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Blind defending ranges? Blind defending ranges?

08-23-2014 , 11:40 AM
Ok so , now as I have constructed some basic opening and defending vs 3-bet ranges I'm trying to fix my blind game. So as a start I'm looking to construct basic range against Btn and CO steals and have a couple of questionsf or reassurance. BTW I play NL10 @stars.

- When defending BB against CO and Btn steal, I should 3-bet a linear range (?), and add some bluffs (for ex. rag aces, some Kxs Qxs ) when I think that V isn't defending properly against 3bets. But my normal 3-bet range shouldn't have "bluff" combos?

- When defending SB against CO and Btn steals, I should treat the 3-betting something along the lines of MP vs UTG raiser except I can't flat a wide range as I'm OOP. So I have to 3-bet a polarized range with a thick flatting range if the BB is somewhat aggressive preflop and can be known to squeeze. If he is passive, I can widen my flatting range?

- But the main question I have, is that what ~% of stealers range I should be looking to defend? So if Btn steals with a 50% range, I should generally defend x% from SB (taking into account the BB) and a little wider (+x%) range at BB?

What about when I'm BB or SB and EP/MP raisers, what kind of range I should be 3-betting and flatting.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 12:31 PM
no flatting range sb vs btn
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 12:48 PM
You can try taking a look at this to see if will help you out
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 01:03 PM
"Sorry, this content is VIP Level 1. Login or upgrade to view."
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 01:44 PM
Get Janda's book.

Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 01:54 PM
Could u give some general advice on the blind defending game

Crushing the micros and Modern Small Stakes, are first on my reading list because I think they are going to improve my overall game the most.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 02:24 PM
I think you understand the theories as well as, if not better than, many of the regular posters/readers of the BQ forum. While it's easy to say to total beginners "Play tight, bet big with your big hands and fold your weak ones, bluff occasionally against people who fold too often", anything much more advanced is really hard to explain in brief and might be out of place in BQ, because the subject is so nuanced/complex.
That's why I recommend a book instead. The Kindle version of Janda's book would likely pay for itself after a few sessions of 10NL if you study it carefully, so I think it's a no brainer if you're serious about beating 50NL+.

FWIW, I think you're way past the level of poker espoused in 'Crushing the Micros'. It was great for 2NL/5NL when it came out, but now it's old hat. 'Modern Small Stakes' might be more useful, but Nathan is under the impression that GTO is "a fad". From a quick look at his contents pages and sneak previews, some of his ranges and stats are utterly exploitable. I think Janda will get you thinking in a more "correct" way, and he does it better than anyone in BQ could. That's why he's a published author and video instructor.

I'd love to help you with blind defence, but it's something I'm still working on myself, and will likely still be working on in a year's time. You don't suddenly "solve" poker after a few weeks study. I could give you a bunch of hand charts, but building your own will be much more rewarding in the long run.

EDIT: You already know the answers to the questions in the OP. Against wide/loose LP/SB ranges, defend wider/looser. Against tight/strong EP ranges, defend tighter. That's about as specific as I want to be.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 04:21 PM
Are you referring to this book

Look pretty sound and could give it a go after MSS. And yeah I could probably skip the Crushing the micros, because it actually focuses more on playing against the bad players which honestly is fairly easy after having read loads of stuff (threads + CoTWs) already about it.

OFF the topic:

After last session I noticed that I've been giving way too much respect at players in NL10 after last failed attempt in NL25, and developing the ABC "GTO" ranges against SOLID players`and been following these to much against EVERY PLAYER :/. Been paying too much attention so that I don't get exploited when there's actually hardly anyone decent enough to exploit me in the table.

Also had an "aha" moment, when I realized that I should be raping the 3bet button in NL10 currently especially in the BTN against UNKONWS. Because most people don't defend enough against 3-bets (IN NL10) and even if they defend somewhat "enough", they probably give too much respect to my first couple 3-bets. And when they start playing back I'll stop over 3-betting, or for a while start even 3-betting a bit more tighter than I normally should.

Is this somewhat correct thinking?
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 04:34 PM
BTW are there other books you would suggest for me to read? Are any of the harrington ones good, or are they too outdated?
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Calm Down
no flatting range sb vs btn
Who told that?
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-23-2014 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by doctor877
Yes. There's a massive thread about 'Applications' (including MJ's corrections, additions and answers to questions) in the Books and Publications forum. See

I've only skimmed the thread (it's on my to-do list), but there's lots of discussion about 3-betting and defending ranges, including some updated hand charts.

[Snip snip snip.]Is this somewhat correct thinking?
Yes. If someone is allowing you to exploit him (by not defending against your bets and raises often enough) you can increase your frequencies until he changes his strategy. When he changes his strategy, you can change again. If you both kept doing this ad infinitum, you'd end up at the game theory optimal Nash equilibrium and break even (prior to rake). Since you won't be playing trillions of hands against someone in order to reach this precise equilibrium and many of your opponents are basically "unknown", you may as well start with ranges that are an approximation of what GTO probably looks like (based on the experience of pros, some computer modeling and a lot of math), and then only deviate from these ranges when you spot a villain is clearly unbalanced enough for you to make money with hands that wouldn't be in your "GTO" ranges. (quick example: In a SB vs BB battle, you might open 45-50% of hands if the BB is a decent reg, but it might be +EV to open ATC vs an ubernit. As you move up, you'll find fewer exploitable nits and whales, so it's a good idea to start developing unexploitable ranges as soon as possible imo.)

From what I've seen of your posts in other threads, you already have solid ranges that mesh well with what most small/mid-stakes winners are playing. This would indicate that these ranges are likely quite close to optimal. All you need to do now is keep studying and then tweak your ranges on a situational basis according to the type of villains you play against. Using your tracker's analysis tools and your HUD should help with this. If A2s isn't a profitable open in your games (because there's always a dumb fish that flats in the CO with A7o and accidentally has you dominated) then just fold pre and move on to a hand with a higher expectation. If you're on the button, however, and the blinds are both nits, then you're leaving money on the table if you don't steal wider than "GTO".

Harrington's old books were great for their time, but they were written in a different era. The game is completely different today, so I'd just skip them and take advice from modern coaches who understand the current landscape.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by noobis
Who told that?
it makes no sense to flat SB vs BTN when your playing decent players as you will be playing a transparent, capped range which will get squeezed a lot.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by gamma001
it makes no sense to flat SB vs BTN when your playing decent players as you will be playing a transparent, capped range which will get squeezed a lot.
Thats not true for few reasons,sb cant 3bet or fold cos he will be prob fold to much or 3bet to much.If bb like to szq we can start flat some hands and 4bet vs bb.It doesnt make any sence to me 3bet hands like ATo vs btn,also btn can start 4betting a lot or even bb can start cold bet 4bet and kill as,after our range its weak and we should be start flatting 4bets and play OOP and thats kinda hard imho.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by noobis
Thats not true for few reasons,sb cant 3bet or fold cos he will be prob fold to much or 3bet to much.If bb like to szq we can start flat some hands and 4bet vs bb.It doesnt make any sence to me 3bet hands like ATo vs btn,also btn can start 4betting a lot or even bb can start cold bet 4bet and kill as,after our range its weak and we should be start flatting 4bets and play OOP and thats kinda hard imho.
This isn't true. We can design ranges which are perfectly playable, and flatting 4bets OOP should definitely be a part of your game in 2014.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 12:01 PM
3b or fold sb vs btn
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
This isn't true. We can design ranges which are perfectly playable, and flatting 4bets OOP should definitely be a part of your game in 2014.
How much you will be 3bet sb vs 80% btn min open?
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by noobis
How much you will be 3bet sb vs 80% btn min open?
80%? About 30% probably, but 80% is too much against good players. It's fine against bad regs though.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 12:22 PM
Yes i agree that its too much vs good pll even if you open 2x but there is 2players on blinds so its prob ok to open 60-80%.So after you 3bet 25-30% it will be really bad idea to play oop vs a good reg,when he 4bets you or when he will flat ip and he will flat a ton vs that range.I see a lot of good regs not flating sb and some do,i just think overal flatting and pla small pots with good skills after flop will be better idea.Just my opinion!
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 12:27 PM
Actually, upon actually thinking about it I think it's closer to 25% so we're still well ahead of a c-range.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 12:29 PM
Yeah, 3bet or fold in the SB vs a BTN open. Unless BB is a fish, then flat with some hands to try and get him to come along too.

With that said, 30% 3bet sounds absolutely ridiculous even if the guy is opening 80%. Something like 15% sounds nearer the mark. The bulk of the defending burden falls on the BB anyway, especially vs a minopen.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-24-2014 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by noobis
Yes i agree that its too much vs good pll even if you open 2x but there is 2players on blinds so its prob ok to open 60-80%.So after you 3bet 25-30% it will be really bad idea to play oop vs a good reg,when he 4bets you or when he will flat ip and he will flat a ton vs that range.I see a lot of good regs not flating sb and some do,i just think overal flatting and pla small pots with good skills after flop will be better idea.Just my opinion!
Flatting when there is weak players opening or in the BB is fine. But if your playing against good players who 3bet aggressively and can hand read reasonably well then your going to get owned.
Blind defending ranges? Quote
08-25-2014 , 09:11 AM
doesn't really matter if you're a good player when your range is always capped
Blind defending ranges? Quote
