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What is BB/hour? What is BB/hour?

11-18-2009 , 04:59 PM
The following is a conversation I had with someone about profit, I don't understand how BB/hour applies to SNG profit.

77: yea i watched his video, he play good
77: I highly doubt he wouldnt get in the money at least 80% of the time
me: his ROI is 3%
77: how much BB/hour he makes
77: thats the real true way to know
me: What's BB?
77: big blind
me: he plays SNGs
77: yea u still get BB in sng
me: dont know how BB/hour is supposed to show how much $ he makes
77: well
77: let's says
77: he played 80k hands
77: and he makes 5bb/hour (average low winning player)
77: but I proly think he makes like 20bb/hour
77: It's about variance and ev
77: bb/hour include losses
77: because u need to know if its about your ev or your variance
What is BB/hour? Quote
11-18-2009 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by enigma003
The following is a conversation I had with someone about profit, I don't understand how BB/hour applies to SNG profit.
BB/100 and BB/hour are usually applied to cash games.. not SNGs.

BB/100 is how many big blinds you win every 100 hands, like if you were playing NL10, and you won .50 cents in 100 hands, thats 5BB/100.

***EDIT*** Furthermore... For him to mention "Your variance", shows that he knows little about the concept.

Variance is essentially a way of chalking up bad beats. When you lose hands you should win statistically, thats variance. You really can't control variance that much, so for him to speak of variance as if it were something you control is bogus.
What is BB/hour? Quote
