Originally Posted by TheDataKid
i always play at 1 table, i want to focus on all that is happening.. Is this also fine or am i playing at to few tables?
Second thing.
I always feel like, it doesn't matter on what table i'm on cause constantly the people change (leaving seat, other player in it..) and i only go to another table when the table is getting dead..
Is this wrong?
If playing with just one table is how you are most comfortable playing, then carry on. There is no right or wrong amount of tables. The idea of adding more tables is that you can increase your winrate per hour. Eventually, however, you will reach a number of tables where your play begins to suffer as you are no longer able to concentrate fully on the action. Some people will reach this limit when they add their second table, some won't reach their limit until 24+ tables.
You have to try and work out a decent compromise between your winrate / hour, your winrate / 100 hands and what you enjoy the most. If in the future, you want to start adding tables, try adding them one at a time, making sure you minimise any other distractions such as music, tv etc. If it gets too much and your play is suffering, drop back down to one table and try again another time.
And on table selection, you will probably be quite surprised how much of a difference it makes.When I first got some table selection software, it made a big difference to my winrate. To keep the advantage throughout the session though, you will have to leave tables once they are no longer so juicy and move to new tables.
I wouldn't bother with table selection software until at least .25/.5 or it probably won't make you enough money to make it really worth it, you are better off just concentrating on improving other areas of your game. You will also need to datamine a lot of hands to make it really effective.
Below .25/.5, you will probably still see an improvement in your winrate by searching for the tables that will fit your style best (ie high % players/flop if you are playing a TAG game.) If it seems that the fish have left your table and been replaced by better players, consider leaving and searching for a new table. With so many poor players at the micro limits, there is no point carrying on against the better players.