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Zoom / Rush Poker thread Zoom / Rush Poker thread

03-31-2012 , 04:51 PM
so sick the amount of ****ty regs hitting 2 outters.
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03-31-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by zumby

Had $6 on Stars when Zoom started now at nearly $200. Probably going to get my roll off Party in the next few days and make Zoom my main game.
How are you playing this consistent? My graph is like a sin wave. It's so hard playing readless
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by TaylorSeriesExpans
How are you playing this consistent? My graph is like a sin wave. It's so hard playing readless
Its because he has won almost 60BI in the space of 70k hands (A sick winrate) - thats why it looks smooth, but its certainly not a swingless graph...
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by TaylorSeriesExpans
How are you playing this consistent? My graph is like a sin wave.
There's a fair amount of heaters and downswings in there, it's the volume that makes it look pretty.


It's so hard playing readless
You can either play ABC or balanced. There is a lot of information on ABC microstakes poker in these forums and the COTW threads, and there's some great articles on Donkr about constructing balanced preflop ranges.
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 06:58 PM
Yeah probably also looks less swingy because he's playing way lower stakes than he normally does, so w/r is way higher. (just an assumption, sorry if it's wrong)
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03-31-2012 , 07:02 PM
"w/r is way higher" makes me a sad panda, but yeah the competition at nano-stakes hasn't been giving me much trouble
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
"w/r is way higher" makes me a sad panda, but yeah the competition at nano-stakes hasn't been giving me much trouble
I guess its 2NL then...?

Still... not bad to turn $6 in to $200 after, what... 2 weeks worth of solid poker? Cracking effort i must say

If only that kind of bankroll multiplication was sustainable... we would all be gridning the 1k NLHE games within a couple of months!
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03-31-2012 , 07:22 PM
2nl, 5nl and some 10nl.
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03-31-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
2nl, 5nl and some 10nl.
what stakes did you play normal tables before or you moved up that quick?

Can I afford to play 5NL zoom on $120? when did you go from 2 --> 5?
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 08:25 PM
I play 25NL & 50NL on Party Poker as my normal game, but I had a few bucks left over in my Stars account so have been testing out Zoom with that.

$120 is ok for 5NL but $150+ would be better if you're just starting out with poker. I'd suggest playing 2NL for now and if you are winning after 10,000 hands then move up to 5NL.
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by TaylorSeriesExpans
Can I afford to play 5NL zoom on $120? when did you go from 2 --> 5?
Depends how good you run, players are awful but variance can be ridiculous.
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 09:05 PM
Thouht Id play some 25nl Zoom to finish the day off. KK < AA and JQ < QQ on QJJ35r board to round it out. Thanks pokerstars, I love you! roll down to about $380 now (and have $33 in T$ hanging around) think I may drop to 5nl zoom tomorrow. Im not playing bad, but my luck is terrible and I cant stay at 10/25nl if Im not winning. Goddamn poker is frustrating sometimes. Just when I was going well and BOOM! crash back down to Earth
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 09:23 PM
heh, some of us can't play zoom any more - 'no acceptable guard', whatever that is ...
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 10:00 PM
I wish id seen that before I dropped another 3 buyins at 25nl...the run bad turned into run even worse.
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 10:25 PM
Quick question, is it "standard" for 10NL zoom players to employ the flat a PFR and then 4B a squeeze ******ed PF line?? ... With AA/KK pretty much exclusivly?... Sick to death of running QQ/ AK in to these spots. (And ive only played zoom a day)

Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
heh, some of us can't play zoom any more - 'no acceptable guard', whatever that is ...
Keep tabs on:

Thouht Id play some 25nl Zoom to finish the day off. KK < AA and JQ < QQ on QJJ35r board to round it out. Thanks pokerstars, I love you! roll down to about $380 now (and have $33 in T$ hanging around) think I may drop to 5nl zoom tomorrow. Im not playing bad, but my luck is terrible and I cant stay at 10/25nl if Im not winning. Goddamn poker is frustrating sometimes. Just when I was going well and BOOM! crash back down to Earth
Varience is a b*tch...

The one good thing about Zoom is you can easily rock up enough hands to get out of it very quickly. Just drop down to 5/10NL whilst you build up your roll.

Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
I play 25NL & 50NL on Party Poker as my normal game, but I had a few bucks left over in my Stars account so have been testing out Zoom with that.

$120 is ok for 5NL but $150+ would be better if you're just starting out with poker. I'd suggest playing 2NL for now and if you are winning after 10,000 hands then move up to 5NL.
lol, the first 10k hands are from 2NL...then I moved onto 5NL and I get the swingiest graph ever. Sitting at $120 right now, maybe I should 2NL until 150?

Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 10:48 PM
Sounds like a good plan
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
03-31-2012 , 11:01 PM
Have a quick question. How do you play QQ/JJ/10's facing a PF raise vs unknowns? Do you prefer flatting or 3 betting?

When I flat, and I face a cont bet, I have no idea when the board has an K or A and whether I should continue.

I've noticed 3 bets gets a lot of folds but is this "wasting" value? When called, again, I have no idea what to do when they donk into me (assuming I'm in position) with a K or A on board.
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
04-01-2012 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by TaylorSeriesExpans
Have a quick question. How do you play QQ/JJ/10's facing a PF raise vs unknowns? Do you prefer flatting or 3 betting?

When I flat, and I face a cont bet, I have no idea when the board has an K or A and whether I should continue.

I've noticed 3 bets gets a lot of folds but is this "wasting" value? When called, again, I have no idea what to do when they donk into me (assuming I'm in position) with a K or A on board.
TT, JJ I tend to flat IP, OOP I would default to a 3B (Please note, this is obv situation (Eg, any dynamics / table stakes) and player dependant... But since were shy of said info, ill go with how I would play at 10NL / 25NL (Its not likely to change much over these stakes. 50NL+, we may look for more meta game reasons to play in X or Y way)

These PP are relativly easy to play, and we get to see what our opponents do - who, for the most part, play very straightforwardly - Using the old one and done approach.

QQ, I prefer to 3B as a default.

On boads with one overcard, I tend to call once with say QQ-TT. People bluff Axx or Kxx or Qxx boards with there full range, so were good (unless he pots it... then were pretty much screwed). Facing a second barrel is hard, but since most players are one and done, I think we can fold readless OTT to further action UNLESS, we have cracking odds, SOME degree of stats / reads or the board texture is favourable for people to continue bluffing (IE, another overcard) or semi bluffing (Drawy boards). Still, prefer reads to be happy calling so light. (Some bad regs make the mistake of barreling all too often, no matter what the board texture is - Having position vs them and a marginal hand is no longer a iffy spot - we can print money vs them!)

If villian looks fishy/ loose / aggro tard, I end up talking myself in to another call all too often - even the aggro donks will give up OTR all too often at 10/25NL.

Anyway, 3B and getting folds aint bad - especially when were OOP... If you feel its happening alot, start doing it with bluffs (Like Kxs, Axs, Qxs, Jxs) - its insanly proffitable. DONT, what ever you do, flat with KK, AA PF - your missing out on the tones of value when you do find a fish who cant play poker to save his/her life!! And, in the end, there the people we make cash from at the micros.

Also, if they donk - treat it as weakness (FYI, bet sizing tells are important vs donks IMO - pot donks are the nuts, min donks are draws and smaller donks are weak made hand) so dont give up just yet - people frequently will look down at there cards, think "I have nothing", and proceed to donk on to an Axx board 'cos it gets a lot of folds... Like above, I'd look to continue facing one, possibly two streets readless.

EDIT: I know a lot of people dont like making judgments from 20-50hands... But I think its an important part of Zoom poker... being able to come up with a classification of a player so quickly, BUT not being completly tied down to it (IE, thinking someone is a station 'cos they havnt folded to a CB yet through 2 samples. Thats just dumb, but the thinking IMO should be - we have a potential station here (assuming other stats back it up), so we can value bet a little thiner than normal - but not with bottom pair for 3 streets!)
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
04-01-2012 , 12:58 AM
no acceptable guard is fixed. gogogo.
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04-01-2012 , 03:36 AM
Gutshotdan, high five. Everyone read above!
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04-01-2012 , 04:15 AM
Gutshotdan - Thank you for a very complete answer
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04-01-2012 , 05:42 AM
good answer dan
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
04-01-2012 , 07:22 AM
Zumby you seem like a math person, wanna try and explain to me why people say there is more variance playing zoom/ more tables?
Surely playing 24k hands at zoom is exactly the same variance as playing 24k hands at standard 6max?
Is it because people have smaller winrates?
Zoom / Rush Poker thread Quote
04-01-2012 , 07:41 AM
^ i think when people say that they're refering to more variance per hour rather than per hand (obv weren't mass tabling before)
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