesless w/o pics!
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:35 PM
would need to see pictures of her in bikini to be sure

Last edited by areaman; 12-03-2009 at 06:38 PM. Reason: pfft...totally beat by LFS by like 15 minutes
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:41 PM
More lol italian justice system and a whole 'nother can of worms:

"Violence genes" mitigating factor in sentencing
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:47 PM
For those that want nudes, I don't have them. This is what I pulled off google.

Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by *******
lol wtf is this, some pic of her mowing down terrorists with an oldtimey watercooled machine gun?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:52 PM
I read/saw a lot about this case about a year or so ago but literally forget almost everything about it including whether I thought there was a good chance she did or didn't do it.

Wasn't there a big issue about her demeanor in court? Like she was laughing, smiling, or just acting a little kooky in general?

Edited to add that I find defendants demeanor in court kinda fascinating. The calmness of it all usually. I guess by the time you are in court you've had long enough for it all to process and stuff. Im really surprised there aren't more people going nuts after a guilty verdict is read.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by cpitt398
Wasn't there a big issue about her demeanor in court? Like she was laughing, smiling, or just acting a little kooky in general?
yeah I think she kept making faces at her beau among other things. She was also doing cartwheels in the police station when they brought her in for questioning. Freak and a very weird chick


dunno if she was making faces in court, knew I read something about it but it may just have been in the police station

Police told an Italian court today that Amanda Knox had a "strange attitude" after discovering that her roommate had been murdered, doing a cartwheel in the police station, sitting on her boyfriend's lap, making faces at him and kissing him.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-03-2009 , 07:02 PM
She also tried to frame her boss at the bar she worked at for the murder. That seriously doesn't sound like an innocent person. I assume that this was admissible evidence in her murder trial?

Last week the court heard that Miss Knox, who worked part-time as a waitress in Mr Lumumba's pub, pointed the blamed at him after police asked her to provide the names and telephone numbers of Miss Kercher's friends.

Scrolling through the contacts list on her mobile phone, she reached that of Mr Lumumba and allegedly started crying, telling a police officer: "It was him, it was him, he was crazy, he killed her."

"I didn't know what I'd 'done'. I was scared and humiliated. Then, after a couple of hours one of them suggested they show me a picture of 'the dead girl' to get me to confess.

"It might sound naive, but it was only then that I made the connection between Meredith's death and my arrest. Stunned, I said, 'You think I killed Meredith?'

"They said, 'Oh, so now you've remembered' and told me that if I confessed I'd only get half the 30-year sentence." It wasn't until 5.30pm that ? still handcuffed and unfed ? he was shown the evidence against him, a statement from Amanda saying that on the night of November 1 he had persuaded her to take him back to the house she shared with Meredith and two others.

He had then, she claimed, gone into Meredith's room and raped her before killing her while she sat and listened to the screams from the kitchen. She said he was motivated by revenge after Meredith had rejected him.

"It was only then I realised just how mad she was," he says. "I had no sexual feelings towards Meredith, and have never cheated on Aleksandra.

"Although I was filled with anger, I was determined to stay calm in front of the police. What Amanda was saying was insane. I have seven sisters and there's no way I could even imagine hurting a woman."

Her flawed evidence was, however, enough to keep Patrick in custody, as police feared he, Knox and Sollecito, would flee the country.

His fingerprints and a blood sample were taken and he was put in isolation in a sparse 6ft by 12ft cell in the town's Capanne prison.

As the days passed police claimed to have further evidence against him, including proof from his mobile phone that he was near Meredith's house around the time of her death, records of calls to Amanda, whose DNA had allegedly been found on the murder weapon, and a lack of till receipts to substantiate his claim he'd been working behind the bar on the night of the murder.

"I watched the case unfold on TV every day and was shocked by the sordid lifestyle Amanda and her boyfriend seemed to be leading," he says. "That kind of life was foreign to me and it made me sick that people would think I was involved in some kind of threesome.

"I knew students here slept around, but to hear rumours of sex games with knives shocked me to the core.

"As far as I am concerned, anyone involved in them needs psychiatric help.

"I'd never even been to their house, and I knew that it was a mistake and I would be released eventually," he said.

"But the days in prison were my darkest. Aleksandra visited me four times and I received cards of support from friends, but they wouldn't let me have a picture of Davide or even allow me to change my clothes."

Aleksandra adds: "I couldn't sleep when Patrick was in prison. I tried to keep myself together for Davide's sake and whiled away the hours watching mindless television to try to distract myself.

"I didn't doubt his innocence for a second, and I tried to be brave for him. When I visited him in prison neither of us shed a tear, I knew we needed to be strong. But we were both crying on the inside."

Meanwhile, a lack of any of Patrick's DNA on Meredith's body and witness statements proving he had been at work forced police to reconsider their original theory and, after 14 days, he was released.

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Amanda, meanwhile, was becoming increasingly erratic. "Her moods started swinging from docile and lazy to hyperactive and flighty.

"I knew she smoked cannabis and it was impossible to predict which one she'd be.

"I told her I'd asked Meredith to come and work for me and her face dropped and there was a big silence. Then she said, 'Fine,' and stropped off. I knew then she was extremely jealous of Meredith. She obviously thought she was invading her territory."

By Tuesday, October 30, his patience ran out. He told Amanda she could carry on handing out club flyers, but could no longer work in the bar.

"She looked at me blankly and walked away," he says. "The club was busy and I didn't see her again that evening."

The next day Amanda attended a Hallowe'en party at the club, knocking back the free red wine. "She was all over two American boys," Patrick says. "There was no sign of Sollecito and I didn't see her leave."

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I'm gonna bet she did it.

Last edited by suzzer99; 12-03-2009 at 07:10 PM.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
