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2016 Android thread 2016 Android thread

02-19-2016 , 10:44 AM
Full HD = 1080
2016 Android thread Quote
02-20-2016 , 02:10 AM
Have an S5 on its last legs and looking to upgrade, if I were to buy an android tomorrow what am I getting? Am I better waiting and if yes, for what?
2016 Android thread Quote
02-20-2016 , 03:25 AM
Didnt want to start a whole new thread on this and since only Android users have access thought Id ask here. Who can tell me about Google's Project Fi? Anyone have real world experience with it yet?

I know the basics - cost, limited number of compatible phones, etc.
Currently have an invite in my inbox and no idea if/when it expires.
Is it worth buying a new phone for if you don't spend extensive time outside the US? Currently have a Droid Turbo, which I love (the crazy battery life + rapid charge is simply amazing) and would be switching to the 6P. The issue is that the phone would cost full price and Id only be saving roughly $20/mo for an equivalent data plan.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-20-2016 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
Have an S5 on its last legs and looking to upgrade, if I were to buy an android tomorrow what am I getting? Am I better waiting and if yes, for what?
Depends what's important to you. Shockingly there still is no single phone that ticks every possible feature box.

Screen size / quality
camera quality
build quality
expandable storage
replaceable battery
front-facing stereo speakers
quick/turbo charging
wireless charging
pure android vs skin

I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-20-2016 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
Have an S5 on its last legs and looking to upgrade, if I were to buy an android tomorrow what am I getting? Am I better waiting and if yes, for what?
Don't get the S6, battery life is horrible ime. 3 full hours browsing the Internet/screen time and mine gets below 25%. I got an external battery pack that I take with me if I'm out for the day
2016 Android thread Quote
02-20-2016 , 08:32 PM
I'm pretty out of the loop but battery life is probably the biggest feature I'm looking for and after that I just want a phone I can use for two years.

Yeah that's the main reason I hate the s5 and didn't get the s6.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-20-2016 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Don't know about this, link?

Is "Full HD" 1440 or 1080? I don't understand why people care about 1440. I maintain you can't notice a difference at a huge cost to battery life. For ****'s sake the iPhone 6S+ is still rocking 1080, that tells you something.

It will somehow allow you to swap batteries and use other modules to add hardware features to the device.

The ability to swap a batter in a unibody metal phone isn't bad at all but I don't get the point of the other stuff its supposedly going to do like have a special camera module, audio module and a keyboard module etc.

Its interesting but until its fully announced I don't exactly get it from the rumoured use case.

It feels like that old Dell laptop slot thing they had so you could slide in an extra hd or a second battery and cd drives etc. It is kinda cool but with the quality of bluetooth and free cloud storage I don't see people wanting this and I suspect they could have just doubled the battery size with the space this thing will use. It feels like a step backwards to me.

Oh yeah as said 1080 is full hd. 1440 is quad hd. I'm not even sure how many phones even use 1440 but 1080 is fine to my garbage eyesight and I use 720 every so often on my note 2 which I still use for big games and its barely noticeably worse to me.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-20-2016 , 09:40 PM
cs - I've been on Google Fi for the last 7 months or so and love it, but most of the benefit for me is with the unreal international usage advantages. For domestic use, it's likely going to depend on how much data you use and how many partnered WiFi networks are in the areas where you'd use that data. That will drive your monthly data cost savings.

They are starting to test the service in more phones, so you may just be able to wait a bit and get the service with your existing phone, depending on what it is.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-21-2016 , 12:50 AM
Cool thanks for the info Chop.
One of your posts in your sailing thread is actually the first I had ever heard of Fi.
Good to hear they may be expanding to more phones.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-21-2016 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by BluffMyNuts
I'm pretty out of the loop but battery life is probably the biggest feature I'm looking for and after that I just want a phone I can use for two years.
If you are on Verizon and battery life is your #1 priority, you can't really beat the Droid Turbo imo.
I have never once went through a full battery in one day. Usually at the end of the day I still have 50-60% left, and I do a lot of web browsing throughout the day, and some light YouTube use. For comparison I would often kill my Droid 4 in under 5 hours of use, and my S5 never lasted me a full day.
However if you do watch 8 hours straight of video and manage to kill the battery, you can charge it up in 30 minutes or so. The turbo charger is awesome.

The phone is also compatible with wireless charging pads, and is overall a pretty fast and powerful phone.

The Turbo 2 also just came out, so that might be something to look into, although the price is ridiculous unless you want to sign a 2 year contract.
Factiry refurb origibal Turbos can be had unlocked for well under $300 on Amazon, no contract required.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-21-2016 , 01:14 AM
Thanks CS, I somehow have an upgrade left and was leaning towards the Turbo. As long as it works with my beats by Dre I'll pick it up tomorrow. Wife got me beats for me BDay for the gym but they have compatibility issues with Galaxy phones so I never really use them.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 12:44 AM
I think the Nexus 6p and the LG V10 are the best phones on the market. The S7 and the G5 don't seem to have surpassed them.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by MiRee446
I think the Nexus 6p and the LG V10 are the best phones on the market. The S7 and the G5 don't seem to have surpassed them.

I think the S7 Edge definitely does, the battery + camera is amazing. Just IMO
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by MiRee446
I think the Nexus 6p and the LG V10 are the best phones on the market. The S7 and the G5 don't seem to have surpassed them.
I think I saw the G5 has the SD 820 (expected) and 4 GB RAM? That's pretty juicy. But with my Nex 6p I'm going to be very afraid of buying a non-stock Android phone for a while.

Also fingerprint sensor on the back is goat.

Originally Posted by Schwallie
I think the S7 Edge definitely does, the battery + camera is amazing. Just IMO
Lol edge though. And regardless of my first comment, loltouchwiz for sure.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 10:01 AM
Any thoughts on the m10? I have the m8 and love it.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I think I saw the G5 has the SD 820 (expected) and 4 GB RAM? That's pretty juicy. But with my Nex 6p I'm going to be very afraid of buying a non-stock Android phone for a while.

Also fingerprint sensor on the back is goat.
Pretty much every non-Touchjizz device released in 2014 or later more than capably handles even the most processor intensive tasks on Android. If your phone can beast through games like Asphalt 8 (which realistically comprises what % of your usage really?), it can most certainly instantly open messenger/browsing/Spotify/etc. What's the point of having bleeding edge specs in an environment where the top end isn't being utilized?

Edit: Thought of one task where my OPO isn't powerful enough to handle. Converting local video on the fly via BubbleUPNP to a streamable format for a Chromecast. If you don't have built in DLNA into your TV and need a Chromecast you're SOL without using BubbleUPNP Server on a PC.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 02:21 PM
I guess I both agree + disagree. Over the past 1-1.5 years I've tried the Galaxy S5, LG G4, and Nexus 6P, with experiences basically being lots of stutter, occasional + mild stutter, and zero stutter, respectively. Stutter ranging from tiny but annoying/noticeable millisecond jitters to full on 3-5 second lags. As I implied, I think the operating system (+skin) is the dominant factor here, since each of those 3 phones basically sit equally spaced apart on the spectrum from touchjizz to stock.

However, I do think *some* specs are still relevant (and at the very least, interesting) to some degree, RAM probably being near the top. I had read plenty of anecdotes before deciding between the 5X and 6P that people with the 5X (and it's relatively small 2 GB of RAM) experienced some occasional stutter and slowdowns, likely due to the smaller amount of RAM. I could be wrong of course, but it just seemed to me that we're still in a zone where more RAM can be nice. Although, the managing of that RAM is equally important; it seems a big issue with the S6 phones from my reading is the poor RAM management kicking apps out of memory too quickly.

And sure, we probably have the raw computing power to do anything most people want to do most of the time, I'll agree to that. But phones are complex, and it's often not just about one thing. One example - a better processor will be more efficient and use less battery - one thing I think everyone would agree isn't even close to the "too good for improvements to not matter" territory. Phones with 2400 mAh batteries can easily show better battery life than those with 3000+, depending on a myriad of factors.

But yea, I mean I wouldn't spend $700 to upgrade my 810 to an 820; probably wouldn't even spend $100. But if I'm looking at 2 phones and the only difference is the processor? I'm taking the better one.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by MiRee446
I think the Nexus 6p and the LG V10 are the best phones on the market. The S7 and the G5 don't seem to have surpassed them.
No expectation of a Nexus 7 anytime soon?
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
I think I saw the G5 has the SD 820 (expected) and 4 GB RAM? That's pretty juicy. But with my Nex 6p I'm going to be very afraid of buying a non-stock Android phone for a while.

Also fingerprint sensor on the back is goat.

Lol edge though. And regardless of my first comment, loltouchwiz for sure.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 03:47 PM
Cool? Not sure why you showed me a video comparing the only thing about a smartphone I don't care about between the S7 and the only smartphone I wouldn't consider buying.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
No expectation of a Nexus 7 anytime soon?
Yea announcement in Q3 and wide release in Q4. I heard HTC was battling pretty hard to make this year's Nexus. But that's pretty far away...
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by MiRee446
Yea announcement in Q3 and wide release in Q4. I heard HTC was battling pretty hard to make this year's Nexus. But that's pretty far away...
Yeah, if the 7 isn't due to Q4, I probably will just pull the trigger on a 6p now.
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 05:06 PM
Nexus 7 like the tablet? Or Nexus 7 like the next generation of the Nexus 6p?
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 05:07 PM
The latter
2016 Android thread Quote
02-22-2016 , 05:08 PM
Yea new Nexii usually come around October. Don't think there's been any news on what they're gonna call it, but Nexus 7 is probably the least likely (cuz tablet).
2016 Android thread Quote
