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My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide

11-22-2021 , 09:25 PM
Hi Guys,

I just sent out an update of the book along with monker ranges attached. I know I missed a few people who bought the book via BTC so if you don't receive the book update (please check spam too), email me at and I'll send it right over. Updates to the book include deep stack 3B pots and a few fixes and adjustments.

My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
10-17-2022 , 01:28 PM
Hey guys,

Cory is a friend of mine. I met him through a no limit group many years back. I was always impressed with his discipline and consistent studying/grinding routine.

It’s no surprise he quickly rose through the stakes and absolutely crushed the games. When we studied together, he was coming up with ideas and plays that are solver approved way before solvers were mainstream. At one point he decided to switch over to plo. To be honest, I wish I had followed sooner.

Now on to the review of the actual book. The book is full of incredible and valuable information covering theory and application at the table.

I think it will require a reader to go over the material several times to fully grasp the information. I also believe the concepts carry over to 6 max. The book is easily worth the price tag and will yield much more ev to any plo grinder.

I also think the book is a good place to start for a no limit player transitioning to plo which is what I am. The initial fear of transitioning has a lot to do with not knowing what to do in many spots. This book will teach you how to approach and think about many spots that come up.

I do not get anything from writing this and Cory did not ask me to write this. This is my honest review on the book and Cory’s brilliant mind for the game.

Good luck at the tables.
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
01-17-2023 , 11:47 AM
Wanted to note how good this book is.

I've been studying this book for 3 months now, making notes and flashcards and I can't thank Cory enough for the amount of time it saved, honestly I belive this book is worth 10k and this is my honest opinion about it.

Of course I've been working hard but the foundations that I got from the book cleared the path to study my own sims, in this sea of data having someone to point you a good direction is basically like a path to the pot of gold.

I wish more people could appriciate Cory's work and looking forward for his next book.
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
08-23-2023 , 05:02 AM
Wow man, thanks for the kind words. Reach out any time, it's been a while!
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
08-23-2023 , 05:04 AM
Hi everyone, I just released a free update to my HUPLO book. Those who already purchased the book should have already received an email from me at A few people always seem to slip through the cracks when I send these updates so please reach out if you didn't receive it.

The update includes more printable preflop charts for some stack sizes not covered in the book (30bb/50bb/60bb etc), preflop charts for adjustments at 100bb (play against a 25% 3B / 65% CC maniac), value thresholds for 40bb SRP for every line and a few other things.

If you are interested in purchasing the book, I'm offering a special 2 week 25% off discount with the code HUPLO25%OFF. Additionally, I'm offering a discount for $100 off my 6c book, which is based off the extensive work I've done with the 4c and 5c solvers. That code is SEXY6CARDCODE.

Good luck at the tables!
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
08-23-2023 , 05:21 AM
Why someone should invest on this book than Galfond's this is plo? Galfond proved he is a top dog and his material is newer than this book. Not an attack, i am genuinely interested in your pov
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
08-23-2023 , 07:05 AM
Hi, good question

Well if someone was able to invest in both, they probably should as clearly Phil's content will also be high quality. Here are a few differences:

1) I cover every stack size in the book and illustrate how powerful playing 20 and 40bb stacks HU can be. Everyone who plays high stakes HUPLO has tons of experience with 100bb, but virtually no one has experience playing short. In 95% of the cases (my estimate), your winrate at 5-10 and 10-20 will be higher playing 40-50bb than playing 100bb. Phil covers and only has experience at 100bb+. Since pokerstars changed the zoom rules to allow endless ratholing of 50bb, this approach becomes even more relevant.

2) I take a very different approach to teaching. I would describe his approach as starting from small details and working outward. My approach is big picture first and then zooming in. I do a lot of coaching and in my experience coaching poker and before that chess, the latter approach is more effective. That is of course my belief and I'm in no way knocking Phil. I just believe, based on lots of evidence, that a student can study my book at start beating quite strong players very quickly if they understand the overview (which their opponents usually don't).

3) I give tons of additional study material like preflop charts and value threshold charts for every line which gives the student the ability to rapidly improve.

4) This applies to both my and phil's content: since it's all solver based, it doesn't really age like poker books did 10 years ago so I think the point about newness is pretty moot. To the best of my knowledge and based on what I've seen from my students, still almost no one plays HUPLO with less than 100bb very well (other than the people who bought the book). The lines where people overfold haven't changed either, based on the population data I've seen in 4c, 5c, and 6c.

5) as with this post, I continue to update the book which is free for those who have purchased it.

There are more things I could say, but that's just a taste.
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
09-03-2023 , 04:02 AM
I am interested in buying your book. Do i need to run my own sims or by reading and applying the context will make me a profitable plo heads up reg? Can you provide references from students in 2022-2023? I read in run it once and here but everything is from 2020-2021
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
09-05-2023 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by thePLOdynasty
I am interested in buying your book. Do i need to run my own sims or by reading and applying the context will make me a profitable plo heads up reg? Can you provide references from students in 2022-2023? I read in run it once and here but everything is from 2020-2021


While you certainly could run your own sims, I wrote the book in such a way that sims were unnecessary. I give tons of range building techniques and advice (like the 75/50/40 rule mentioned in the free chapter on my website) that allow you to understand why ranges are built the way they are, rather than memorizing solver outputs. With the latest update I created, this becomes even more true as the reader will now get even more preflop charts, including ones that show you how to adjust to certain opponent types.

Regarding students: Most of my students are now playing 5c/6c both HU and 6max, but I'm sure they'll be happy to share their results. I reached out to a few and will post those results as they come. For anyone wondering how 5c/6c results could apply to a 4c HU book: if you read the free chapter, you'll understand that the principles I'm discussing are omaha universal (I've confirmed them with the 5c solver) and all that is required are slight adjustments to get really good at both games.

The results below are from a 6c student. They are about 4-5 months old. I'll post new results as they come in.

My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
09-05-2023 , 07:50 AM
I'm a long time NL player who reached out to Cory at the end of last year when trying to learn PLO also. His HUPLO book is 100% the best resource on the market if they plan to put in volume in the format. These are my results for the tracked US facing sites since starting this DB in January (not a huge sample as it's only a small part of my overall grind, but I'm very confident in my ability to beat these games). Almost all of these HU hands are starting tables vs regs - it's nearly impossible to get fish action on 6max tables. I've played more HUPLO and HUPLO5 on other sites that don't offer tracking with very good results.

My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
09-05-2023 , 12:33 PM
Here's the HU graph from a student of mine who plays 1k short on major sites. These are his results in HU since mid 2020. Forgot to mention: The graph starts mid 2020 because that's when we started working together.

Last edited by restacks; 09-05-2023 at 12:48 PM. Reason: forgot to add the context explaining when we started working together
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
09-05-2023 , 06:15 PM
Dissapointing results to say the least, one guy post a 4k hand sample in 8 months of grinding. You post a two year grind with 140k, 70k hands / year, not even 6k hands per month. I would be assamed to post volumes like this. The book might be good or not, from the sample cant tell but there is definitely no volume in this format
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
09-06-2023 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by thePLOdynasty
Dissapointing results to say the least, one guy post a 4k hand sample in 8 months of grinding. You post a two year grind with 140k, 70k hands / year, not even 6k hands per month. I would be assamed to post volumes like this. The book might be good or not, from the sample cant tell but there is definitely no volume in this format
I think you may have missed the point. These guys play multiple games (4c-5c-6c, HU/6max). A lot of the content of the book generalizes to all formats and has helped them be successful in multiple games. They posted results specifically from HU, but leveraged concepts learned from the book (or the ones I taught directly) to have success in multiple game types. Of course you can get volume if you play HU only, but why not leverage those skills in all the other games when they're available?
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
12-05-2023 , 09:53 AM
Still selling the book?
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
12-27-2023 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
i dont think your RIO videos are good (i used to specialize in o8)

i definitely would not buy your book

that kido pham incident was funny too

Last edited by reo.; 12-27-2023 at 09:30 PM. Reason: doesn't matter.
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
12-27-2023 , 10:18 PM
what was the kido pham incident?
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
01-27-2024 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by Vvvvv
Still selling the book?
Hi yes, absolutely. It's available on my website ""
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
01-27-2024 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by reo.
yeah some troll got in the thread, got a hold of my personal information and started sending me death threats directly. I purposed a match at some point and he disappeared. To be fair, I think he might have been mentally ill based on the comments made in other forums. Hope he gets help.
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
01-27-2024 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
what was the kido pham incident?

There was a famous real time assistance player cheating in HU on ACR with the name Kidopham. I outted him and a number of extremely strong players like Amsogood and Nick Frame came to the thread and agreed. Then a number of randoms accused me of being both a bot and a losing player simultaneously. One even posted the tournament results of Kidopham the live poker player (no one thinks he's cheating. The cheater just used the name as a SN) and someone whose name was vaguely close to mine, in order to prove I'm a weak player. The player using RTA was later banned from Party Poker for cheating and had already been banned from Stars. Subsequently, in order to hide the problem, ACR removed HU tables.
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
05-31-2024 , 07:41 AM
Can anyone who has read this give a review?
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
05-31-2024 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by MegaWhale69
Can anyone who has read this give a review?
i have it pirated and it is ****. OP thinks someone who read this book will beat plo500-1k in pokerstars while he cant beat the games himself if he plays with 100bb+ trying to hold the lobbies
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
06-05-2024 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by gtlol
i have it pirated and it is ****. OP thinks someone who read this book will beat plo500-1k in pokerstars while he cant beat the games himself if he plays with 100bb+ trying to hold the lobbies
I held lobbies at 25-50.

I also released fake versions on the pirate sites
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
06-05-2024 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by MegaWhale69
Can anyone who has read this give a review?

Hi Mega,

I'd be more than happy to give you a tour of the book if you'd like. Just send me a PM here or on RIO. Thanks!
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
06-05-2024 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by restacks
I held lobbies at 25-50.

I also released fake versions on the pirate sites
You held the lobbies in 25-50 against fishes when no other regs were active in the same timezone. You didnt held the lobbies in peak hours. You were a good shortstacker and bad deepstack. I bet you dont have more than one student who you took him either as losing player or as winning low stakes reg and they beat plo1k heads up in right now
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
06-05-2024 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by restacks
I held lobbies at 25-50.

I also released fake versions on the pirate sites
I call bullshit on this one. If you are lazy and produce terrible rio videos, you dont have the work ethic to actually make a fake version. I have the book from your site through a friend and i will buy the fake one just to prove how full of **** you are
My Latest Book: HUPLO: The Definitive Guide Quote
