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Your Worst Enemy Your Worst Enemy

12-26-2010 , 01:33 PM
Bravo post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cant believe I missed this as I have lurked for ages.

Mods this should be stickied imo!
Your Worst Enemy Quote
12-26-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Protential
Posted this article awhile ago on a site and never threw it up on here, thought i would do so as one of my students was having tilt issues and wanted to share it with every1 here.

Your Worst Enemy

A poker player’s worst enemy are themselves. Many pro’s have stated this concept time and time again. This is a powerfully true statement mainly because many player’s biggest leak is not how well they play, but how often they tilt and how it affects their play. Because this is such an important issue to all players I have decided to write my second article on tilt. I will be discussing and analyzing it, not only the forms of it, but also why people tilt, and how you can fix this massive leak.


Super-Aggro (a.k.a. “Donkey Tilt): Shoving your stack all in every hand until you double up or bust. Many players will bust out of a tourney and move down to micros and do this (some will even start doing it in their current game or games while multi-tabling), they will shove until they suck-out vs. someone in a large pot to feel “vindicated” for the massive suck-out vs. them.

Spewing-Off: While not as bad as “Donkey Tilt”, this is one of the most prevalent forms of tilt. Players who are normally positionally aware will begin to 3xing from any position using atc. While they may normally play 15/12/4 (15% of the time they put money into the pot, 12% of the time raise when putting money into the put, 4% they 3-bet when putting money into the pot), now that they have tilted their stats have shifted to 45/35/15. Not only are they no longer positionally aware but they begin to poorly chase draws, and randomly 3-bet over shove hands like 22-77 and 69dd (for “t3h lulz” obv). Players tend to do this because they feel that bad play is working against them so “Why don’t they play like the donkeys around them, maybe they’ll win for once.”

Nit Tilt: Opposite of spewing off. Players begin to play only hands like JJ+/AQ+ and they play them hyper aggressively. Due to this style they lose tons of value and tend to get blinded off when playing under this form of tilt. The reason people play like this is because they realize they are tilted and don’t want to spew off and they are scared of getting sucked out on more.

Semi-tilted (a.k.a. “perma-tilt”): This is by far the most common form of tilt. Most poker players who do not have themselves exceptionally well disciplined play while tilted for long periods of time and may not even realize it. While only partially tilted (maybe you “downswonged” 5 buy-ins in a hour, or maybe you are in a 500 game swing) you will still make many mistakes that are a mix of “Nit-Tilt” and “Spewing-Off”. You will 3-bet shove light on someone after they sucked out on you just because “F**k-them!”, or maybe you will become tight when you should loosen up and play lag when you should be tight. Semi-tilted is simply a shift in your standard +Ev mindset. You may be still playing winning poker, but it is no where near of the level you are capable of.

Bankroll tilt: Players with poor BRM tend to have perpetual issues with this. They may be able to play within their bankrolls (whether it is 30-buy ins they have set for themselves or 150) for short periods of time (maybe a week, or a day, or some extreme cases for no longer then a few hours or till the first major suck-out vs. them). However after they get sucked-out on once or twice or maybe a dozen times and run bad for a period of time they will then stop caring about their bankroll rules and they will take shots at higher limits, they do so to chase losses usually.


Now that we have gone over a general idea of some of the forms of tilt and you know what to look for to spot tilt in yourself and others lets take a look as to why people tilt.

Tilt is mainly caused by 2 factors, ego and greed. While running bad many players tend to feel a variety of emotions ranging from “I should have won this hand!” to “He stole this pot from me!” or “I am due for a major win! I deserve it!” and sometimes even “Why does god hate me!?!?!?!?” (Who could say such a thing!? ). Each of these emotions of anger, annoyance, or even hate at another player are in the end a mixture of greed and ego.
For instance when a player gets sucked out on a feels as though they were stolen from (lets say you have AA all-in-pre-flop (“aipf”) vs. someone’s Aj-offsuit, in this hand you are a 92% favorite, however the player with AJ flops jjj and they end up winning the pot), when such a hand occurs you feel that you deserved the pot because not only were you a huge favorite to win but “how could that fkn idiot get in with such **** and win!?!?!?!?” Your ego is stating that by playing well and being a huge favorite all the chips should be yours, your greed desires to have that pot back and thus the 2 combined mean you become angry and either lash out or enter a form of tilt or possibly even both.

Your ego makes all players feel as though they are better then they truly are and their greed causes them to feel anger or extreme happiness at winning pots (nobody likes to lose, and poker players are all extremely competitive).

The 2 (ego and greed) combined make most players feel that when they play they not only should win, but they deserve to win because of how well they play. However the truth is….” YOU DON’T DESERVE ANYTHING”! Lets face the facts people, life is not fair! Poker is a game of skill… However, in the short run, anything can happen (some players consider the short run to be 1,000,000 hands or more). Just because you have been losing a lot over the past week or month, does not mean that if you played like the idiots surrounding you that you will make a miraculous comeback and make a ton of money. If you let your ego and greed control you they will consume you and make you into a bad and losing player.


Now that we know the major forms of tilt and what causes tilt how can we fix our tilting issues?

Something that I have began doing recently is that I made a set of rules that I must read before and after each session and I try to follow the rules to the best of my ability. The rules are the following:


1.You must read this every time you start a session and end a session.

2.Poker is about self control, discipline, and making the right moves, the goal in poker is not to win, not to prove others you are better then them, but to make the best decisions you can with the information available and to make yourself better each time you play.

3.Bad beats happen, nobody cares, accept them and move on. Variance/luck are part of the game, if you desire to do well in poker you must accept this and control your greed!

4.Each style of play has flaws, no style of play is the best. Each style can at times win, accept it! Analyze why it happened (variance/luck, miss-read? Over-estimation/under-estimation of skill), accept that it happened, and through this you will become a better player.

5.At the end of each session go over the game you went the farthest in of each type you played (win an 18man, study it, win a 27 man, study it…ect), you must go over the HH from that mtt/sng/cash-game see if you made the right moves and if you are uncertain ask someone/post.

6.Winning does not matter.

7.Did you make any bad plays? Why was it bad? Why did you make the play?
Trust your reads.

8.Did you tilt? Why did you tilt? Did you let your emotions control you? Greed controls and destroys if you let it, there are many great examples from pros and history, do not make their mistakes.

9.Your emotions are your greed, if all your desire is money and winning then you are not worthy of it. Desire to be a better player and a more true/honest/noble person and you will obtain happiness.

10.You owe no proof to others, it is you whom is most important, it is your thoughts on your actions that matter and how your actions affect others. Affect those around you positively and their happiness and respect will give you happiness.

11.Bragging to others of what you have done proves only your insecurity and weakness in your game and life.

12.Have balance in your life! Workout a few times a week, work, hangout with friends when you can, work on your hobbies! Poker is a part of your life, as is everything else. The sum makes up the whole.

13.Control your greed, your anger, the world owes you nothing! You have gifts of intelligence and the means to use it!

14.Poker is not about winning!

15.Look at each day, each game separately, the past cards do not affect the future cards! Accept it and realize it. The better you play the more you understand about poker and yourself the better you will do.


17.When you become angry that is your greed that is controlling you, if you let it control it will consume and destroy you.

18.Accept flaws in others, nobody is perfect, people make mistakes and let their greed control them (Greed and ego come hand in hand). If you can accept your own flaws and mistakes and do what is needed to fix them and understand why you did them then you can become the man you desire to be and who you are capable of being.

19.You must read this every time you start a session and end a session.

By reading these rules twice or more every single day I bring to the forefront of my mind what causes tilt, and how I should be playing and behaving in order to become a better person and a better player. Most of the players who read this will realize that they know everything above stated in my rules, however what makes the difference is not just knowing them sub-consciously but also to know them consciously and thinking about them daily. Making yourself something like this (or even using my rules) will help you on many levels, it will keep you more self aware and thus prevent many forms of tilt and anger.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Hopefully you can take something away from this and with enough dedication and determination you can become a better poker player, horse, investor and human being.
Really liked this one. There were shades of Star Wars in the post espeically number 13

The very first point caught my attention. The last time I played some guy pushed ALL in with A3 with a very high M. He must have been on tilt but we were only playing for 30 minutes.
Your Worst Enemy Quote
12-26-2010 , 07:58 PM
"2.Poker is about self control, discipline, and making the right moves, the goal in poker is not to win, not to prove others you are better then them, but to make the best decisions you can with the information available and to make yourself better each time you play."

If the goal "is not to win", then why are we playing?
Your Worst Enemy Quote
12-26-2010 , 09:54 PM
great read.... once i get a br going again I am definitely going to make this post a daily read.
Your Worst Enemy Quote
12-26-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by SaM StarK
You forgot monkey tilt, where you start breaking stuff such as your laptop, monitors, punch your cat/girlfriend in the face, etc.

There is also gorilla tilt, where after breaking all of your goods you just flip your entire bankroll with someone and then stab yourself on the leg.
Absolutely no idea why this made me laugh so much but it did. +1
Your Worst Enemy Quote
12-29-2010 , 03:47 PM
First of, I would like to apologize for my flippant remark about 'why play if not to win.'

While playing in a micro-turny last night I got to thinking about what u had written. As I watched the bets being made,,, it looked like a barn door wetting contest than any rational attempt at.. well anything. I realized the essence of what your were saying was this:

It's in our nature as predators to react to aggression with larger aggression in order to counter the threat. Sometimes overlooking what has made us the top predator is our ability to apply critical thinking and abstract thought to over come said threats. While at the same time not getting 'over joyed' by our ability to do so.

I wish to thank for sharing the wisdom and leave with you an adaptation of a poem by William Ernest Henley:

It matter's not how strait the gate ---- the range of cards I play
How charged with punishments the scroll---- the beats I take
I am the master of my fate----- I decide on what to play
I am the captain of my soul----- Whatever the outcome, I'm still me.
Your Worst Enemy Quote
12-29-2010 , 04:50 PM
Man...wish I had read this yesterday! I had a $550 a $10 sit n go some monkey called my JJ shove with 33...I flopped a set of jacks, and he still won after runner runnering a flush. Needless to say, my $540 remaining roll soon became $2.49 after a couple $200 super turbo sngs and some other dumb things. I will read this every day I play now to help avoid such things, LOL.

Thanks, A+
Your Worst Enemy Quote
12-29-2010 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by FULLY_TILTED
i have started this as well. Also, if i think of getting sucked out i now go back and try to rethink if i couldve made a bet, a bigger bet..etc. after sometimes checking and basically letting them hit on me.

I know they say most people think they are better than they really are.... i believe this... although i know how to play the game(s).... mastering it to the level of being a consistant winner is much more than the money in short term (as stated above), I am realizing or "seeing the light" on this.

I have since made a t-shirt (this may be silly to some of you but....), i put some initials on it based on what ive read: D.A.I.. Which some of you may know means " Dont Assume Intelligence". I feel this has helped me to understand that when getting sucked out to a very bad call when not giving someone the odds to call or whatever... i am reminded that some of those im playing against may not know,have a clue or care about the odds...only playing their hands straight up, playing and then praying i guess. Which in turn will hopefully help out the long term returns.

I need this shirt, and a poster of this to tape up behind my monitor, and to put on the mirror, too, for those really bad logic fail days.

Maybe it should replace my current DIAF attitude!

And OP, I have copy-pasted your post, and I'm glad I'm reduced to playing freerolls and such today, because I'm so on tilt from yesterday that even as I read through every part, and especially 10.You owe no proof to others, it is you whom is most important, it is your thoughts on your actions that matter and how your actions affect others. Affect those around you positively and their happiness and respect will give you happiness., it's not even starting to sink in past the concrete hissy fit I'm wrapped up in today. But I am going to start reading this every day, before I go near another real money game, if I ever go near another real money game. I might just take takeup the freeroll challenge as a lifetime occupation at this point.
Your Worst Enemy Quote
01-02-2011 , 01:05 AM
thanks guys. hoping i make a few less tilty players, will have made the time n effort more then worth it ^.^

i hope ur 2011 is going better then mine has so far and best of luck at the tables
Your Worst Enemy Quote
01-02-2011 , 02:56 AM
inb4 "i run the worst"
Your Worst Enemy Quote
01-30-2011 , 03:56 AM
This post is awesome. Why is this the first time I read it? Because until now I was only going through the uNL forum, I felt I was too good to read beginners questions

No more of that, this is the third time that I lose 7-10 buyins due to permatilt after feeling that I finally had things figured out and was running as I deserved. As a regular at 10 NL I reckon that over the last three months I've lost around 50-60 buyins due to some form of tilt or other, and I'm breakeven over those three months. I used to feel like I ran bad but considering that I can only deem myself lucky. I will read your thread before every session.

Basically, my ego and greed are what's stopping me from moving up, and nothing else. I'm kind of a newbie here so I don't have much authority, but somebody with pooh bah or carpal/tunnel status should write a sticky in the uNL forum encouraging people to read some of the threads in this forum, and especially this one. 6 stars if that's possible.
Your Worst Enemy Quote
