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Syntax for monkersolver etc.. Syntax for monkersolver etc..

01-15-2023 , 03:39 AM
Hi! Please move if wrong forum

Does anyone have the syntax from this site, or something similar? And willing to share with me? The site have been down for so long now. Thanks
Syntax for monkersolver etc.. Quote
03-09-2023 , 05:41 AM
Hope it helps

, Or
: And
! Not
> Better than
< Worse than
* Any hand
c Club
h Heart
s Spade
d Diamond
xxyy Double suited
xxyw Single suited
xxxy Triple suited
xxxx Monotone
xywz Rainbow
RROO Double paired
RR!RROO One pair
!RR No Pair
(A,K,Q) Any hand with an Ace or King or Queen in it
(AA-TT) Any hand with a pair of Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks or Tens

$B Big card A-J
$M Middle card T-7
$Z Small card 6-2
$L Low card A-8
$N No low card K-9
$F Face card K-J
$R Broadway card A-T
$W Wheel card A-5
$ds Double suited :xxyy KK$ds – Double suited kings
$ss Single Suited :xxyw AA$ss – Single suited ace (hand has 3 different suits)
$np No pair !RR A$np – Ace without pocket pair
$op One pair :RRON A$op – Ace with exactly one pair (no trips)
$0g A zero-gap rundown AKQJ-5432
$1g A one-gap rundown AKQT-6432
$2g A two-gap rundown AKQ9-7432



Two Pair or better >89
Bare bottom two pair 98!>T8
Bare bottom two pair with the 9 of spade Flush Draw blocker 98!>T8:9s!ss
Blockers to the nut straight (QQ,JJ)!QJ
Syntax for monkersolver etc.. Quote
