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Why am I losing so much from the button? Why am I losing so much from the button?

03-01-2022 , 09:20 PM
Looking over some of my stats for 6max 50NL today to try and see if I can spot some leaks now that I nearly have ~18k hands recorded.

I was shocked to notice that I am in fact losing money from the button. I am a beginner-intermediate player currently at -5bb/100 for my first ~18k hands which is astounding given my -0.7bb/100 from the button. I took a look at LeakTracker in pt4 and didn't notice anything glaring from the button (everything in the green). I know ~18k hands is not a lot and the stats won't tell all but I feel like being in the red from the button points to a fundamental issue I'm missing. Does anyone see anything that stands out for these stats from the button?

Also for reference my bb/100 for all positions are:
BTN: -6.6bb/100
CO: 6.6bb/100
MP: 23.0bb/100
UTG: 8.2bb/100
BB: -41.7bb/100
SB: -19.0bb/100
Why am I losing so much from the button? Quote
03-02-2022 , 05:27 AM
3,000 hands from one position isn't that much. To put it in perspective, 1bb/100 is only actually winning 30bb over the course of your sample. If you smack it all in pre with aces against someone with a lower pair and it holds, rather than him sucking out on you JUST ONCE in your sample, that's a 6bb/100 swing. That's not going to show up as an "error" but it sure as hell is going to make a difference to your winrate. Check over your button sample and look at your ten biggest pots and see if there were just spots where there was nothing you can do.

I'm sure other people will disagree, but if you consider yourself a beginner/intermediate, then unless you've got a decent chunk of cash from outside of poker that you can afford to lose, then I wouldn't consider 50NL an appropriate stake. Or, for that matter, 6m to be an appropriate format, although it seems nowadays the ADD crowd have moved from 6m to HU, rather than full ring to 6m
Why am I losing so much from the button? Quote
03-02-2022 , 07:23 AM
Variance probably.
3bet % seems way too low, double it!
Why am I losing so much from the button? Quote
03-04-2022 , 09:41 PM
simply say, you're far too passive playing on the BTN.
Why am I losing so much from the button? Quote
03-08-2022 , 11:27 AM
Sample size issue most likely but we can still see room for improvement.

Look for more spots to 3b and squeeze.. We win the most from this position. There is plenty of cold calling we can put pressure on, likewise with your 4b % - villains will resteal vs you with ranges that aren't nutted, so look for villains that have higher 3b % and high fold vs 4b and bluff with hands with blockers to their value range. The plus to this also is that your ranges are going to appear wider so villains will play back rather than look and see a 2% 4bet range or whatever and lol fold.
Why am I losing so much from the button? Quote
03-10-2022 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by ThaMasterChef
Does anyone see anything that stands out for these stats from the button?

Also for reference my bb/100 for all positions are:
BTN: -6.6bb/100
CO: 6.6bb/100
MP: 23.0bb/100
UTG: 8.2bb/100
BB: -41.7bb/100
SB: -19.0bb/100
its hard to tell you how to play a 40-60% range well postflop, since this basically is approaching "how to play HU". theres more to it than just sticking your pecker in the pot with 46s and thinking ur stealing blinds.

My advice would be play your standard normal 6m game/ranges, and build a solid base strat around that. then start incrementally working in lower value hands when it folds around to you on the btn, realizing that you're going to CB a lot of bluffs/semi bluffs/value and toss the most unconnected/no blocker hands. Each street get much more selective in the hands you continue with.

Open wide, CB anything that has board interaction, continue OTT if your hand is still relevant.
Make sure you have some 2.5x re-raises with the BEST blockers/nuts so that people cant over checkraise you.
periodically check back nut hands if the board isn't super drawy / you block the draw that you'd be concerned with.

as long as you're not overdoing it, this will at least be functional and relatively balanced..
a caveman that knows 600 words can probably communicate, your ranges wont be perfect but at least you'll be able to ask where the bathroom is

TLDR: open crap, cbet crap that has some semblance of board connection, bet better bluffs/value OTT, best bluffs & value OTR.
occasionally reraise amazing bluffs (nut blockers)/ check back good hands. Big sizing for draw heavy boards, small sizing dry boards
HU in a nut shell

Last edited by LordPallidan12; 03-10-2022 at 02:47 PM.
Why am I losing so much from the button? Quote
