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Some Advice Please Some Advice Please

09-18-2007 , 12:31 PM
I think maybe you took what I was saying wrong. I don't mean that you can promise them the money back. They should only give you the money if they are okay with it being lost. A friend let me have $30 + I put in $20 = $50. You do need to be careful not to promise someone their money back. However, if they are a good friend or friends, they may do it even though they know you may lose it. You may offer them a % of winnings if they let you loan the money and if you lost it they need to be willing to accept it as a loss. This would be especially good if several friends were involved, and they gave you an inconsquential amount of money. But it was only a suggestion and it is based a lot on the relationship you have with your friends. MANY pro players have been bankrolled so it is not a bad suggestion. I do understand why you would want to warn against it, but he could just explain to his friend/s that it is possible to lose the money and never get it back.
Some Advice Please Quote
09-18-2007 , 02:44 PM
Are you serious, who the hell are you to say all this?
I don't know, but it looks like you have an attitude problem. You asked people to help you. Maybe you shouldn't be so eager to attack people who took the time to respond thoughtfully, even if you disagree with the answers.

You do realize to put money on a Poker site you need a Debit or Credit card, is this not correct?
No, I don't believe that is correct.

You have absolutely NO idea about my economic situation and you shouldn't pretend you do.
You used a computer to post. That should put you above the subsistence farmer level. Isn't it a safe guess that your time is worth more than $1/hour? Making a real deposit may save you a lot of time. I built a substantial bankroll from a free $5 I received for a royal flush at a play money table, but that was just to say that I did it. It would have saved me a lot of time to deposit $50 or $200.
I'm not going to get in to my personality with some stranger on the internet...the person who I resonded to didn't respond thoughtfully, it was purely condesending. If you look at this thread, anyone who answered my question with civility recieved the same from me. Consequently, anyone who decided to get richetous over the internet recieved the same from me. I think thats fair.

Everyone else, thank you for the info.
Some Advice Please Quote
09-18-2007 , 02:47 PM
This is a newbie player who should not be borrowing money to play.
I think she means that Haji should give the friend the money he wants deposited, and then the friend simply takes that money and deposits it, i.e. the friend is the middle man and not the actual funder.
Some Advice Please Quote
09-18-2007 , 02:49 PM
Oh, and I appreciate the apology Peieus.

And for the person who cited my computer as evidence that I have some money should know thats actually a big reason why I'm in a tough financial situation, [censored] expensive.
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09-18-2007 , 02:56 PM
One thing I would add is be careful which site you're on if you're only looking to put $10 on... mine has a $50 minimum.

If you don't have the cash, running free-rolls might be a lot of work, but it's great experience for the end game after you get past the first 2.5 hours. I read an article earlier about a pro who was trying to go from 0 to 10,000, and he started w/ free-rolls. Win a free-roll, then take your winnings and go play some $1 or $.50 sit-n-goes (if they're your gig) or build up off of sit-n-goes until you can join some cash tables.

What I did on my site was play a free-roll where I won $.47, then used $.25 as a buy-in to a qualifier for a $10k guaranteed (which has a $5 buy-in). Qualified, and finished high enough that I was paid I think about $8. That was then enough to min (w/ $4) a .05/.10 cash game...
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09-18-2007 , 09:55 PM
on FTP last night i managed to build up to 1.5mil play chips, normally i woulda saved them and played in the 500k 40$ freerolls that are on at 2040(8:40pm), instead i moved up to 10k-20k and got sucked out after flopping trip Q's(they got runners for flush, they had updown stright draw off flop too, wasn't too bad). the 500k 40$ freerolls are very easy to build money in since 30-50% get paid. build to 4-10$ and then grind though sng's or microlimits, this is what i do since i dont like risking money online.
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