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Studying subset flops - Difference between GTO Wizard and Piosolver Studying subset flops - Difference between GTO Wizard and Piosolver

06-03-2023 , 08:19 AM

I am currently trying to study subset flops using the upswing lab (e.g when to bet everything on the flop) and I've come across a problem. In the upswing lab the subset flops are solved using Piosolver and give drastically different results than GTO Wizard (which is what I use). For example, BTN vs BB a Qc7d3s flop GTO Wizard checks back 40% of the time, with Piosolver it's 10% of the time.

How can these solver be so different?
Should I still study the upswing labs subset flops even though I use GTO Wizard as my main solver? Which solver is right, or are they both right?

Would greatly appreciate it If someone can help me with this. Thanks
Studying subset flops - Difference between GTO Wizard and Piosolver Quote
06-03-2023 , 11:46 AM
Different pf ranges make for different post play.
Studying subset flops - Difference between GTO Wizard and Piosolver Quote
06-03-2023 , 11:59 AM
Preflop range differences and postflop bet and raise options will change the outputs significantly. Gtow solutions often use many sizes, and for example if a board has some larger cbets that will lead to a lower cbet freqency than if you run a pio sim that plays small cbets only.
Studying subset flops - Difference between GTO Wizard and Piosolver Quote
06-03-2023 , 12:36 PM
Thanks for your replies. So I guess as I am using upswing ranges I should study the solutions they have from Piosolver. I did look at GTO wizards rfi from BTN and upswings and there doesn't seem to be much difference, maybe a few hands here and there. Hard to believe that could cause a 50% difference in checking strategies. I think GTO wizard raises more from the BB though.

When learning subset flops am I supposed to be memorizing the flops as well as the strategy for each one?
Studying subset flops - Difference between GTO Wizard and Piosolver Quote
06-03-2023 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by poker_learner
When learning subset flops am I supposed to be memorizing the flops as well as the strategy for each one?
Nope. Just in general terms, how often does this type of texture get cb, what size makes sense, how do I construct my betting and checking ranges?
Doesn't mean u have to actually play like that, but just so u have a default strat to fall back on.
Studying subset flops - Difference between GTO Wizard and Piosolver Quote
